Archive-name: greek-faq/linguisticsãLast-modified: 1993/03/26ããSoc.Culture.Greek Frequently Asked Questions and Answersã========================================================ã(Linguistics)ã=============ããLast Change: 20 February 1993ããMany FAQs, including this one, are available on the archive siteã (alias [] in the directoryãpub/usenet/news.answers. The name under which a FAQ is archived appearsãin the Archive-name line at the top of the article.ãThis FAQ is archived as greek-faq/linguisticsããThere's a mail server on that machine. You send a e-mail message toã containing the keyword "help" (withoutãquotes!) in the message body.ãããItems Changed:ã--------------ãã--ããLines which got changed, have the `#' character in front of them.ãAdded lines are prepended with a `+'ãRemoved lines are just removed. Use 'diff' to locate these changes.ããI have included my comments within braces '[' and ']'.ããNikolaos Fotisãã========================================================================ããThis text is (C)Copyright 1992, 1993 of Nikolaos C. Fotis. You can copyãfreely this file, provided you keep this copyright notice intact.ããCompiled by Nikolaos (Nick) C. Fotis, e-mail: nfotis@theseas.ntua.grããPlease contact me for updates,corrections, etc.ããDisclaimer: that's only a hasty collection of texts and information as Iã(or other people) remember it, so this file is worth only what you paidãfor it (and even less! ;-) )ãã========================================================================ããSubjects:ã=========ãã1. Difference between Ancient Greek pronunciations and modernã=============================================================ã Greek pronunciations??ã ======================ããI ask the people to send me stuff in order to make this file moreãcomplete. I'm just a kind of editor, and I cannot know everything.ããYOU'll determine if this FAQ is good or not!ãã========================================================================ãã1. Difference between Ancient Greek pronunciations and modernã=============================================================ã Greek pronunciations??ã ======================ãã[ This question spawned a HUGE thread!! I'm quoting from the variousã correspodents who participated in this thread . Basically, there areã two subtopics here:ãã a. How does one express pronounciation of Greek text in English-likeã languages?ã b. How did ancient Greeks pronounce their written works??ãã There's no end to this debate. I'm just quoting the various opinionsã and (mis)information ;-) presented in USENET -- nfotis . I hope no oneã asks again about that subject :-/ ]ããFrom: (Andrew Gollan)ã----ãã (Daniel R. Guilderson) writes:ãã|I have an English translation of Homer's Odyssey. There is aã|pronunciation key in an appendix but the author states that ALL 'c'sã|are pronounced as 'k' and all 'ch's as 'kh'. Well I know that modernã|Greeks pronounce Chios as hee'os. So how would you pronounce Circe^ã|(circumflex over the e) and Cynthera? I can't imagine pronouncingã|Circe^ as kir'kee, although anything is possible I suppose.ãã|Maybe someone from s.c.g can comment on some of the differencesã|between Ancient Greek pronunciations and modern Greek pronunciations?ããYou are pushing shit uphill trying to reconstruct the Classical Greekãpronunciation from the "English" equivalents. All but a very few Englishãworks adopt the Latinized spellings of the Greek names, which were themselvesãat best an approximation. We then apply modern English pronunciation toãthe Latin spellings resulting in completely warped pronunciation.ãã Latinized Greek letter Soundã --------- ------------ -----ã a (short) alpha u as in 'cup'ã a (long) alpha a as in 'father'ã b beta b as in 'bed'ã c kappa as french hard c: 'comment'ã d delta d as in 'dog'ã e (short) epsilon e as in 'pet'ã e (long) eta as all of 'air'ã f - -ã g gamma g as in 'god'ã h (initial) rough breathing h as in 'hot'ã i iota i as in 'pit'ã j - -ã k kappa as french hard c: 'comment'ã l la(m)bda l as in 'lid'ã m mu m as in 'mud'ã n nu n as in 'net'ã o (short) omicron o as in 'pot'ã o (long) omega aw as in 'awful'ã p pi as french p: 'Paris'ã q - -ã r rho rolled r as in french: 'rue'ã s sigma s as in 'sad' (mostly)ã t tau as french t: 'tu'ã u omicron+upsilon oo as in 'tool'ã v - -ã w - -ã x xi x as in 'fax' (even first in a word)ã y (short) upsilon as french u: 'tu'ã y (long) upsilon as french u: 'sur'ã z zeta zdãã ch khi c as in 'cot' (emphatically)ã ph phi p as in 'pot' (emphatically)ã th theta t as in 'top' (emphatically)ãã ae alpha+iota as all of 'eye'ã au alpha+upsilon as ow in 'cow'ã ei epsilon+iota a as in 'take'ã eu epsilon+upsilon as all of 'yew' (sort of)ã oi omicron+iota oy as in 'boy'ããThe latinization is not quite regular in its treatment of upsilon. Wordsãwhich start with upsilon in Greek always have a rough breathing (i.e. anãinitial 'h') but this is not always transcribed into latin. Also someãupsilons are transcribed as 'u' not 'y', which adds to the confusion.ãNote the major differences between the long and short versions of the vowels,ãthis, combined with the total absense of any marking for the length, givesãyou a lot of leeway for mispronouncing these names. Without looking themãup in the Greek you just can't know the length.ããThe Greek accent of the time was a melodic rather than the modern stressãaccent. There were three marks an acute ('), a grave (`) and a circumflex (~)ãwhich indicated the type of pitch change to apply to a word. Almost allãwords have exactly one stress mark somewhere in the last three syllables.ãThis is not recorded in the Latinization.ãããFrom: ("Christina C. Christara")ã----ããIt seems correct that the c's are pronounced as k's.ãIn ancient Greek,ãan i is pronounced as i in kit (i.e. short ee)ãAn eta is pronounces as ee (i.e. long)ãAn y is also pronounced same as i (but thinner).ãTherefore Circe^ should be Kirkeeãand Cynthera Kintheera.ãHere the `th' combination is pronounced as the first 2 letters in `think'.ããIn modern Greek, i, eta, and y are all pronounced almost the same.ãThere is no short, long, thin e.ãAs for the 'ch's I don't think that there is a respective soundãin English. The closest is a strong 'h'. 'kh' is not that far either.ãAlso, as far as I know, ancient Greeks pronounced the first soundãof some words deeper than modern Greeks.ãThese words, when they lost the deep sound in the beginningã(this could have happened at the end of the Hellenistic period),ãwere written with a so-called `spirit' (daseia in Greek)ãto remind the deep sound. Such words are found in Englishãstarting with `h'. Examples `hyper' (yper), hippopotamusã(ippopotamos), hero (eros, pronounced eeros, this does not mean love)ãhorizon (orizwn, the w is omega), rhetor (retwr) etc.ãAnother difference between ancient and modern Greek pronounciationãis the diphthong case. Modern Greeks pronounce `ai' as `e' (epsilon),ã`ou' as `u' (as in put), `ei' as `ee', `eu' as `ef' or `ev',ã`au' as `af' or `av', while ancient Greeks pronounced the twoãsounds with their original sound, i.e. each phthong separetely,ãwithout creating new phtongs.ãããFrom: (Kostis Dryllerakis)ã----ãã There is a wide debate about the pronunciation of ancient greek.ãIt is obvious that we have no sound record of the era and we can onlyãreconstruct sounds from their evolution to modern greek (actually thereãare studies about the "special" words that imitate sounds like pain,ãand animal sounds but I haven't heard of definite conclusions).ãã The controvercy on the pronunciation of ancient greek started whenãEuropean classic scholars requested a code to be adopted as theã"standard one" among them. Erasmus is principally responsible for theãpronunciation given to ancient greek from scholars even now. Hisãproposal was based to the closeness of the ancient greek to the latin-basedãlanguages and was many times arbitrary. Later in his life he is said toãhave renounced his own pronunciation scheme.ãã So the controversy will remain live. For us greeks, we would likeãto believe that our language is not only close to ancient greek to itsãsymbols but also to its sounds. I beleive that I speak for all of the fellowãscientists when I say that we are at least amused by the pronunciation of theãgreek alphabet as used in mathematics related sciences.ããTake care when you refer to "correct pronunciation" to mention a particularãera in history since you do not expect people at Homer's time to haveãpronounced things the same way as in classical or Hellenistic times. In caseãyou believe this is possible it might be wise to also check the modern greekãpronunciation.ããFrom: (Edward Wiener)ã----ããThe languages of Western Europe absorbed many Greek wordsãand place names through Latin translations. Remember thatãin Latin, Cicero is pronounced "Kikero," Caesar as "Kaisar,"ãand so forth. When these Latinised names were transmutedãinto English, French, and the other languages of WesternãEurope, the spelling for the most part remained the same,ãbut the difference in pronounciation was not taken intoãaccount. Circe, if I am not mistaken, is indeed pronouncedã"kir'kee" in Greek. Interestingly, Russian and other Slavicãlanguages preserved the ancient pronounciation of Greekãnames better than Western Europe. Cyprus, in Russian,ãis Kipr, Plato is "Platon," Thucydides is "Fukidid," etc.ããFrom: (mike.siemon)ã----ãã> There is a wide debate about the pronunciation of ancient greek.ã>It is obvious that we have no sound record of the era and we can onlyã>reconstruct sounds from their evolution to modern greek (actually thereããThat is part, but only part, of the data. There are, additionally, theãtranscriptions of Greek words into other languages (Latin, Persian,ãCoptic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and on into the later movements of peoples ofãvarious languages), all variously well known -- plus of course borrowingãin the other direction INTO Greek, at various times. There are also theãcomments on pronunciation BY ancient Greek grammarians (not as good atãthis as the Sanskrit school leading to Panini, but still quite valuable).ããAll of this can be used to cross-check and validate/falsify hypothesesãabout ancient Greek pronunciations, and the hypotheses themselves andãthe standards for reasoning about them derive from a very considerableãmodern development of phonology and theoretical linguistics.ããNone of this makes the results "certain" -- but a lot more is securelyãknown than in the first fumbling days of the rediscovery of Greek byãthe Western Europeans. It is also a somewhat distinct issue from thatãof a TEACHING pronunciation of Greek -- there are enough unresolvedã(and probably unresolvable) problems like just how to produce the pitchãaccents (simply importing Asian models begs the question) that teachersãgenerally follow and establish local practive even knowing that it isãnot a good "reproduction" of the ancient sound.ããFrom: (Michael Polymenakos)ã----ãã>Maybe someone from s.c.g can comment on some of the differencesã>between Ancient Greek pronunciations and modern Greek pronunciations?ãããThe big differences:ãã The differences between H, I, Y, EI, OI and YI (did I forget one?)ãhave become extinct. Actually, the popular Greek singer Savvopoulos andãsome computer-armed speech scientists came forward a few years ago,ãproving that a difference still exists, although it is nowhere asãpronounced as it used to be.ãã Ditto for O and W (omega), ditto for E and AI.ããThe 'h' sound before some words (represented by ` on the first letter)ãhas dissapeared. Example Hellas -> Ellas. Ditto for the differences inãpronounciation marked by psili vs daseia vs perispomeni. For thatãreason, (and to ease the transition to automation), all theseãpunctuation points were merged to one, a few years ago.ãã But what do I know? I am a programmer, not a linguist. J.T.Pring writesãin his preface of the Oxford Dictionary of Modern Greek:ãã<>ãã[things in brackets are Michael's comments]ããFrom: (Lambros Skartsis)ã----ãã[ About the Erasmian model of pronounciation ]ãã> ("Christina C. Christara"):ã>ã>> (Lambros Skartsis)ã>>ã>>I think that it was Erasmus who first claimed the above, as well as thatã>>the today's "soft" greek consonents (ghamma, dhelta, etc.) were pronouncedã>>as "hard" by the ancients (i.e., "g", "d", etc.) - and so the termã>>Erasmian pronounciation. I believe that this theory is very highlyã>>disputed today.ã>ã>I received another message about this, and I think you are right.ã>Indeed, I have heard that there is a dispute about the pronounciationã>proposed by Erasmus, and that many of his interpretations of theã>Greek sounds/letters/language are questioned.ã>When I was in high-school I was taught the Erasmian interpretationã>and nothing else. I heard about the dispute later.ããActually, even this dispute became an emotional matter for the greeks.ãIf you really think about it, not only the language but the way it isãpronounced is a matter related to the national characteristics of a nation.ãImagine ancient greek pronounced the Erasmian way: with all these hardãconsonents and the abundance of two-vowel sets (i.e., vowel followed byãvowel). The latter is something that we know very well that wasãconsidered as quite bad-sounding to a anc.greek's ear ("hasmodia").ãActually the whole effect would be an almost .... dutch sounding - andãhence the accusation by many greeks that all these Erasmian theoriesãso often adopted by germanic scholars were a part of the well-knownãtrend of association of ancient greek culture/arian theories/modern germanicãpeoples. The greeks of course go to the other extreme and often preach thatãhardly any basic change occured in accent.ãFor the dipthong pronounciation argument (i.e., e.g. "oi"="i" or "o-i") I hadãseen some time ago the following evidence against the Erasmian pronounciationã[the validity of the theory behind which , as I said earlier, I believe notãto be that popular any more(?)]: an Athenianãspeaker is said to have confused his audience by the use of the wordã"loimos" vs. "limos" (both, in modern greek would be pronounced as "leemos",ãwhile they mean [in both anc. and modern greek] a desease and hunger,ãrespectively). For a confusion to have occured, it is argued, both wordsãshould have been pronounced the same in ancient greek, as well.ããFrom: (Roger Squires)ã----ãã[Mr. Fouliras notes thatã1) noone really knows what the *real* pronunciation was like,ã2) that accent marks were added later to help with the learning task,ã3) that there were various dialects of ancient Greek.]ããAs my final contribution to this thread, I will note that the authorãof the above tape set spends many minutes at the beginningãof the tapes making all of these points, and more, discussingãwhy we should bother learning how to pronounce ancient Greekã(not only for intellectual honesty, but for a complete aestheticãexperience); how we know the way the language was pronouncedã(a specific greek Grammerian was mentioned, talking aboutãthe circumflex ("bending the pitch"), the grave and acute accents,ãas well as a specific example of how the borrowing of a Greekãword into Latin (pilosopia) gives a clue to the pronunciationãof 'p,'); and finally, that there were various dialects -- theãAeolic, the Attic, the Ionic -- and that the only one of theseãthat we have much evidence for is the Attic of classical Athens,ãthat though we have few clues how Homeric Greek might have beenãspoken, since the received texts of Homer are from the later periodãanyway, this is what is will be covered.ããThe narrator fully acknowledges that although his reconstructionãis necessarily hypothetical, nevertheless it is based on solidãscholarship, and he references the _Vox Graeca_ that others inãthis thread have mentioned, and another work I can't recall now,ãalso discussing why his reconstruction is superior to that of Erasmus.ããIncluded in the tape are examples of the opening lines ofãthe Iliad, as spoken by a modern Greek, by a person speakingãthe Erasmeian reconstruction, and his reconstruction, includingãall of the pitch and metrical accents. The tapes, afterãcovering the pronunciation of individual letters, progressesãto that of the various accent marks, and then to how toãmaster the poetical meter of e.g. Homer, using a five stepãlearning process. The last examples given are passagesãfrom major authors like Aeschylus, Euripides, Plato, andãlastly, that of the only complete extant poem of Sappho,ãwith a soooo exquisite dovely cooing quality to it that myãspine tingles now thinking of it.ããFrom: (M. Wiltink.a73A.telnr-015-138378)ã----ããIt seems to me that most, if not all of the people here start withãEnglish renderings of Latinised versions of Greek names and thenãwonder where things went wrong.ããThe Greeks had no such letter as the c. They had sigma, which posesãno problems and becomes s, and kappa, k. This is where most of theãtrouble starts. Most Greek words passed on to recent times came viaãLatin. Latin, however, had no (well, almost no) k and used c, pronouncedã...k. Then modern languages started pronouncing c as either s or k,ãdepending on what letter followed it. Believe it or not, ALL c's inãwords derived from Greek should be pronounced k. The same, by the way,ãgoes for c's in Latin words, though this should not be taken to meanãthat I want everybody to pronounce 'circus' 'kirkus'. There are wordsãthat have become sufficiently English to pronounce them by the rulesãfor English, which say that ce, ci are pronounced se, si. But in mostãGreek names, I myself do prefer to write and pronounce k - Alkibiades,ãto name one example.ãã[ ("Christina C. Christara") comments on the lastã paragraph:ããI agree, with a minor comment.ãI think the (ancient) Greeks had 2 alphabets, which were very similarãto each other. One was called western or Chalkidean (by people fromãChalkis) and the other eastern or Ionian (by people from Asia Minor,ãcentered in Miletos).ãI think (but I am not sure) that the western had a 'c'.ãBut Athens at some point around 400 BC decided to adopt the eastern-ãIonian alphabet and drove all Greeks in that way. The western-Chalkideanãalphabet was used as basis for the Latin alphabet (indirectlyãthrough the Etruscan one?). Todays Greek alphabet is the eastern-Ionianãone, with the lower case letters developed later.ããEnd of parenthesis -- nfotis ]ããThe same goes for ai, which became ae in Latin and is generally, thoughãnot universally, pronounced ay as in 'hay'. Personally and subjectively,ãI prefer the sound found in 'high'. The upsilon, u, is a bit different.ãIt was transcribed y in Latin but in German and in Scandinivian languagesãy is still pronounced u. This is sometimes a major source of irritation forãme, as most ski-jumping commentators pronounced 'Nyk\"anen' 'Nikaanen'ãinstead of 'Nukaynen' during the time he was all over Sportnet.ããFrom: (R. Wallace)ã----ãã[ Regarding the last post... ]ãThis is almost, but not quite, right.ããThere were in fact many Greek alphabets. I suspect every city had itsãown variant. and even within cities there is not total consistency. Theyãdo, however, fall into families, and the division between east and westãis significant.ããThe origin of the letter c is rather odd. The Romans got their alphabetãfrom the Etruscans, who got it from the Greeks. There is a dispute as toãwhether the alphabet the Etruscans adopted was a west or east Greekãalphabet. Common sense would suggest that they got it from the nearestãGreeks to them, those in Cumae, who used a variant of the west Greekãalphabet. On the other hand, the occasional use of the east Greek letterãsamech is evidence against this view. It was not, however, the Athenianãalphabet; it contained, for example, the letter Koppa, which became theãancestor of our Q. Etruscan did not distinguish between voiced andãunvoiced gutturals (K and G), and so used both of those letters for theãsame sound. The Romans, however, did (like us) make the distinction, butãinstead of doing the rational thing and reinstating the original uses ofãthe Greek letters, they marked the gamma to signify when it wasãunvoiced. So: C is originally a gamma (write a capital gamma leaning aãbit and you will see how it happened); G is a gamma with a marker toãshow that it really is a gamma. And that is why the Roam alphabetãacquired 3 letters for the same sound: K,C and Q.ããJust to make life complicated, in some forms of Greek writing the sigmaãis written a bit like our c. This has been adopted by some modernãscholars (we call it the lunate sigma) especially by epigraphists who doãnot want to beg questions about where words end.ãã[ In another post, regarding Greek alphabets ]ããLambros Skartsis ( wrote:ã:ã: (R. Wallace) writes:ã:ã: >... The Romans got their alphabetã: >from the Etruscans, who got it from the Greeks. There is a dispute as toã: >whether the alphabet the Etruscans adopted was a west or east Greekã: >alphabet. Common sense would suggest that they got it from the nearestã: >Greeks to them, those in Cumae, who used a variant of the west Greekã: >alphabet.ã:ã: Richard, wasn't Cumae a colony of the greek city called Cyme, in Euboea?ã: (the colony retained the name Cyme, Cumae being the latin version).ã: That is the only theory I am aware of (I can't pretend to have muchã: knowledge on theã: topic!), i.e., that Etruscans took their alphabet from Cyme. But didã: the mother-city (metropolis) in Euboea use the west form of the alphabet?ããThere is a tradition the Cumae was founded from the Greek city Cyme inãAeolis in Asia Minor (just a bit north of Smyrna). Strabo says it was aãjoint foundation of Chalcis and Cyme in Euboea, which explains its nameã(he says that they did a deal that the city should be called after Cyme,ãbut be a colony of Chalcis) , but he also records traditions that it wasãa colony of Chalcis alone, and gives another explanation for the name. Iãwould guess that this means that the Cyme stories are just attempts atãetymology (but who knows?).ããAnyway, none of this is relevant, because they did use a version of theãChalcidian alphabet in Cumae. I think the Chalcidian alphabet isãclassified as a Western alphabet, isn't it?ãã[ He checked, in David Diringers 'The Alphabet' (3rd edition I think), andã he seems right ]ãããFrom: (Roger Squires)ã----ããThe Pronunciation and Reading of Ancient Greek: A Practical GuideãStephen G. DaitzãISBN 0-88432-125-8ããAudio Forum, a div. of Jeffrey-Norton PublishersãOn-The-Green, Guillford, CT 06437ããNew York sales office:ã145 E. 49th, NY,NY 10017ããLondon salesã31 Kensington Church St.ãLondon W8 4LL, U.K.ããOther tapes in The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Lit.:ãã_The Birds_ãCicero, selectionsã_Hekabe_ãGreek PoetryãThe P. & R. of Ancient LatinããFrom: (Dimitrios FILIPPOU)ã----ããFrom "Vox Graeca: A Guide to Pronunciation of Classical Greek", by W.ãSidney Allen, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,ãGreat Britain 1987, pp. 177--179.ããã SUMMARY OFã RECOMMENDED PRONUNCIATIONSãã(`English' refers to the standard or `received' pronunciations ofãSouthern British English. Asterisks indicate less accurateãapproximations.)ããalpha (short) As first `a' in Italian `amare'ã *As vowel of English `cup'ã (N.B. not as vowel of `cap')ããalpha (long) As second `a' in Italian `amare'ã *As `a' in English `father'ããalpha with iota As `alpha (long)'ã subscriptããalpha-iota As in English `high'ããalpha-upsilon As in English `how'ããalpha (long)- As `alpha-upsilon'ã upsilonããbeta As English `b'ããgamma (1) As English "hard" `g'ã (2) Before kappa, chi, gamma, mu:ã as `n' in English `ink' or `ng' in `song'ããdelta As French `d'ã *As English `d'ããepsilon As in English `pet'ããepsilon-iota As in German `Beet'ããepsilon-upsilon Pronounce as two vowels: `epsilon' `upsilon'ããzeta [zd] as in English `wisdom'ããeta As in French `t^ete'ããeta with iota As `eta'ã subscriptããeta-upsilon As `epsilon-upsilon'ããtheta As `t' in English `top' (emphatically pronounced)ã *As `th' in English `thin'ããiota (short) As in French `vite'ã *As in English `bit'ããiota (long) As in French `vive'ã *As in English `bead'ããkappa As French "hard" `c', or English (non-initial)ã `k', `ck', or "hard" `c'ããlambda As French `l', or English `l' before vowelsã *As English `l' in other contextsããmu As English `m'ããnu As `n' in French or *English `net'ããxi As `x' in English `box'ããomicron As in German `Gott'ã *As in English `pot'ããomicron-iota As in English `boy', `coin'ããomicron-upsilon As in English `pool' or French `rouge'ããpi As French `p', or English (non-initial) `p'ããrho As Scottish "rolled" `r'ããsigma (1) As `s' in English `sing', or `ss' in `less',ã `lesson'ã (2) Before `beta', `gamma', `delta', `mu': asã English `z' (N.B. but not elsewhere)ããsigma-sigma As `sigma' `sigma'ããtau As French `t'ã *As English (non-initial) `t'ããupsilon (short) As in French `lune'ããupsilon (long) As in French `ruse'ããupsilon-iota [no pronunciation rule given]ããphi As `p' in English `pot' (emphatically pronounced)ã *As `f' in English `foot'ããchi As `c' in English `cat' (emphatically pronounced)ã *As `ch' in Scottish `loch'ããpsi As `ps' in English `lapse'ããomega As in English `saw'ããomega with iota As `omega'ã subscriptãã[The author of this monography discusses also how to pronounce theãaccented vowels and the double consonants. In conclusion, he saysãthat the accents should not be pronounced in a `melodic' way -- which,ãhe states, was the way Ancient Greek was spoken --, but rather inãa `stress-based' way like Byzantine and Modern Greek, because theãAncient Greek melodic pronounciation of accents is not known. Heãalso states that the iota-subscript should not have any effect on theãpronounciation of the vowel it accompanies. Finally, he says thatãdouble consonants should be pronounced the same as single ones, onlyãa bit longer.]ãããFrom: (Michael Polymenakos)ã----ãã>By the way, Greek netters seem to have some ideological reasonã>to believe that their native language is very similar toã>classical Greek. In practise I've had a lot of troubles whenãã I think that there is some confusion here between 'language' andãpronounciation. The language is extremely similar, especially if oneãcompares late hellenistic period Greek (circa 1 a.d.) with modernãGreek. It is much easier for me as a modern Greek to read the NewãTestament (1950 years old), that it is for an english-speaking person toãread Chaucher (a modern piece of work, by comparison).ãã The pronounciation changed a lot. But, again, changes since the lateãhellenistic period are minor compared to the changes to English sinceãhalf that long ago. In general, it is agreed that Greek pronounciationãhas changed very little since 1000ad.ãã In fact, as recently as a few decades ago, a number of regionalãdialects used syntactical and phonological features of correspondingãancient Greek dialects (in mountainous northern Laconia, for example,ãwhere the ancient Doric dialect survived practically intact).ãUnfortunately, after WWII, control of education was taken away from theãlocal village/parish level, and all Greeks now sound like they are fromãAthens. Only recently did Greeks realise what a terrible waste ofãvaluable cultural resources that was.ãã[ When challenged "why these valuable resources, in light of the need toã rebuild the country from zero?", in my words, he replied:ãã1. There was no effort to study and record these languages. Whereãsome research was made (with the Tsakones, for example), dialects wereãfound that were completely identical to the corresponding ancient Greekãdialects for those regions. Having records of these dialects wouldãprovide us with valuable information about ancient and byzantine Greek.ãã2. Ditto for all the regional literature of these areas. Along withãthese dialects, we also tossed away volumes of oral tradition. Again,ãwhere ever research was made, the knowledge gained was tremendous. Byãthe time the Greek state woke up to what had happened, and startedãfunding research projects, many papoudes and giagiades had died, andãwith them many stories that the younger generation did not learn becauseãanything said in a village dialect was considered 'unimportant' andã'uncultured'. The end result was the same as if though thousands ofãbooks had been burned.ãã In all fairness, it is hard to blame anyone for what happened. WithãGreece badly underdeveloped in the 1920s, the big restructuring ofãeducation, which became totally centralised after WWII, was nescessary.ãBack then development was the only priority, and the funds for researchãwere not available.ã]ããã>pronouncing Greek names in the classical way, which is usualã>for Finns (even tourists without any classical education).ã>I was unable to find my way to Herakleion before I learnedã>to call it "Iraklio".ãã But what is the 'Classical Way'? This subject started with a questionãon the pronunciation of 'Circee'. All english educated people know thatãthis is pronounced 'Sir-see'. Yet, everyone who expressed an opinion onãthis group so far has agreed that the right pronounciation is 'Kir-kee'.ãAs for "Herakleion', most americans would pronounce it 'He-ra-KLEI-on',ãbecause the anglisezed word does not carry the accent mark, which makesãthe classical prounanciation 'He-RA-klei-on'.ããAccording to J.T. Pring's comments which I posted a few days ago:ããBoth the Eta (H) and the Epsilon-iota (EI) had become I by earlyãbyzantine times --> hi-RA-kli-onããThe initial h dissapeared by the fourth century AD --> i-RA-kli-onããThe final 'n' began dropping out of use in local dialects sinseãByzantine times, and is now becoming rare, but many people still use it,ãin fact pre-1980 road signs and maps usually read "HRAKLEION".ããSo, one's classical pronounciation of 'Herakleion' would have been asãmuch understood in 1992ad as it would have been understood in 400ad. Notãbad, I think.ãã========================================================================ããEnd of Linguistics Part of the FAQã-- ãNick (Nikolaos) Fotis National Technical Univ. of Athens, GreeceãHOME: 16 Esperidon St., InterNet : nfotis@theseas.ntua.grã Halandri, GR - 152 32 UUCP: mcsun!ariadne!theseas!nfotisã Athens, GREECE FAX: (+30 1) 77 84 578ã