* COMMON QUESTIONS * Q: Is the Connect 900 Service available currently? A: Yes, C900 is taking calls and is an enormous success! Q: How much does C900 cost? A: The cost is as follows: Installation Fee $149.95 BBS Software $99.95 There is a 30% charge for each call to the 900 number, i.e., $3.00 for each call to cover the AT&T fees and a service charge to the Connect 900 Service. Q: How much is the caller to the 900 number charged? A: The Caller is charged a flat fee of $10.00 Q: How does the C900 Service work? A: The Sysop will receive a unique System ID of up to 4 digits. They will install an external program (DOOR) on their BBS which can be configured to give the caller whatever they want on the system once a code is redeemed. The caller simply calls the 900 number and enters the System ID when asked. The caller would call voice and use a touch-tone phone. The caller is given a unique Redemption Code that works only on the BBS for which they entered the System ID. The caller then calls he BBS back and enters the DOOR. The DOOR asks for the Redemption Code and pgrades the caller instantly. There is no need for Sysop intervention unless the caller makes mistake. The detail for handling caller mistakes are given in the C900 package and are very simple and effective. Q: How often do the Sysops get paid? A: Sysops are paid by the 15th of each month following a full month of service. Q: How are the Sysops paid? A: Sysops are paid via a check written to the Sysop of the BBS. Q: How long does it take to use the C900 once I am connected to the Service? A: You can start receiving calls as soon as we contact you. It usually takes 1 business ay after receiving your payment and Service Contract. Q: Does it take long to install? A: Absolutely not. The C900 software is designed to virtually install itself. All you need to know is how many serial ports you have on your computer. Q: Does the C900 Software require any additional maintenance? A: That depends on successful you want to be. Most successful BBS Sysops will tell you that it takes alot of work to run a successful, money making BBS. The C900 software allows you to track exactly how much money you are making and how much your customers are spending on particular security levels. If it was my BBS I would want to know exactly what my customers are most interested in and react accordingly. The C900 software and the C900 Service gives you detailed reports that allow you to do just that. Q: What do I need to get started? A: All only need to send us a signed Service Contract along with payment for the installation fee and software. Q: What is a Service Contract? A: A Service Contract is an agreement between you and the Connect 900 Service stipulating the rules of use of the service. It protects both you and the service by stating terms of use of a 900 number such as advertising do's and don'ts and termination as well as changes in service. It is required that the Sysop and a representative of the Connect 900 Service sign and date the Contract before service is available. Q: How long is the Service good for (how long will I have it) A: The Connect 900 Service Contract is good for 1 year at which time you may renew your contract. Q: Is there a monthly minimum dollar amount that I have to make each month? A: No. Q: Can I see the Connect 900 Service in action? A: Yes, just call our Support BBS at 616-343-1322 if you have a 2400 baud modem. If you have a 9600 or higher speed modem call 616-343-1346. You can select '9' from the main menu to enter he Connect 900 Redemption Center and see how it works. You may also call the 900 umber to verify that it is available. The 900 number will charge you $10.00 if you stay on or more than 15 seconds so be careful. Q: Are there any other dollar amounts that I can get for my BBS? A: Coming in mid-March we will be adding another 900 number which will charge 25.00 instead of $10.00 and you will have the option of either adding or changing to that billing system. The ost of adding the system will be $199.00 and the cost of changing will be $149.00. Why does it cost extra to add another number? The extra cost is to cover the advanced version of the software which will be able to handle multiple dollar amount codes. You may want to set your system up to have $10.00 Memberships and $25.00 Memberships with each one giving the caller something different. It requires dditional software.