188 files found in Library "Info & Text"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
0393AFC.ZIP No 21857 03-11-93
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About
Computer Folklore. A Collection of Fact And
Legend About The Early Days of Computing.
Includes Fascinating Accounts of The History
of Early Computing Devices, The Genesis of
The Cpl/Bcpl/b/c Languages, And The Software
Bug That Resulted in The Unnecessary
Destruction of The Mariner I Probe Files: 4
1776PAID.ZIP Yes 1932 03-09-93
Information about the 56 Signers of the
Declaration of Independence.
1993PRVW.ZIP Yes 39790 04-04-93
Complete preview of the 1993 baseball season
** Rookies ** Expansion
** Managers ** Changes
Check it out to get you ready for opening
96LISTE3.ZIP Yes 75264 05-01-93 List of over 3,000 BBS's at 9600+ (5/1/93)
A4BADINS.ZIP Yes 4470 01-20-93
Text: Trouble Shooting Alpha Four
ABBSA93A.ZIP Yes 8935 01-23-93
ABBSA is free and devoted to BBS advocacy.
ACCTXT2.ZIP Yes 88518 02-14-93
2nd Of 2 Zip Files. Source : Miscrosoft Bbs
18 Text Files. Includes : Using Access With
Only 4meg Memory, Access Error Codes And
Short Description, 5-6 Files On Btrieve.
ACC_GAG1.ZIP Yes 1074 03-21-93
How to see the secret gag file & credits in
MS Access 1.0. From WinPoint BBS.
ACTS9304.ZIP Yes 205851 04-08-93
"ACTRESS.TXT" database/text file from USENET,
now with 1124 actresses and the movies/
TV productions they have appeared in.
ACY01011.ZIP Yes 19987 03-27-93 All you want to know about cyberpunks.
ACY01012.ZIP Yes 17171 03-27-93 Cont..`.
AIFAQ393.ZIP Yes 53945 03-15-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
artificial intelligence, 3/93 version
APRJOB01.ZIP Yes 57604 04-01-93
Federal Job Opportunity Listings from OPM
Philadelphia Region. Includes Boston,Syracuse
and NEWOPENS jobs pulicized nationwide.
AS400THD.ZIP Yes 15463 04-29-93
As400 Asynchronous Communications - catalog
of bibliography - books in print on subject
ASPBBS.ZIP Yes 2906 04-11-93
April 1993 list of ASP - Association of
Shareware Professionals - approved BBSes
AST_93.ZIP Yes 182313 02-02-93 AST Resaerch Tech Bulletins. (.TB).
ATHEIST3.ZIP Yes 12337 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
atheism, 3/93 version
AUDIO393.ZIP Yes 66836 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked
questions) about audio: high end, care and
feeding, etc.
BATTLER1.ZIP Yes 25412 03-20-93
BATTLE ROUND 1 Compairson of various compress
utilities... Now includes HAP and ARJ v2.39D
BBBL0593.ZIP Yes 37267 05-02-93
Over 200 Verfied Numbers
BBSTAX.ZIP Yes 2354 06-07-93
Text article as it appeared in the
6/5/93 issue of the Middlesex News
regarding proposed taxation of BBS
services by Mass. Department of
BBS_0493.ZIP Yes 5890 04-08-93 Charlottesville, VA, Bulletin Boards, 4/93
BLUANG93.ZIP Yes 985 03-19-93 Blue angels 1993 airshow schedule as of 3-19.
BOOKFAQ6.ZIP Yes 11661 03-28-93
Bookstores In Various European Cities List
BOOKFAQ7.ZIP Yes 11983 03-28-93 Holmes Booklist (Rec.Arts.Books)
BULBS.ZIP Yes 2872 03-08-93 Your Care and Planting of Garden Bulbs. Text
CAN92_93.ZIP Yes 164555 04-06-93
700 games of chess played in Canada fr om
1992 - 1993.
CBBS0493.ZIP Yes 23049 04-03-93 The Chicago bbslist April 1993 Release
CBBS0593.ZIP Yes 23279 05-02-93
The CBBSList - May 1993 Release As featured
in BoardWatch Magazine's March 1993 feature
on Chicago BBS's (Over 800 systems in this
CGFFACQ.ZIP Yes 20244 03-30-93
Computer Graphics Frequent Flier Answers to
Common Questions - attempts to be the answers
to frequent computer graphics questions
CHK_TEQ.ZIP Yes 9687 06-18-93
To Know Which Version Of Tequilla Infects
Your Hard Drive.
CLARFAQ1.ZIP Yes 2403 03-28-93 Introduction To The Clarinet Electronic
CLARFAQ2.ZIP Yes 2658 03-28-93 Basics Of Reading Clarinet News (Jul/92)
CLARFAQ3.ZIP Yes 7828 03-28-93 How Clarinet Works (Jul/92)
CLARFAQ4.ZIP Yes 5215 03-28-93 Description Of "Standing Stories" In Clarinet
CLARFAQ5.ZIP Yes 4795 03-28-93 Decoding Clarinet Special Article Headers
CLD9ELM.ZIP Yes 14554 06-07-93
Monthly Internet Posting Of The Elm
Development Group� June 93
CLD9MENS.ZIP Yes 13423 06-08-93 Faq On Mensa From The Internet�
CLD9VEG.ZIP Yes 16861 06-07-93
Faq On Vegetables (Food) From The Internet�
Last revision date in archive: 06-07-1993�
COMFAQ.ZIP Yes 18035 03-31-93
Frequently Asked Questions for the Commodore
Business Machines Conference on UseNet. Tips
and tricks for Commodore computers, and
sources for more information.
COMP9304.ZIP Yes 197352 05-01-93 comp.compilers Apr 93 with cumulative index
COPRO15.ZIP Yes 79736 02-09-93 Extensive text on PC math coprocessing.
COPY_LAW.ZIP Yes 10623 04-01-93
Nice file from internet on how/if to
copyright something -- focusing on software.
Written by an intellectual property lawyer.
CSABBS53.ZIP Yes 26076 02-03-93 Stillwaters latest bbs list for chicago.
DCBB0493.ZIP Yes 127320 04-01-93 DCBBS Washington, DC area BBS list 4/93.
DJCLRFL.ZIP Yes 7700 03-16-93
Refill Your Color Deskjet 500c or 550c
Cartridges. Easy to do With Ink And Hypo
DOCSPEAK.ZIP Yes 1765 06-04-93
A Humorous Text File Of What A Doctor Is
Saying And What He/She Really Means�
DSP_FAQ1.ZIP Yes 26457 03-27-93 Comp.Dsp Faq [1 Of 3] ( ).
DSP_FAQ2.ZIP Yes 11627 03-27-93 Comp.Dsp Faq [2 Of 3] ( ).
DSP_FAQ3.ZIP Yes 6533 03-27-93 Comp.Dsp Faq [3 Of 3] ( ).
ECPA1986.ZIP Yes 27965 01-25-93 Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
EDISON.ZIP Yes 4431 02-16-93
Semi-Humorous Defense Of Cold Fusion By
Analogy To Edison'S Invention Of The
Electric Light.
EFFN0501.TXT No 27940 03-30-93
EFFector Online V5 N1 (05 February 1993)
Three perspectives of a two-day meeting in
Atlanta between EFF and representatives of
regional groups of grassroots networking
EFFN0502.TXT No 13236 03-30-93
EFFector Online V5 N2 (19 February 1993)
Update on the Steve Jackson Games Case
Contact information for Local and Regional
Groups Supporting the Online Community
EFFN0503.TXT No 14681 03-30-93
EFFector Online V5 N3 (05 March 1993)
Representative Markey Speaks on Tech Policy
Midwest Rural Datafication Meeting
EFF Funding
EFFN0504.TXT No 20124 03-30-93
EFFector Online V5 N4 (19 March 1993)
Victory in the Steve Jackson Games Case
EFF Pioneer Award Winners for 1993
Issues for K-12 Access to the Internet
EMS1PCXB.ZIP Yes 194311 04-06-93
vol. 1, no. 930406 Newsletter forall who
write, sell, package, or distribute software.
EVBMAG.ZIP Yes 96109 06-18-93
Electronic Magazine Covering The Visual Basic
FAO.ZIP Yes 4981 04-15-93
FAO Publication (For Adults Only) - Have the
Feds gone too far in Steven Jackson case?
Sysop of Windy City thinks so. Legal.
FAQ00078.ZIP Yes 8099 03-28-93 Linux Info-Sheet
FAQ00096.ZIP Yes 15334 03-29-93 Rec.Models.Railroad Fortnightly Faq (Info)
FAQ00097.ZIP Yes 14833 03-29-93
Rec.Models.Railroad Fortnightly Faq
FAQ00098.ZIP Yes 11394 03-29-93
Rec.Models.Railroad Fortnightly Faq
FAQ00107.ZIP Yes 11444 03-29-93 Holocaust Faq: The "Leuchter Report" /2)
FAQ00108.ZIP Yes 10648 03-29-93 Holocaust Faq: The "Leuchter Report" (1/2)
FAQ00113.ZIP Yes 4389 03-29-93
Rec.Radio.Cb Frequently Asked Questions (Part
1 Of 4)
FAQ00114.ZIP Yes 10232 03-29-93
Rec.Radio.Cb Frequently Asked Questions (Part
2 Of 4)
FAQ00115.ZIP Yes 4369 03-29-93
Rec.Radio.Cb Frequently Asked Questions (Part
3 Of 4)
FAQ00116.ZIP Yes 5851 03-29-93
Rec.Radio.Cb Frequently Asked Questions (Part
4 Of 4)
FAQWIN02.ZIP Yes 81586 06-01-93
Internet Win FAQ file on windows Good tricks,
tips, and work arounds for WIN�
FDANEWS.ZIP Yes 36738 06-03-93 Text of current federal drug adm� Press rele�
FDPWRD.ZIP Yes 177120 04-05-93
Future Domain POWERscsi! Documentation in
Word for Windows format;
FEDBBS93.ZIP Yes 4248 02-17-93
This Is A List Of 66+ Federal Bbs That Are
Available To The Public. As Of 01/93. ).
FIDO1014.ZIP Yes 46604 04-06-93 Fidonews 10 14 1993.
FINNBBS.ZIP Yes 23617 04-03-93 Listing Of Finnish Bbs Systems.
FJ031293.ZIP Yes 274797 03-13-93 the latest federal job listing
FNEWSA09.ZIP Yes 24941 03-01-93 Fidonews 10 9 93.
FOOD4WIN.ZIP Yes 2414 04-09-93
Very amusing poke at Microsoft, with strong
parallels to the mess about MS-DOS 6.0's
Double-Space versus Stac's Stacker product.
Learn about "Food For Windows" !!!
FORT1.ZIP Yes 21615 04-15-93
Fortress America The Untied States Of America
Has Fallen Into A Civil War! The West,
Mid-West, North, And South. Millions Dead,
Cities Looted And Aflame. Text what if?
GATEWAY.ZIP Yes 1210 03-09-93
Text on how to tweak Borland's BRIEF editor
to work on the Gateway 2000 4DX2/66V PC
GOPH_FAQ.ZIP Yes 9461 03-28-93
Gopher (Comp.Infosystems.Gopher) Frequently
Asked Questions (Faq)
GRAPHC03.ZIP Yes 16174 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
computer graphics, 3/93 version
GRAVTECH.ZIP Yes 16254 03-08-93
Most Commonly Asked Question On The Gravis
Sound Card Direct From Advanced Gravis. ).
GREEKFQ1.ZIP Yes 17366 03-28-93 6 Mar 93) Soc.Culture.Greek Faq Culture
GREEKFQ2.ZIP Yes 14033 03-28-93
6 Mar 93) Soc.Culture.Greek Faq Technical
GREEKFQ3.ZIP Yes 14771 03-28-93 6 Mar 93) Soc.Culture.Greek Faq Linguistics
GREENBBS.ZIP Yes 6912 04-01-93 Greennet'S Green Bbs List! Date: 4\1\93!
GREEN_ME.ZIP Yes 6908 06-04-93
Information package on GREENLINKNET, an
international enviromentally concern message
network in Canada, USA, and Austrailia�
Interesting and also lite and humourous
message base avaiable�Check it out!
GWOODS93.ZIP Yes 1052 04-30-93 Great Woods 1993 Concert Schedule
HACKRDIC.ZIP Yes 355799 06-03-93
A Current and very extensive list of Hacker
Terminology. Contains proper pronunciations
and spellings
HB3_1993.ZIP Yes 38700 04-15-93
Rosters for 1993 Hardball ][ Game from
USA Today.
HISTLESS.ZIP Yes 5312 03-12-93 Student Bloopers - Funny.
HK_FAQ1.ZIP Yes 15144 03-29-93 Soc.Culture.Hongkong Faq, Part Iv
HK_FAQ2.ZIP Yes 15520 03-29-93 Soc.Culture.Hongkong Faq, Part Ii
HK_FAQ3.ZIP Yes 9216 03-29-93 Soc.Culture.Hongkong Faq, Part Iii
HP_BBS.ZIP Yes 554 03-20-93 HP Products info - BBS and voice
HSDIAG.MSG No 5466 04-10-93
WARNING!!! The archive HSDIAG.ZIP, billed as
a high speed modem diagnostic, contains a
verified Trojan horse. This is a preliminary
report, but please circulate.
HUB0605.ZIP Yes 3019 06-08-93 Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report�
HUNG_FAQ.ZIP Yes 2987 03-28-93 Hungarian Electronic Resources Faq
ID_LAW.ZIP Yes 2951 03-07-93
Statutes Relating to Cyberlaw
Telecomunications by applicable jurisdiction.
INBNK945.ZIP Yes 4104 03-31-93
Ascii Text File Of The Instrument List In The
Standard Bank (Bnk-945.Zip). Useful In
Keeping Search Time To A Minimum. ).
INTSYS.ZIP Yes 2946 04-30-93 Intel Sysop offer for 400 and 400 E modems.
INTVIDEO.ZIP Yes 1963 03-31-93
Details on New Intel Smart Video Recorder.
Allows 15fps Recording of 1/4 Screen Video in
Real Time. 60 Seconds of Recording Time Only
Equals 9 Meg File Size.
IN_9306.ZIP Yes 40276 06-01-93
The Intelec Network Information File Jun 93
Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
Covering a Wide Range of Topics From Issues
to Tech Support, Special Interests and more!
184 conferences � 286 members � 11 Countries�
IRC_FAQ.ZIP Yes 4230 03-28-93 Irc Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)
IRP_BBS.ZIP Yes 13052 01-05-93
I.R.S. BBS -- The Internal Revenue Service
BBS in Martinsburg, West Virginia Text file
of features. Open to the public.
JOB_HUNT.ZIP Yes 16940 04-03-93
This is part of a set of notes intended to
provide advice and guidance to job seekers.
JPLREPT.ZIP Yes 6106 06-04-93
Text reports from the Public Information
Office of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology on status
of various NASA planatary, local space and
interstellar space missions currently in
progress� Also, a form from the International
Meteor Organization - Fireball Data Center
for use in reporting meteoric fireballs�
KLI.ZIP Yes 4595 04-07-93 Info on Klingon Language Institute. Text
LAWNMOW.ZIP Yes 2466 03-08-93 Tips on Lawn Mowing and Lawnmowers. Text
LDSERVIC.ZIP Yes 5761 06-08-93
Cheaper Rates Than Mci, AT&T And Sprint Best
Long Distance Carrier I Have Seen to Date� No
Sign-Up Fee or Monthly Minimums�
LNN0108.ZIP Yes 26728 06-03-93 Legal Net News Vol�, No� 8 06-03-93 New: �
LNN0109.ZIP Yes 23425 06-08-93 Legal Net News Vol�, No� 9 06-08-93 New: �
LONDON03.ZIP Yes 1858 03-06-93 London,Sarnia and St.thomas BBS List.
MAILLST1.ZIP Yes 440442 06-08-93
List of mailing lists and interest groups on
the Internet and Bitnet� Recently updated�
Over 1�2 megs of descriptions and information
on how to subscribe�
MAJORLST.ZIP Yes 9613 04-20-93
List of all BBS's in the USA running a
registered copy of The Major BBS, by
Galacticomm. This list is in dbase file
format. Current as of May 20, 1993.
MANGA03.ZIP Yes 70861 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
that peculiar phenomenon of Japanese cartoon
books, 3/93 version
MARCH93.ZIP Yes 11997 03-07-93
*** The List *** 215 AREA CODE BBS LISTING!
Featuring over 100 BBS listings!
MARJOB02.ZIP Yes 62292 03-16-93
Federal Job Opportunity Listings from the OPM
Philadelphia Region. Includes Boston, San
Juan, Syracuse and NewOpens Nationwide.
MAX_7345.ZIP Yes 3787 06-07-93
Information and specifications for the new
MAXTOR 7345A drive (345 MB) directly from the
MAYJOB01.ZIP Yes 51376 05-01-93
Federal Job Opportunity Listing from OPM
Philadelphia Region - Baltimore, Boston,
Philadelphia, San Juan, Syracuse. Also with
nationwide "NEWOPENS" listings.
ML930322.ZIP Yes 195795 03-24-93 Vendor Listing As of March 93'
MLOACLS.ZIP Yes 2236 06-04-93 A Humorous Text File Murphy'S Law Of Acls�
MULCH.ZIP Yes 2709 03-08-93 All about Garden Mulch. Text
N8BUGFIX.ZIP Yes 1568 03-12-93
This is a text file describing a reported
bug on Night Owl's Shareware CD Rom NOPV8
and how to get around it.
NAV_SUIT.ZIP Yes 66627 03-01-93 Class Action Suit Norton Anti-Virus. Legal
NEWNORT.ZIP Yes 11772 03-31-93 Norton utilities 7.0 & other press releases.
NEWS1418.ZIP Yes 12096 06-03-93 Herman'S Head" Program Guide).
NEWS1419.ZIP Yes 15164 06-03-93 Get A Life" Program Guide)�
NEWS1420.ZIP Yes 9406 06-03-93 Bob" Program Guide)�
NFL93.ZIP Yes 6768 05-26-93 1993 NFL Football Schedule
OBC_ACT.ZIP Yes 41779 06-05-93
New Ontario Building Code Act - Effctve
July1! Provisions for conditional permits,
equivalents, change of use permits, higher
fines, and more� A dull read but of use to
anyone in the construction business�
OURSOLAR.ZIP Yes 23989 05-12-93 NASA/JPL text tour of the solar system� 5/93�
PAYBBS.ZIP Yes 5606 03-03-93
Information on a 900 Service for Pay BBS
Sysops. Collects your fees on subscribers
phone bill. Takes 30% plus fees.
PCS0393.ZIP Yes 28271 03-07-93
Mar 93 Pc Support Hardware Prices. Low
Prices! Check The Other Guys Out With Our
Prices As A Guide. 14,400 Baud
V.32,V32bis,V42,V42bis Only $199.99!
PENTIUM.ZIP Yes 13874 04-20-93
The Pentium Chip: Several text files giving
detailed information about this wondeful new
chip of the future.
PENTIUM1.ZIP Yes 3405 03-22-93
Details Of Intel Pentium Chip. Downloaded
Press Release From IntelBBS.
PENTNEWS.ZIP Yes 7319 03-25-93
News Letter Release From Intel on New Pentium
Series Chips And Overdrive Chips.
PERFORM.DOC No 5638 04-27-93
Comparison of six shareware programs that
do performance analysis including Disk I/O,
time spent in various program functions, and
time spent by INT usage
PS2AV701.ZIP Yes 832659 04-26-93
IBM's PS/2 Assistant, Ver 70, VIEWable INF
files loaded with all sorts of IBM info from
hardware to software, tips, tricks, and
fixes. (1 of 2)
PS2AV702.ZIP Yes 1003000 04-26-93
IBM's PS2 Assistant v7.0 part 2 of 2
Requires OS/2 2.0+ to use
PYRO0393.ZIP Yes 19317 03-15-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
pyrotechnics, for you fireworks enthusiasts,
3/93 version
RADIO03.ZIP Yes 33201 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.)
about amateur radio, 3/93 version
RP29NEWS.ZIP Yes 947 06-07-93 Mail fraud warning to all shareware users�
SAGE0593.ZIP Yes 191739 05-15-93 Geoworks Newsletter May 93.
SAT400.ZIP Yes 12106 04-13-93 Tech Notes for the Intel Satisfaxion 400
SEINFELD.ZIP Yes 34345 05-15-93 Frequently asked questions on jerry seinfeld�
SFBBS_23.ZIP Yes 26146 01-05-93
� Eric Thav's South Florida BBS List 2.3 �
Serving all of Broward and Palm Beach
SGA146.ZIP Yes 17529 05-26-93
Sga-Net Starter Pack For Day 146 Sga-Net Is
An International Network Which Is Growing
Steadily� Has Many Message And File Echos,
Including Srgames And Edhanced Software Echos
With Direct Link To The Authors� Also, We
Sponsor The Sga-Net Bre League 301� All This
Originates From Houston�
SIERRAN.ZIP Yes 4163 03-05-93 March News from SIERRA
SM_BUS.ZIP Yes 5206 04-25-93 Text on starting a small business.
SPOCKNET.ZIP Yes 1912 05-02-93
Abbreviations frequently used on Spock's
Adventure! BBS, a Star Trek bulletin board.
STAC31.ZIP Yes 2629 03-30-93
Stac Electronics announcement of forthcoming
Dos6-integrated upgrade of Stacker
STLOL493.ZIP Yes 137930 04-07-93 Star Trek List Of Lists 4/93.
STRATEGY.ZIP Yes 24153 04-21-93
Article Discusses IBM's Product Line And
Planned Future Directions For Personal
Computer Software. Text File.
SUPRT304.ZIP Yes 12686 03-31-93 Technical Support BBS List for April 1993
TAOPROG.ZIP Yes 9600 04-14-93
The complete text of the Tao of Programming
by Geoffrey James - In ASCII format
TBBS0493.ZIP Yes 49980 04-16-93 [tbbs]= List April 1993 =[tbbs]= List.
TEKFONES.ZIP Yes 4473 04-03-93 Telephone list of technical support numbers
TELECONF.ZIP Yes 4058 06-01-93
Announcement Of Major Conference On June 25
Right Here In Boston For Telecommunications
And Folks With Disabilities!
THEPHONZ.ZIP Yes 1985 03-03-93
The access codes of the LD carriers. If you
have telco "Easy Access" you have the right
and privilege of using -any- long distance
THEREF43.ZIP Yes 175909 05-02-93
THEREF(tm) Ver 4.3 is a comprehensive
Directory of Hard Drives, Floppy Drives,
Optical Drives, and Drive Controllers & Host
Adapters. It is designed to help the novice
and pro alike with integration problems and
system setups. Information compiled by
Robert Falbo.
THES_WP.ZIP Yes 160082 01-31-93
Pop culture and Star Trek thesis written by
Terrie Holahan Drummonds in Word Perfect v5.1
TLE198.ZIP Yes 45555 05-26-93
Latest 2-Line Orbital Elements For Sts-Orbit
Plus )�
TLE199.ZIP Yes 45498 05-27-93
Latest 2-Line Orbital Elements For Sts-Orbit
Plus )�
TLE200.ZIP Yes 47124 05-29-93
Latest 2-Line Orbital Elements For Sts-Orbit
Plus )�
TNGDRIN2.ZIP Yes 10269 05-16-93
Star Trek: The Next Generation drinking games
rules - updated May 1993, from usenet
TOPTEN3.ZIP Yes 1422 04-10-93
4/10/93 Top 40 Pop Singles from Music Note
TRACY1_3.ZIP Yes 82062 04-29-93
First three chapters and foreward by Al Gore
to Tracy LaQuey's Internet Companion. LaQuey
is releasing one chapter/month as a promo.
TREK0214.ZIP Yes 122919 02-14-93
Mark holtz's "list of lists" for 02/14/93.
This has comprehensive lists of information
for the following: star trek (all 4 tv shows
& the movies), quantum leap, & the simpsons!
TRI0493.ZIP Yes 27050 04-07-93 The TriBBS Newsletter for April 1993.
UEC.ZIP Yes 1962 03-20-93 Unemployment insurance explained.
USBBS108.ZIP Yes 92829 05-01-93 Darwin's National BBS List for May '93
USGOVADD.ZIP Yes 11917 04-20-93
Feb 1, 1993 US Government names and addresses
Includes white house, cabinet and 103rd
congresses, and phone numbers of all.
succinct, complete
VENDOR21.ZIP Yes 260198 03-06-93
Name-Phone-800-Fax-BBS-Tech Phone Numbers
for thousands of computer dealers and
WACOJOKE.ZIP Yes 6434 04-29-93
Jokes About The Waco Texas Affair With The
Former Compound Run By David Koresh 04-29-93
WACO_TEX.ZIP Yes 55844 06-04-93
Gathering Together The Evidence And New
Revelations Of The Branch Davidian Standoff
In Waco, Texas� W/Warrant From Batf
06-04-93�06-04-93 New: �
WH930601.ZIP Yes 7745 06-01-93 White House Press Briefings/News Releases�
WH930602.ZIP Yes 10638 06-02-93 White house press releases/briefings for 06-�
WH930603.ZIP Yes 69398 06-03-93 White house press releases/briefings for 06-�
WH930604.ZIP Yes 13671 06-04-93 White house press releases/briefings for 06-�
WH930607.ZIP Yes 20729 06-07-93 White House Press Briefings/News Releases�
WIFEROLE.ZIP Yes 21006 05-27-93 Supposedly God'S Ordained Role For A Wife�
WINTRICK.ZIP Yes 1450 02-01-93 Bill Gates' Top Ten Tricks for Windows 3.1.
WIN_15.ZIP Yes 1676 02-02-93 Description Of Xtree For Windows 1.5.
WPRSP93.ZIP Yes 17587 02-22-93 Wordperfect Report, Spring 1993.