============== EDITOR'S NOTES ============== IT'S AGAINST THE LAW -------------------- I don't condone software piracy. I'm not one of those that believe everything should be free. I know too many people who spend their nights trying to puzzle out their next piece of code, and none of them resemble Bill Gates very closely. Most are like Bob Fairburn, trying to put together a little thing done well, do what they love, and eeek out a living doing it. More generally, nothing comes from nothing, and without economic legs, little in this world advances very far, or has much impact. I also confess some reticence regarding the topic of pornography. I personally don't even take the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, and I generally shower in the dark. Photos of fat chicks with donkeys don't do any more for me than they do for the donkey, and frankly, some of the images I have had the privilege of viewing online would make even the donkey blush. I don't find any lofty position posturing for "freedom of speech or expression", artistic merit, or anything else in photo-images involving little girls, animals, or graphic depictions of homosexual acts. Despite the howls of rage from the terribly concerned, I find no high ground to take on this issue not already staked out by someone braying with less intelligence than the donkey could possibly muster. And while it is a very small cut of what goes on in cyberspace, it does go on. There are victims. Not terribly directly. And they are not terribly damaged. But there are the issues of crime and victim, and we should deal with them in an appropriate degree through the existing apparatus of law. There is also the concept of a level playing field. BBS operators who work within established legal and business norms are immediately put at a competitive disadvantage when some BBS operators decide the law does not apply to them. The nature of callers being what it is, a BBS offering commercial software freely for download, or offering clearly obscene materials online, will find an audience pretty quickly. Reaching 100 lines in just a few years is quite a task for those playing by the rules. All that said, we've got a problem. It goes to the heart of a basic sense of dishonesty among our law enforcement apparatus. And it's becoming awkwardly difficult to tell the criminals from the police. The current mode is to use a poorly thought out law intended for mobsters and drug kingpins to seize computer equipment of bulletin boards and other businesses suspected of information crimes. In most cases to date, these seizures have not resulted in criminal charges. Whenever called to task on this topic, the FBI, Secret Service, and local law enforcement invariably harp that they were simply gathering evidence as part of the investigation. This is so disingenuous as to be criminal. They don't normally even have the courtesy of hiding their posture on this topic. It is a planned campaign of terror intended to frighten BBS operators into compliance by the threat of an electronic and economic death penalty. The problem with this, and the very reason our founding fathers barred such activity as part of our Constitution, is that it is all too easy to get the wrong man. And the system further then becomes subject to political or economic motivators inappropriate to a system of justice. Personal computers are not simply evidence gathering machines. They've become so central to the operation of bulletin boards, publishers, software vendors and developers, and many other businesses, that seizing them constitutes a sentence of economic bankruptcy - from the minute the seizure is made. There is a principle established by our founding fathers in their Constitutional compromise that was quite explicit in that a resident of these United States is held to be innocent until proven guilty and adjudged to be so by a jury of his peers. In theory, you can be caught red handed running a lawn mower over piles of human bodies stacked on your front lawn and an FBI agent or policeman can't find you "guilty" of anything by themselves. They can detain you on suspicion and present you for prosecution. In fact, judges cannot actually find you guilty of criminal wrong doing under our system of justice. Twelve of your uninterested neighbors who are NOT professionally part of the system have to agree that you are indeed guilty before our system can mete out a punishment. This current practice of seizing equipment under color of search warrant abrogates all the protections built into our Constitutional form of government to preclude this. As such, they constitute not merely a procedural faux pas, but treason. The Steve Jackson Games Trial illustrates the mockery made of our legal system by bumbling, ignorant law enforcement officials who very nearly put this man out of business by breaking into his office, stealing all his equipment and business records, and there was NEVER a charge filed against him. Indeed, the investigation leading to this ridiculous activity has all the appearance of a mistake. He's not only innocent of all charges, there WERE NO CHARGES and indeed he was apparently not only the wrong guy, it was even the wrong BBS. They were looking for ANOTHER BBS that used the same WWIV software in the same city. The government's main defense in this case actually appears to be that they were unaware of the Privacy Protection Act, unaware that Steve Jackson Games was a publisher, and that anyway the seizure brought the company media attention and it was HELPED by the publicity. This would all be evil if there were anyone in charge of this with enough sense to have had a design. The lame protestations of the defense in this civil trial finally even turned the judge livid. And it doesn't stop there. On Saturday, January 30, Russell Hardenburgh had all the equipment it took him years to purchase, and I would think years just to wire together into a 124 line BBS, seized and hauled away. He has a very difficult task rebuilding a business he's been building since 1987. That he made copyrighted software available on this system is quite likely, indeed it was viewed as the biggest open secret in the BBS community, and most BBS operators thought something ought to be done about it. But as of this writing, he hasn't been charged with anything at all. He has already lost his BBS and his 14,000 subscribers are likewise out in the cold - BEFORE any charges have been brought. If the man had been pureeing neighborhood kids in the kitchen blender he would have at least had a trial before beginning his sentence. Similarly Joey Jay had his 32-line system hauled away from his Chesterfield Missouri home on January 15, again by the FBI, on allegations of pornographic images. They threatened his FATHER with seizure of his HOUSE and the man subsequently threw his son out into the street. Jay lost his BBS AND his HOME. I would guess from talking to him that Jay DID have such images online. And that may in fact be illegal. But it doesn't appear we'll ever know. There were no charges filed. The penalty was again levied BEFORE the process was even begun. We don't know that these two men are guilty. We don't know that they are not. We will quite likely NEVER know because it's unlikely they will ever be charged. Their computers were arrested. And it's striking fear in the hearts of computers everywhere. If this were due to mistakes, it would be one thing. But it isn't. It is part of a planned and executed design to enforce law by not enforcing it. To simply arrest equipment, forego the expense and bother of a trial, and let the victims serve as "examples." If anyone questions this, they innocently claim to simply be gathering evidence - knowing full well they've already sentenced the suspect to bankruptcy. Not only have the lives and livelihoods of all of these individuals been irretrievably damaged, but large numbers of people who used these systems have found their correspondence has become the property of the government, that government agents are pouring over their private electronic mail, and that their right to assemble and to communicate has not been abridged, it has been abrogated in its entirety - without acknowledgement, notice, or explanation. Through the gross misapplication of existing evidenciary practices, federal law enforcement officials have basically abrogated their responsibility to enforce laws at all. They are not charging lawbreakers, they are not prosecuting law breakers, they are RUINING individuals who they have reason to believe MIGHT be breaking the law - often on terribly thin allegations. They have taken on the role of judge, jury, and executioner largely because it is inconvenient and expensive to learn the technology and make their case in court. So they cunningly just use the evidence gathering function to deliver the punishment and to hell with the rest of the process. And that is no law at all. It is a crime. Not a small crime. And not a victimless crime. It is a crime of treason against the state, against our nation, against our citizens, and against our way of life. And it is a crime all out of proportion to crimes of copyright infringement or donkey pornography. Realistically a fine and some community service would likely cover the donkey and the grevious harm done Novell. Treason and the designed overthrow of our Constitutional form of government is generally held to be more serious. As we sit, on any allegation from virtually anyone that wishes you ill, our government can, and in fact may, break down your door, take your computer equipment and business records, and disappear in the night with virtually no explanation and it will take you years of legal effort and hundreds of thousands of dollars to ever retrieve it. It is a peculiarity of our technological age that this act is virtually an airtight assurance of your bankruptcy. By the time you get your day in court, if you are wealthy enough to afford it, the business you worked for years to build will have been long gone. You may be guilty yourself of a crime. You may not. It may never come up. On the signature of a bureaucrat so ignorant he can't list a file directory, you can be ruined. And there are enough cases of it happening already that this is no longer an abstract theory. It is happening and has happened repeatedly within the last 45 days. It is happening by design. They are proud of it. And they fully believe that they not only are above the law, but that they ARE the law. None of this falls within the powers we as a people have granted the state - ever. Our representatives didn't do it by "mistake." A small group of bureaucrats who have made a life of snuffling up to the public trough for a living have taken it upon themselves to do this thing - mainly because it's easy, and because it works - and because nobody has yet yelled booger. I do not concur with those who treat this situation as something requiring education and conciliation. I have no reason to believe we need to establish "credibility" with our legal system. It has to establish credibility with us. At this point, they seem to seek control by a rule of fear and intimidation - a tactic outside our system of law. It is the ultimate irony of our time that in a period where totalitarian governments all over the face of the planet are folding their tents in failure, our nation seems bent on establishing their own as if it were all a new idea. Copy all the software you like. Titillate yourselves till your eyes bleed with goofy bit-images. No matter how you arrange the pixels, as criminals, you're all small timers compared to the felons and traitors behind the badge. Bill Clinton probably doesn't read all his e-mail at 75300.3115@compuserve.com. But somebody will have to. And your elected representative in Washington would be a good follow up. They won't know there's a problem if you don't tell them. It's a sure bet the SPA is unlikely to carry the torch for you. There's twelve million of you online. And if you don't want to have to apply for the government's permission for every tagline, we'd better get in motion. Booger. Jack Rickard Editor Rotundus