Jack: In your TELEBITS section of the January 1993 issue you featured GPS reciever by Palmtree Products that will connect into a HP95LX. FYI there are currently on the market today portable GPS revievers made by companys such as PAnasonic, Sony, Magellan, Trimble plus a few more that all feature serial output (ie:300, 1200 baud).The output is formated using a standard developed by NEMA which I believe stands for National Electronic Marine Association. The format is known as NEMA 0183. Various programs have been written to take advantage of this output including navigational instruments such as Auto Pilots, Radars, Plotters. All of the above mentioned GPS recievers are battery powered, weatherproof and available for under $1000. So while GPSpac is interesting it is not earthshattering. By the way I have enjoyed your magazine. I feel it is well written and edited. Thanks Tony Weiner 0003006908@MCIMAIL.COM Tony: I don't recall saying it was earth shattering. I think it was more of a "here's a device and here's what it does" type story. We do a lot of those. The same line of reasoning would pretty much preclude us from doing any future stories on modems. I did look at a handheld Sony. Nifty device, but it had no serial port and was on the street for about $900. Without the port, it didn't make much sense to me. I have also looked at the Magellan. They have nothing in the $1000 range I can find, and certainly nothing at that price with a serial port. The last I spoke with them directly, and it has been nearly a year, they wanted $3700 for one. I just didn't need to know where I was quite that badly. If what you say is true, it's all good news, but we need details. Jack Rickard