Hi Jack, I wanted to clear up a small error in the February issue and give credit where it's due. The article on the Home Power Renewable Energy BBS identified me incorrectly as the sysop of this system. Michael Welch is the sysop of this system which came online last August. Interestingly the error wasn't a total mistake. I operate Sonoma Online BBS in Santa Rosa CA @ (707)545-0746. We've been serving the online community since 1985 and have a section on alternative energy which is also affiliated with Home Power Magazine. I'm the founder and moderator of the HOMEPOWR national echo conference which is on FidoNet backbone distribution system and available on numerous BBS systems across the U.S. and Canada. Many of the files mentioned in your article have been posted to this conference which serves as a general discussion medium on home brewed power. We started the echo nearly two years ago to spread the word about the viability and importance of alternative energy systems. We also offer online the text and graphics of the first ten issues of Home Power magazine (most of which are now unavailable in print), and have converted the text files to ASCII (from their native Mac format). We offer many other AE files which are also carried by many of the systems participating in the echo and are available for file request to FidoNet systems (file request AEFILES from 1:125/7 for the list). These were generously made available to us by the publisher (who is pleased to have an ecologically benign medium to distribute the information) and may be carried on any BBS interested in doing so as long as they are not re-printed for profit. In making these files available via our medium they showed rare insight as to what we can accomplish online and we're doing what we can to spread this valuable information far and wide. To date we have had callers from as far away as India, Israel, Russia and Africa download the information so it's really getting around to many parts of the globe where they can put it to good use. In parting I'd like to thank the Boardwatch crew for putting out a superb publication which we've found tremendously useful in helping us shape and define the directions for Sonoma Online. We'd also like to encourage folks to call and participate in the Home Power Renewable Energy BBS and help it grow. Michaels done a good job and we wish him and the folks at Redwood Alliance great success with their endeavor. Warm Regards, Don Kulha Sysop, Sonoma Online BBS 1:125/7 (707)545-0746 HST/V.32bis don.kulha@f7.n125.z1.fidonet.org--