Jack, I would like to take a few lines to clarify some misunderstandings regarding the recent Sportster issue. There is a great deal of misinformation being distributed by the numerous networks and magazines. The basic facts really make it all quite clear. First, let me agree that the legal document U.S. Robotics distributed aided in this misunderstanding. While the intent was simple and true, the complexity of the document may have been too great for the issue. U.S. Robotics has never attempted to copyright ANY "AT" command. The document clearly states "USR has not authorized dissemination of this "firmware". We have located one such dealer in the Florida area as well as other individuals selling copied firmware and/or modems with copied firmware and are actively seeking legal action. Another important point is the daughterboard similarities. While the daughterboard may be the same, this in no way makes it the same modem as the Dual Standard. There is an extensive list of option not available in the Sportster that the Courier offers, among these being ASL, Synchronous, and Lease Line. Finally, I would like to address the Trojan Horse issue. In fact we have several copies of trojan versions of the USRPATCH type programs. This is an issue we had spirited discussions over. The final decision was this was a relatively no-win scenario for US Robotics. To not announce this potential problem (especially since we had live examples) would keep us from this very discussion, but left us feeling guilty without having actually done the harm ourselves. Commenting on the Trojan Horse existence certainly gave everyone the chance to accuse us of scare tactics, but leaves us with a clear conscious. Sometimes goodwill must come before straight business. We agree the notification should have more clearly stated the nature of these trojans. BTW, we would be happy to send you copies of the trojans we have collected from various sources should you desire a look. We appreciate the chance to reply to your editorial. This was a classic case of misinformation quickly being accepted as fact. We appreciate the chance to clarify these misconceptions for you and your readers. Regards; Adam A. Strack Manager, Customer Service U.S. Robotics. Adam: We've received a number of notes from Boardwatch reader's who won the USRobotics Sportster lottery. In all cases they had already bought a Sportster, and didn't know about the additional capability until they read our story. I can't believe this has been anything but a plus for U.S. Robotics in terms of public relations - with the exception of the document you note. And I can't believe it's cost a sale of a Courier - as you point out there are still notable differences in the modems. I can only dream that all of our readers someday find more value in a copy of Boardwatch than we somehow intended them to have. We would not issue a recall, I can assure you. With regards to those making illegal copies of your firmware by burning ROM copies, we do not condone this type of activity ever and in any fashion - period. True, it is illegal. But further, those seeking a shortcut through such methods will usually find themselves with a modem that may or may not operate correctly now, and in any case without possibility for further support from the vendor in the future if they do have problems - one more headache that is just not worth the bother for the little bit saved. Life online is complicated enough. Jack Rickard