Dear Jackie: Normally I feel your magazine is rivaled only by the Bible for truth and eloquence and that only gems of wisdom fall from your little computer keys, but... I was horrified when you responded to the nice man's invitation to bring ONE BBSCON to Florida and even stay at his home with four and a half column inches of not only NO but HELL NO. That was RUDE. I raised you better than that. Also, you should fire your printer. Page 10 of the Letters to the Editor was so faint that I could barely read it. The Letters to the Editor and the Editors Notes are my favorite part, well actually, the only part of the magazine I understand. Thanks for the five complimentary copies that I requested for Show and Tell. Love, Mom Err..yes mother. Actually, it wasn't precisely "hell no." And while I did play about a bit for the comical aspects of the situation, if you had been able to read page 10, it wasn't even quite a "no." We are looking for a site outside of Colorado for ONE BBSCON 1994, and Florida is pretty high on the list. This wouldn't have anything to do with your sun worship/beach stuff would it? I'll have a word with the printer. But I've been through several in the last year, and if you keep firing them, we may run out of them here locally. Jackie