INTERNET ACCESS AT $3 PER MONTH - DELPHI MAKES THE GLOBAL CONNECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet has very nearly outgrown its status as a network and become a metaconcept subsuming everything in its path. Virtually all the commercial online services, with the lone exception of Prodigy, have established e-mail gateway connections to the global network. And Prodigy ostensibly is only wrestling with how to make the sometimes indecipherable vagaries of the Internet interface rational to their largely novice user base. But these gateways generally allow only individual e-mail messages to pass to an Internet address. And while many users are joining mailing lists that work with these gateways, they are unable to participate in such services as Gopher, Archie, WAIS, Directory Databases, and the much richer world of Internet services available by File Transfer Protocol (ftp) and telnet login. The Delphi Online Service began offering full Internet access this past December, including real-time electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol (ftp), and telnet access out to other services on the Internet and becomes one of the very few large consumer online services to make the full connection. DELPHI currently sports about 100,000 users making it the fifth largest commercial service behind Prodigy, CompuServe, GEnie, and America Online. While CompuServe, GEnie, and AOL offer e-mail gateways, none of the four services offer a full Internet access to their callers at all. According to Rusty Williams, DELPHI's general manager, "Prior to now, anyone interested in accessing the Internet had a very limited number of options. In most cases you had to be connected directly through your company or school. DELPHI is now an important low-cost access option available to home computer users. Anyone can connect to DELPHI with a local call from over 600 cities and towns throughout the US and in many foreign countries." DELPHI's Internet gateway swings both ways. Callers to Delphi who access the service by direct dial, Sprintnet, or Tymnet can port out to any of thousands of services on the Internet. But Internet users can also access DELPHI by telnet to to gain access to services such as Grolier's Academic American Encyclopedia, the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Reuters and UPI news services, stock quotes, travel reservations, real time conferencing, and multiplayer games as well as hundreds of Special Interest Groups (SIG) covering as many topics of interest. DELPHI has also added the Internet SIG where members and staff can exchange useful information about use of the Internet. The SIG includes a discussion forum as well as downloadable files containing Internet access software programs, documents describing various services on the network, and guide books. And of course, DELPHI users now have an Internet mail box where they can receive mail. DELPHI is currently one of the most aggressively priced commercial services offering two fairly reasonable pricing plans. The 10/4 plan costs $10 per month and includes 4 hours of connect time with additional hours priced at $4 per hour. The 20/20 Advantage Plan is $20 per month and includes 20 hours of connect free connect time with additional hours priced at a very attractive $1.80 per hour. This is an exceptional value considering the local access from some 600 cities. Access using Sprintnet and Tymnet during peak business hours does involve a surcharge and Internet access incurs a $3 per month surcharge. Currently, DELPHI is also offering Boardwatch readers a unique trial membership program whereby prospective users can receive 5 hours of access at no charge. To participate in the program direct dial callers can call 800-365-4636. On connect, press ENTER once or twice and at the PASSWORD prompt enter BW34. Internet users can access DELPHI to see what is available on the service by entering telnet At the login prompt, enter JOINDELPHI and at the PASSWORD prompt, enter BW34. Through either access method, callers will complete an online registration form, including credit card information, and receive five hours connect time. Subscriptions can be canceled with no further obligation if you don't wish to continue under the 10/4 or 20/20 plan. Both DELPHI and BIX are operated by General Videotex Corporation, 1030 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138; (800)695-4005 voice; (800)365-4636 data.