TELEFINDER SHIPS MULTI-SERVER HOST ---------------------------------- Spider Island Software, maker of TeleFinder, announced it is shipping Version 3.0 of its Group Edition Host software. TeleFinder 3.0 runs on all Macintosh computers, and is 32-bit clean, System 7 "Savvy," and includes full Balloon Help. TeleFinder Group Edition Version 3.0, which includes the BBS host program, user access software with unlimited distribution license, and full documentation, retails at $425, and is available direct from the company and authorized resellers. Named the Best Electronic Communications product for 1992 by MacWorld Australia. TeleFinder 3.0 is capable of managing up to 32,000 users and features a multi-server architecture that allows a single system to run multiple nodes of the same BBS on separate Macs on a network. Also new, is its full implementation of AppleEvents supporting advanced functionality such as automatic online registration, full remote administrative capabilities including adding and deleting users, changing user paths and privileges, and the ability to control all of the host's program modules through any AppleScript or compatible system utility such as UserLand's Frontier. Other enhanced features include a menu-driven terminal interface with user-selectable TTY or ANSI graphics options, unlimited paths with customizable multi-colored icons and separate user privileges, and faster reporting for billing and statistical analysis. Spider Island Software, 4790 Irvine Blvd., # 105-347, Irvine, CA 92720;(714)669-9260 voice; (714)730-5785 BBS.