DOS SUPPORT FROM DAYNA AND INSIGNIA ----------------------------------- Dayna Communications, Inc., originator of Mac-to-DOS and Mac-to-NetWare connectivity technology, announced DOS Mounter Plus, its newest and most versatile MS-DOS file access utility available for Macintosh computers. DOS Mounter Plus has all of the features found in the company's original DOS Mounter including MS-DOS file access on the Macintosh desktop, Extension Mapping, and DOS disk formatting capabilities, but now includes the capabilities of its NetMounter, which provides access to NetWare 2.15, 2.2, and 3.11 file servers, without having to buy Novell's NetWare for Macintosh. Other new features include an improved graphical user interface, easier installation, support for magneto-optical drives, and faster DOS media formatting. Additionally, you get MultiMounter and MultiFormatter, a couple of utilities that allow Mac users to format and partition almost any kind of DOS media. To have shipped in February and retail at $99. Insignia Solutions, meanwhile, announced at MacWorld that it is lowering the pricing of its entire SoftPC 3.0 product family. These products let you run DOS or Windows software on your Macintosh. Here's that chance to run a Galacticomm BBS you've all been waiting for. In "response to the continuing drop in PC hardware prices," the new retail cost for SoftPC for Windows is $499, SoftPC Professional is now $325, and Universal SoftPC, will retail at $165. Dayna Communications, Inc., 50 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84144; (801) 531-0600 voice. Insignia Solutions, 526 Clyde Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, (415) 694-7600 voice.