============== DIRECT CONNECT ============== THE MEETING WORKS - ONLINE SERVICE FOR CONVENTION PLANNERS ---------------------------------------------------------- Adult education has taken on a new meaning in the past few years. Basically, people have begun learning about new fields, technical techniques, and other tips and tricks of their chosen profession by attending seminars and conventions. A number of companies have sprung up that do nothing but take a traveling road show to different cities to demonstrate everything from TCP/IP to how to sell air conditioners. Corporations often have entire in-house meeting planning staffs. And yes, many computer magazines are now offering their own meetings, conventions, trade shows, etc. We ourselves have rather accidentally wound up in the convention business with the Online Networking Exposition and BBS Convention. Given the typically pricey registration for such two or three day educational seminars - often priced between $800 and $1500 just for registration, you would think they would go begging. Apparently not. For many of the popular seminars, you either sign up early or don't get in. In many fields, this is where the ongoing education is happening, and Universities are in general woefully behind in offering up to date information. John Mackenzie has not only noted the phenomenon of meetings, seminars, and conventions, but he's put up a BBS titled THE MEETING WORKS at (212)737-6932 devoted to the esoterica involved in putting one on. The system is quite colorfully done using Galacticomm's MAJOR BBS software. According to Mackenzie, "The hospitality and airline industries do a fine job of telling people where to hold meetings and how to get to them. But this doesn't help those who give bad presentations in beautiful rooms after they arrive. And, during these days of job elimination, meeting quality can be far more crucial for the future of those who give them than those who come to them. The Meeting Works goes beyond pools, palm trees and room rates to give sales and association executives combat-tested information on improving concepts and content before room lights go down, or exhibits go up." The Meeting Works presently covers eleven areas: 1) Sales meeting outlines and ideas 2) Generic scripts and meeting modules 3) Meeting themes 4) Room survey and setup suggestions 5) Tech tips on staging and equipment 6) Exhibit case histories 7) Sales and training seminar situations 8) A writers showcase and idea bank 9) Association meeting methods 10) Sales awards and incentives, and 11) A forum on interactive group decision systems. Most of the files available online in categories 1, 2 and 3 can be modified easily to meet different product and presentation needs. A classified ad section sells space to meeting facilities and services, while questionnaires poll buyer opinions. User feedback reports are available to those placing ads. Writers and designers earn free time on The Meeting Works by uploading copyrighted samples as showcase demos for potential clients. Live, special interest "keyboard conferences" are another subscriber feature. Color graphics files, showing trade exhibit setups and meeting room layouts, will soon be added. Major meeting organizations have been invited to appoint subject authorities to answer subscriber questions. Mackenzie hopes The Meeting Works will help planners increase their value to management by expanding the range of contributions they can make to meeting conduct and content. THE MEETING WORKS, 957 Parke Avenue, New York, NY 10028; (212)737-8910 voice; (212)737-6932 BBS