=================================== THIS MONTH'S LIST - WASHINGTON D.C. =================================== Mike Focke has been keeping a list of Washington D.C. bulletin boards for as long as we've known Washington had any. It is probably one of the most comprehensive lists in the country and is issued monthly. The list makes the rounds in the file DCBBmmyy.ZIP where mm is the month and yy is the year. It is available for download from the INTERCONNECT BBS at (703)425-2505. Focke has graciously allowed us to reproduce his list herein. Currently, the list sports some 540 active entries. Washington D.C. is awash in high tech bandits operating around the beltway and of course there are a large number of federal government bulletin boards in the area. The area is also home to the Capitol City User Group which operates several bulletin boards including a member information exchange at (703)742-6213. Tom Mack, author of the original RBBS BBS package in the early '80s designated this user group as the distribution point for his public domain BBS package. As a result, Washington D.C. is also the capitol of the world of RBBS software with some 91 systems (16.9%) using this particular software package to operate. An additional 90 systems use PCBoard software which is similar in operation.