Jack: Just read your response in the March issue to Larry Gauper. I must say Bravo!! I just discovered the world of "online" at the age of 58 and I can only say , I wish it had been there when I was a youngster. I have been slowly reaching out to touch people around the world and am beginning to have some success. The main problem I have as a neophyte, is that I have no idea who's connected to this network. Is there some place I can go to find this kind of information? I also wanted to say that your comments pertaining to writing were right on the mark. I love your magazine!! Keep up the good work. Bob Schley roberts651@aol.com Bob: Dial that modem. I have no idea who's connected to it either. But each time you contact someone, it will lead to someone else. Before you know it, you'll have to keep notes. The notes become a newsletter. The newsletter, a magazine. I'm not sure after that. I'll let you know when I get there. Jack Rickard