PRINT FAX The cheapest and simplest way to get a plain paper fax machine is to plug Moonlight Computer Product's $259.00 PrinterFax into a cartridge slot on your HP LaserJet printer. Except for a phone jack on one side, the PrinterFax looks like an ordinary font cartridge, but it transforms any LaserJet printer (except the LaserJet IIISi or 4) into a receive only fax Machine. This device can't send out faxes and can't store incoming ones when you turn your printer off. The cartridge does not use disk based software. Its controlled through your printers control panel for the number or rings, print resolution and station number that the cartridge reports to the remote fax machine. You can even configure it to use either letter or legal size paper. This cartridge does require at least 1mb or ram. If you download fonts to your printer at the beginning of each day don't use the PrintFax since when a fax is received your fonts will be erased from memory. Also don't choose it if you require Postscript since both cartridges need to use of the left cartridge slot. Its a great product if it meets your needs. Plain Paper Faxing. EDITOR CLYDE ARNOLD BITS N' BYTES BBS 207-873-1937