This is an excerpt from PORTABLE COMMUNICATIONS, by Michael A. Banks (published by Brady Books/Simon & Schuster). Check your local WaldenBooks, B. Dalton's, or software store for a copy. This is a partial chapter. Copyright (c), 1992 Michael A. Banks. All rights reserved. You may upload this to BBSs and online services, but other duplication or copying without express written permission from the copyright holders is prohibited. Chapter 4: Portable Communications Software You can't use a modem without communications software, but communications software isn't the only kind of software you need to think about. There are several kinds of support software to consider. Some are vital to certain operations, while others are conveniences. We'll discuss these, as well as communications software, in this chapter. COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE: AN INTRODUCTION A communications program enables and enhances modem communications. It is a direct link between your computer and modem, which in turn is your pipeline to the remote system to which you're connected. A communications program's primary job is to initiate and maintain a connection with another computer system through the computers' modems. Other basic tasks include taking care of such chores as setting communications parameters, displaying characters on the screen, and handling data transfers to and from a remote system. (The term "remote," by the way, always refers to the computer you're calling. Your computer is the "local" system. To someone on the other end of the connection, the terms are reversed.) Often called terminal emulation software, or terminal software, communications software routes data and commands to and from the modem and instructs the modem, via communications parameter settings, to use proper protocol in communicating with another system. (Simply put, protocol is an agreed-upon procedure for how data is to be transferred.) Communications software comes in three varieties: conventional communications programs, front ends for specific online services, and proprietary front-end programs required to access graphics-based online services. Systems that display only text or limited graphics using IBM graphics characters are called "text-based." Systems that display bit-mapped graphics (graphics in any of a variety of shapes, like those sophisticated computer arcade games) are referred to as "graphic-based" systems. Text-based systems may be accessed using conventional communications programs or front ends; graphic-based programs require proprietary front-end programs. Depending on the online service you're accessing, you may use "conventional" DOS communications software or a front-end program with text-based services, or a dedicated front-end program with graphics-based services. Text-based services include online services such as BIX, CompuServe, DELPHI, and GEnie, as well as BBSs. Examples of graphics-based services are America Online and Prodigy. I'll take a closer look at front ends for both text- and graphics-based services in a few pages. For now, we'll concentrate on "standard" DOS communications software for text- based services. (Front ends perform many of the same tasks and have many of the same features as DOS communications programs.) ((Section on communications software features and operation omitted.)) AUTOMATING TEXT-BASED ONLINE SERVICES WITH FRONT-END SOFTWARE Once you're comfortable using an online service, you'll start looking for ways to make it easier to use. There are several ways to do this, including navigation shortcuts and setting up macros and function-key assignments, as described later. However, for maximum efficiency and speed on a particular online service, your best bet is to get a front end program for that service. How a Front End Works A front end not only makes using an online service more efficient, but also easier. The typical front end offers the equivalent of prepared script files to handle tasks like sending and receiving E-mail and public messages, as well as editors to compose messages, and more. Most front ends are set up so you don't have to remember an online service's commands. Instead, you select a command by pressing a single key (as in Figure 4.1), by selecting a menu item (as in Figure 4.2), or by typing an easy-to-remember "plain English" command. ((Figure 4.1 here)) Figure 4.1 Aladdin Front End for GEnie ((Figure 4.2 here)) Figure 4.2 CompuServe Information Manager The overall "feel" of using such a program is more like using an applications program in your computer than accessing a distant mainframe or mini-computer. Even if you're a novice or "plug-n-go" user and don't want to take the time to learn to navigate an online service like CompuServe, or don't want to memorize a lot of commands, or who doesn't want to go to the trouble of writing complicated script files to mechanize online activities, front ends may be just what you're looking for. (Some, like Aladdin for GEnie, even have macro and scripting capability, so you can customize their operation.) # Examples of Front Ends for Popular Online Services Those are the bare-bones basics of online service front ends-- enough, we hope, to give you an idea of what they're all about. Now we'll show you several online service front ends (by no means all of them). ((This section--omitted--discusses and illustrates front ends for CompuServe, DELPHI, GEnie, and MCI Mail.) DEDICATED FRONT-END PROGRAMS Some online services require that you use special software, which the service normally provides. These services are Prodigy, America Online and its affiliated services, PC-Link and Promenade. With the exception of Promenade, all can be accessed with a laptop computer. Online services that use dedicated front-end programs store part of the service itself in files on your work disk or hard disk. This means frequently displayed graphics and information do not have to be transmitted to your computer each time you use them, so the service is faster. Each online service's front-end is designed to operate with a minimal system--i.e., they will work well enough with an 8088- based PC and a monochrome CGA display. Most are best-used with a hard disk, but they can be run from a floppy disk. I refer you to the online services in question (contacts are listed in Appendix C) for more information on their software, but I do want to tell you how to make three of them easier to use. If you're using Prodigy, get either PROPLUS or Pro Master. These are shareware programs from Philippe Rabergeau's Gateway Software that provide all sorts of features that Prodigy doesn't offer--including screen and text capture, offline message composition and automatic replying, and more. (You'll find these available for download on CompuServe, GEnie, America Online, and elsewhere.) If you use America Online frequently, you would do well to buy GeoWorks Ensemble. This will give you access to multi- tasking and all of Ensemble's applications. You won't be able to run DOS applications, but you won't have idle computer time while you're downloading files. The same is true of PC-Link; if you use it a lot, buy Tandy's DeskMate software. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACES AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS I consider it worthwhile to use a multi-tasking operating environment when telecomputing, if you can. Remember that many online activities involve waiting--file transfer in particular. When your computer is engaged in such activities, you can't use it--unless you have a multi-tasking operating environment. The front-runners in the DOS world are clearly Microsoft Windows and DESQview. You can run virtually any terminal program--and most front-ends--under Windows, and several publishers offer Windows versions of their terminal programs. With DESQview, you can run just about any DOS-based terminal program. It may be possible to run all the proprietary front- ends under Windows and DESQview, though I haven't been able to create PIF files for some of them. (PIF is an acronym for "program information files." A PIF tells a multi-tasking system how to manage a DOS program so it will run properly under the GUI in question.) In any event, both Windows and DESQview have very basic but decent terminal programs. Windows' terminal program is part of the Windows package; DESQview's is an extra-cost option. A few other operating multi-tasking and task-switching environments are battling for the market share left over after Windows and DESQview. Tandy's DeskMate seems to have a very slight edge over the other major package, GeoWorks' Ensemble. Both have usable terminal programs, and a runtime version of each is used as part of a proprietary front end. (As noted earlier, DeskMate is the basis for PC-Link, and Ensemble is the foundation for America Online's PC software.) Some laptops can't run operating environments like DESQview or Windows. For those machines, you can use DeskMate or Ensemble. Or, you can create a sort of poor-man's multi-tasking system using TSR programs, discussed later. A communications program with access to DOS can expand your system in this direction, as can a program that runs in background. MAKING YOUR COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE MORE EFFICIENT: DO-IT-YOURSELF ONLINE FRONT ENDS One of the great benefits of using a computer is the ability to fully or partially automate a task. You do this all the time with various computer applications programs--formatting and spell-checking documents with word processors, sorting and searching out records in a database, and in automatically dialing up and signing on to BBSs and online services. It's easy to extend the idea of automation to a BBS or an online service. Online automation can be accomplished in several ways--with script files and front-end programs covered earlier, and with macros and function-key assignments that you can put together yourself. Each of these can not only automate your online sessions, but also make the services easier to use, as you'll see. Making Your Own, Part 1: Macros and Key Assignments Before we get into macros, function-key assignments, and other key assignments, I should mention that these are all basically the same thing: Techniques whereby one or more commands are "recorded," assigned to a key or key-combination, then "played back" when the specified key or key-combination is pressed. (Script files are an expansion of this concept.) One Touch Does it All: Macros After you've been online a few times, you will find yourself using some commands more frequently than others. EXIT and BYE are two that are used in one way or another on virtually all online systems. As you get used to a system, you'll start using more specialized and complicated commands frequently. (Like SK TO LA, which I use on BIX to skip through messages in a conference topic when I've not signed on in a while and there are more new messages than I want to read.) It's easy to see how this kind of program operation could simplify the use of many online services, even on a very basic level. As another example, consider the outmoded commands some systems require you to use, like LIST when you want to READ a message--which is how you think of the action. It would be nice if those systems would change their way of thinking to yours, but they probably won't. So, you're stuck with having to remember to type LIST when you want to read a message--unless, that is, you have assigned the string LIST to a key combination that you think of as READ. (If you think about it, the ideal front end would allow you to use synonyms for virtually every command on the online service in question. At least one online service has that feature built- in, by the way: BIX allows you to define non-conflicting synonyms for all of its major commands. This aspect of BIX functions as a front end in its own right.) In operation, you can think of creating macros and key assignments as "recording" a series of keystrokes. When you press the key assigned those keystrokes, the keystrokes are "played back." For example you might assign an online service's sign-off command (BYE followed by pressing Enter) to F1, in which case you would get four keystrokes for the price of one. The number of keystrokes always has an upper limit, which limits the kind or number of commands you can issue with one key. Such commands can be issued by pressing one or two keys, if your software has the ability to create macros. Macros are created by storing a series of keystrokes in a file, and designating one or two keys to recall those keystrokes from the file and send them as if you had typed them in terminal mode. (In many instances, macros can issue commands to your communications software, too.) The key that issues the macro may be a function key, or a combination of keys. Key combinations include Ctrl-key (like Ctrl-Y) and Alt-key combinations (like Alt-H). The key in a Ctrl- or Alt-key assignment might also be a function key (like Ctrl-F1 or Alt-F1), or a shifted function key (like Shift-F1). Using function keys alone and in combination with Ctrl, Alt, and Shift, you have 40 possible macros, which is more than enough for most applications. If you need more than 40 function keys, you can go to Alt- key combinations using any other key on the keyboard. As previously mentioned, many popular communications programs use Alt-key combinations for commands. PROCOMM PLUS, for example, uses Alt-key commands almost exclusively, as illustrated by the command screen in Figure 4.6. ((Figure 4.6 here)) Figure 4.6 PROCOMM PLUS Command Screen As noted earlier, the keys used with Alt often begin with the first letters of the command name--like Alt-H for "Hangup" and Alt-D for "Dial." This mnemonic combination makes the key- combinations easier to remember. The mnemonic structure should give you an idea of how to think about command-key assignments. Many other communications programs rely on Alt-key commands, largely because it is accepted practice to assign online service commands to Ctrl-key combinations, so the communications programs seem to have "taken what's left" in the form of Alt-key commands. Thus, as a user you are often left with only the 40 possible function key commands I mentioned a few paragraphs back. Again, 40 commands is probably enough for anyone to use and remember. Function key assignment is fairly straightforward with most programs. Crosstalk Mk.4, for example, lets you view and set up function key assignments by pressing Alt-K (for keys). When you do this, you see the window shown in Figure 4.7. ((Figure 4.7 here)) Figure 4.7 Crosstalk Mk.4 Function Key Commands (The other function key sets displayed when you press PgDn are Ctrl-, Alt-, and Shift-function key combinations.) To assign a command string to a key with this program, you just tab to a function key's field and enter what you want issued when you press that key. A few special characters are used to insert control characters, specify a local command to the program, or send a carriage return (press Enter) at the end of a command string. As you've probably guessed, macros can be used to issue IDs and passwords, as well as system navigation commands, file- transfer commands, etc., to the remote system. Basically, you can send anything you can type. If the program allows internal commands, you can set up macros to open a capture file, transmit files, etc. With this capability, you can build your own sort of primitive front end for any text-based online service. What's more, if you use more than one online service, you can unify the command structures for each through your macro/key- assignment based front end. This is certainly a worthwhile endeavor; the commands used to navigate various online services are at times impossibly diverse. If you use more than one service you must spend a lot of time learning each service's commands. Even after learning all the commands, it's easy to confuse services and issue the wrong command while online. The Key to Online Success As you've probably figured out, you can avoid command confusion and make online navigation easy by assigning commands to function keys in such a manner that the appropriate command for the operation you wish to perform is sent to an online service when you press a function key. Assign the same type of command to the same function key for each service, and you will have a personal "front end"--rather like having an assistant who always remembers the right command, no matter which service you're on. For example, if you assign each service's log-off command to F1, you won't have to remember whether to type BYE, OFF, EXIT, QUIT, or whatever a service uses. This, of course, requires a communications program that can save and automatically load different function-key assignments for each service. (Note: If your communications software package doesn't offer macro capability, you might investigate using a macro program that is compatible with your system and your communications software. If you're running under DESQview, you can of course set up macros that you can use with any DOS-based application you run under DESQview.) You can create a "function-key front end" with any of a number of conventional communications programs, including Windows' Terminal program. LAPTOP-TO-DESKTOP COMMUNICATION: NULL-MODEMING If need to transfer data from your laptop's hard disk to your desktop computer's hard disk, or vice-versa, there are several ways to do it. If both have serial ports, you might use your modem to upload the data from one computer to an online service or BBS, then download it with the other computer. Or, you might copy data from the first computer's hard disk to a floppy disk, then copy the data from the floppy disk to the second computer's hard disk. However, this is time-consuming, and--where an online service is involved--costly. Both machines already have what it takes to communicate with one another: serial ports. All you need to do is link them directly, substituting what is called a null-modem cable for modems and telephone lines. Such a direct link transfers data far faster than a modem and online service or BBS, in any event: data is transferred at speeds of up to 9600 to 19,200 bps between directly-linked computers! Null-modem transfers can be conducted using conventional communications software, or with a program designed especially for that purpose, like LapLink II. Using a Conventional Communications Program for Null-Modeming Transferring files via a null-modem connection using a conventional communications program isn't that much different from transferring files via modem. It helps to use the same software on each computer, though. And you will, of course, need a null-modem cable. You can buy a null-modem cable at any computer store, or make one yourself, per the instructions in Appendix E. Before you attempt the link, set up each computer's program to its maximum speed, and to the same communications parameters (8/N/1 or 7/E/1). You won't be communicating back and forth, so you don't have to worry about setting echo. Leave the terminal emulation at "None" or "TTY," whichever your program offers. With the parameters set, go into terminal mode with each system, and type the command to go online--unless, that is, your program lets you set things up to assume it is already online. You can verify the connection by typing a few characters on one computer's keyboard, and seeing if they appear on the other computer's screen. Once you've verified the connection, switch to command mode on each computer and issue or select the proper file-transfer command (upload or download), select the same file-transfer protocol, and type the filename(s) to be transferred. Stop at the final step in the process with each computer, then initiate the upload (transmission) on the sending computer a second or so before initiating the download on the receiving computer. From there, the transfer will proceed as it would with a modem connection. Note: When using Xmodem (and sometimes other binary file- transfer protocols) to transfer binary data and program files, use an archiving program like PKZIP to archive the file or files first. Some software's binary file-transfer protocols corrupt binary files by "padding" them with extra bits. This is a perfectly legitimate function as far as the program is concerned, but it can result in unreadable data files and programs that won't run. Archived files are not corrupted by this process. It makes sense to archive all the files you intend to send, in any event. The reduced file size gives you a faster transfer. Using a Null-Modem Program Null-modeming is a lot easier if you use a program designed for computer-to-computer data transfer. The best all-around program of this type is Traveling Software's LapLink II. It not only provides a communications link and file-transfer protocol, but also comes with long null-modem cables that will fit any combination of DB-9/DB-25 connectors. It even copies itself from one computer to another. Laplink and programs like it also let you specify directories from and to which files are copied. You can copy or move (copy and delete) individual files or groups of files within directories as you wish. If you do very much null-modeming, get LapLink; you won't have to worry about archiving programs, changing directories with your communications program, or copying programs from one directory to another on the destination disk. PORTABLE COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT SOFTWARE As noted earlier, communications software isn't the only kind of software you'll need for portable telecomputing. There are a number of utilities and TSR programs that are either necessary or useful enhancements to telecomputing. Archiving and File-Compression Programs Archiving and file-compression programs head the list of necessary support programs. Archiving programs are programs that combine several data and program files into one file. File- compression programs compress, squeeze, pack, squish, implode, or otherwise reduce files in size. (A few kinds of files, among them "GIF" graphics files, cannot be compressed using archiving programs.) These programs perform two useful functions where file transfers are concerned. First, they make files smaller, thus reducing transfer time. Second, in putting more than one program into a single file, they make it easier to download a program that has multiple files--you get everything in one package. The most commonly used programs in these categories do both. I'll call them archiving programs for the sake of this discussion. Archiving programs are usually used to create files with an identifying filename extension (like .ZIP or .ARC), from which you can extract files using the same program. A few programs create what are called self-extracting archives. These are files with the extension .EXE which, when run, unpack themselves. The most popular of these is LHarc. (Note that you don't need the unpacking program to unpack a self-extracting archive.) The most popular of the archiving programs is PKWARE's PKZIP/PKUNZIP package. You'll find files created with PKZIP.EXE (identifiable by the filename extension .ZIP) everywhere. An accompanying utility, PKUNZIP.EXE, is used to decompress and extract files from archives. The file is available for download as a self-extracting archive, usually with a name like PKZ???.EXE. (??? indicates the version number, as in PKZ110.EXE.) ARC files (bearing the filename extension .ARC) are almost as prevalent. The ARC.EXE program handles both archiving/compression and de-archiving/decompressions. It can be downloaded as a self-extracting archive, with the name ARC???.EXE (as in ARC602.EXE). PKZIP has a slight edge over ARC in how much and how quickly it reduces files. PKZIP also has an edge on many BBS systems, whose sysops took umbrage at a lawsuit involving PKWARE and will carry only PKZIP files. You'll need both PKZIP/PKUNZIP and ARC, however, as too many good programs can be found in either format. (If you can't download these programs, you can get them from their publishers. They're listed in Appendix A.) A relatively new archiving program is ARJ. ARJ has a distinct advantage over both PKZIP and ARC in speed and compression. ARJ isn't in widespread use yet, but probably will be in 1993. Other archiving and compression programs include .LZH, PAK.EXE (.PAK), ZOO.EXE (.ZOO), LU.EXE (.LBR), and NUSQ.COM (?Q?). You may or may not need all these. ZOO and LIB files are relatively rare nowadays. Files created with LU.EXE are usually not compressed, but may contain files that have been compressed with NUSQ. Notepads, Calendars, and Other TSR Programs TSR programs provide useful supplements to communications programs. The more common TSRs range from pop-up notepads, calculators, and calendars, to ASCII tables and phone directories. (Borland's Sidekick provides all of these.) Some of these features may be provided by a terminal program. The main disadvantage to using TSRs online is the fact that they use memory which the communications program may need (perhaps to run an external file-transfer protocol). Thus, you may limit your program's capabilities. Too, some TSRs conflict with some communications or other programs you may be running, which can have unpredictable results. (The conflicts occur when a program you've loaded wants to access an area of memory occupied by the TSR.) If you need to access text files, a calculator, calendar, and other data when you're online, you might consider a multi- tasking or task-switching environment. If you want to run your own programs in each category, DESQview is probably your best choice in this area. (DESQview offers an optional notepad, calendar, and other features useful when you're online, too.) Windows 3 is also a good choice, since it provides all of the aforementioned applications, and more, all guaranteed to work in concert. The same is true of DeskMate and GeoWorks' Ensemble, which don't require a 286 or 386 for optimum performance. Also on this topic, I should mention that you may find a memory-resident spelling checker useful--or you may find one maddening. These programs typically operate by scanning the preceding character string each time you press the space bar. If the string is in the program's dictionary as a word, it is ignored; if the string is not recognized, the program either beeps and/or pops up a window with suggested spellings. RAMdisk Software As explained in an earlier chapter, a RAMdisk can reduce file- transfer time, particularly if your system has slow disk access speed. If you can't use a multi-tasking system and do a lot of file transfers, you'll really appreciate the time a RAMdisk saves. There are two drawbacks to using a RAMdisk. The first is it uses memory. The second is a RAMdisk that disappears when you turn off your machine. You have to remember to copy a downloaded file onto a real disk before you turn off your machine--and there is always the possibility you'll forget you downloaded something. As already noted, you should find RAMdisk software included with the utilities that came with your computer. If not, there are endless RAMdisk programs out there to buy or download. (These programs allocate a specified number of bytes of your system's RAM to look like another disk drive to your computer.) Macro Programs If you use a terminal program that doesn't offer function-key assignments or macro capability, you can add this feature with a key-assignment program. There are a number of commercial, PD, and shareware macro programs available. Which you use depends on how much memory your computer has. There are also compatibility issues, since key-assignment programs are TSRs. (In the shareware realm, NEWKEY seems to have a fairly good compatibility record. You might also take a look at FUNCREDO and DKEY, among others.) Although the better terminal programs and virtually all front ends for text-based services offer macro capability and/or function-key assignments, you may still want to use a keyboard- assignment program to extend the communications program's abilities. (Perhaps you can add Ctrl-, Alt-, and Shift-function key to function-key assignments.) Again, watch for compatibility problems--and remember that proprietary front ends do not generally tolerate TSRs. Text-File Converters Many modem users create text files offline for upload as message base postings or E-mail messages. This is fine, as long as the files are in what is called 7-bit ASCII format. Unfortunately, many popular word processors don't store text files in 7-bit ASCII format. Instead, they use an 8-bit format, which incorporates graphics and control characters. Or, they may store files in 7-bit ASCII, with 8-bit headers and formatting marks. If you try to upload a message created with such a word processor using ASCII upload, your system or the remote system will lock up because one or the other will interpret an 8-bit character as a command. (You can upload the message using a binary protocol, but it will be unreadable online.) Nowadays, most word processors that use 8-bit characters in storing files offer a "print to disk" or ASCII storage option, Microsoft Word and WordStar among them. Still others, like WordPerfect, offer conversion utilities. However, a few offer neither. If your word processor can't "do" ASCII, you'll need a text-file conversion program. XWORD, by Ronald Gans, is among the best of the shareware programs of this type. # By the way, applications for the support software I've discussed thus far aren't limited to online activities. Archiving software is handy for freeing disk space. You can use TSR programs with word processors, databases, and other applications. The same is true of RAMdisks. Text-file converters are useful when you want to share text files on disk with someone who uses different word-processing programs. Communications Utilities A few specialized utilities for communications are circulated as PD or shareware programs. For openers, there are TSR programs that display the equivalent of modem indicator lights on your computer screen (useful if you have an internal modem but want to monitor call status). You'll also find at least one program (CALLWAIT.BAS) that you can use to make your modem more tolerant of interruptions from call-waiting and line noise. There are an increasing number of modem setup programs online, too; these set your modem's parameters for optimum performance under certain conditions. Among the more esoteric communications support programs are viewers that display GIF graphics files as you download them. There are also terminal emulation and download protocol "add-ons" for several PD and shareware programs. (These can be difficult to use. And, you might be a little suspicious of a program you have to build yourself--unless you like tinkering. The ostensible focus of a terminal program is to help you communicate, not learn to do patches and program.) COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE: MAKING IT FIT Disk space is an important concern for you as a laptop user, whether or not your computer has a hard disk. This being the case, here are some guidelines for minimizing the disk space used by your communications software: * When you install communications software on a laptop's floppy or hard disk, disable optional features, such as terminal emulation and text file editing, that you won't be using. This often results in the files that support those features not being put on your hard disk. * Delete all help files. (Presumably, you will be using communications software with which you're already familiar.) * Delete script files for services you won't be using. * Edit dialing directories to minimal size. * Delete video, printer, and file-transfer support files that do not apply to your system. * Delete all "READ.ME" text files. You'll save a surprising amount of disk space this way. And, pruning a program to the absolute minimum number of files required to use it may let you get the program on one floppy disk. If you found this article useful, you may want to pick up a copy of the book from which it was excerpted. # BOOKS BY MICHAEL A. BANKS "If a technical thing is troubling you, just wait a bit. Michael Banks is probably writing a book that will make it clear." --The Associated Press Tired of dealing with the shortcomings of Windows 3 and 3.1? Check out THE WINDOWS SHAREWARE BOOK, by Michael A. Banks (John Wiley & Sons). This book introduces you to a wealth of shareware that will enhance, expand and make Windows easier to use! Shows you exactly where and how to find shareware and PD software, and how to put the software to work for you. Includes a disk with 32 of the Windows shareware and PD programs discussed in the book. Ask for it at your favorite book or software store, or call 1- 800-CALL-WILEY. THE MODEM REFERENCE by Michael A. Banks Published by Brady Books/Simon & Schuster In addition to explaining the technical aspects of modem operation, communications software, data links, and other elements of computer communications, the book provides detailed, illustrated "tours" of major online services such as UNISON, CompuServe, DELPHI, BIX, Dow Jones News/Retrieval, MCI Mail, the PRODIGY service, and others. It also contains information on using packet switching networks and BBSs, as well as dial-up numbers for various networks and BBSs. You'll also find hands-on guides to buying, setting up, using, and troubleshooting computer communications hardware and software. (And the book "supports" all major microcomputer brands.) THE MODEM REFERENCE is available at your local B. Dalton's, WaldenSoftware, Waldenbooks, or other bookstore, either in stock or by order. Or, phone 800-624-0023 to order direct. (2nd Edition currently available; watch for the all-new edition, under the title ONLINE EXPRESS, available in 1993!) "I definitely recommend it." --Jerry Pournelle, BYTE Magazine Want the lowdown on getting more out of your word processor? Read the only book on word processing written BY writers, FOR writers: WORD PROCESSING SECRETS FOR WRITERS, by Michael A. Banks & Ansen Dibel (Writer's Digest Books). WORD PROCESSING SECRETS FOR WRITERS is available at your local B. Dalton's, Waldenbooks, or other bookstore, either in stock or by order. Or, phone 800- 543-4644 (800-551-0884 in Ohio) to order direct. Whether you're new to the online world, or just want to go beyond the limits of your current modem activities, you probably need a little help. Check out the ultimate reference and how-to guide for PC communciations: POURNELLE'S PC COMMUNCIATIONS BIBLE, by Jerry Pournelle & Michael Banks (Microsoft Press). Pick up a copy at your local bookstore, or call 1-800-MS-PRESS. Books by Michael A. Banks Computer Books Pournelle's PC Communications Bible (w/Jerry Pournelle, Microsoft Press) Portable Communications (Brady Books) Portable Power (Brady Books) The Windows Shareware Book (John Wiley & Sons) The WordPerfect Shareware Book (John Wiley & Sons) The Modem Reference, 1st & 2nd Editions (Brady Books) Online Express (TMR, 3rd Edition, Brady Books) Word Processing Secrets for Writers (w/Ansen Dibell, Writer's Digest Books) Understanding FAX & E-Mail (Howard W. Sams & Co.) Getting the Most Out of DeskMate 3 (Brady Books) DELPHI: The Official Guide (General Videotex Corporation) Science Fiction Novels The Odysseus Solution (w/Dean Lambe; SF novel; Baen Books) Joe Mauser: Mercenary from Tomorrow (w/Mack Reynolds; SF novel; Baen Books) Sweet Dreams, Sweet Prices (w/Mack Reynolds; SF novel; Baen Books) Ultraheroes/"Be an Interplanetary Spy" #9 (Bantam Books) Other Books Countdown: The Complete Guide to Model Rocketry (TAB Books) The Rocket Book (with Robert Cannon/Prentice Hall Press) Second Stage: Advanced Model Rocketry (Kalmbach Books) Understanding Science Fiction (Dale Seymour Publishing/Silver Burdett) For more information, contact: Michael A. Banks P.O. Box 312 Milford, OH 45150