*************************************************************************** NEW ENGLAND BBS GUIDE *************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1993 Cambridge DataWorks * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BBS LISTING APPLICATION P.O. Box 132 - Kendall Square Station Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 BBS: (617) 547-6246 (9600-N-8-1) *************************************************************************** NEW ENGLAND BBS GUIDE is published monthly (by the fifth of each month) and is provided free of charge. BBS Listings are provided free of charge. To have your BBS published, call Cambridge DataWorks BBS at the above number or write to us using at the above address and submit this application. Please allow four weeks processing for mail in submissions. BBS NAME:__________________________________________________________________ SYSOP(S) NAME:_____________________________________________________________ MAIN PHONE NUMBER: ( )_______________________________________________ CITY:_______________________________________________STATE:_________________ BBS SOFTWARE USED:_________________________________________________________ MAXIMUM MODEM SPEED (CIRCLE ONE): 2400 9600 14400 IS THIS BBS ONLINE 24 HOURS A DAY? (CIRCLE ONE).....: YES NO DOES THIS BBS OFFER FREE ACCESS LEVELS? (CIRCLE ONE): YES NO DOES THIS BBS OFFER PAY ACCESS LEVELS? (CIRCLE ONE).: YES NO