41 files found in Library "Math / Science"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ACALC1.ZIP No 76349 03-04-93
AstroCalc I provides accurate astronomical
data for the Sun, Moon and all the planets.
You input date, time, and your latitude and
longitude and get sky positions including
right ascension & declination, local attitude
and azimuth, brightness, rise and set times
and more.
ANALYS40.ZIP Yes 62800 03-31-93
ANALYSIS v4.0 is a time series analysis
packages which performs FFTs, Wavelets,
coherence analysis, auto and cross
correlations, moments analysis, digital
filtering, Wigner-Ville transforms, and
graphical display of data in 2 and 3
dimensions. For Science and Engineering.
AT11.ZIP Yes 27253 04-24-93 Trigonometric calculator
BBCNG14.ZIP Yes 1076728 03-25-93
Compressed Natural Gas Systems - Utilities/
Government/ Engineering/ Manufacturing....
BTUSW311.ZIP Yes 226874 03-16-93
BTU Analysis ver. 3.1.1 from Enchanted Tree
DICROSS.ZIP Yes 6937 04-18-93
Displays the number of possible alleles for
a dihybrid cross - BIOLOGY/genetics.
DRIVEGEO.ZIP Yes 12268 05-01-93
Drive Geometry v7.395 e06 - This program will
return the number of Cylinders
ECM.ZIP Yes 143915 03-27-93 Electron Cloud Mapping Program.
ERFX.ZIP Yes 23992 04-23-93 Calculates the Gaussian Error Function ERF(X)
FCA28.ZIP Yes 36099 04-28-93
FCA v2�8: TSR calculator w/formatted displays
& direct paste text, minimum screen overlay
29 functions, including trig, factorials, etc
GEOCLK50.ZIP Yes 327911 03-27-93
GeoClock sunlight clock version 5.0 for EGA,
VGA, and 800x600. The current sun position
is displayed, and the parts of the earth
in sunlight and twilight are highlighted,
with local sunrise/set and times around the
world. 5.0 adds mouse controlled functions
and the display of country names. Over 200
maps are available.
HURRTR40.ZIP Yes 274765 05-17-93
1993 VERSION (4.0) of HURRTRAK. The best
PC. Very detailed VGA tracking charts, MORE
IRDR15.ZIP Yes 219460 02-13-93
The Illustrated Reader. Allows non-programmer
to easily electronic documents with pictures
using a test editor and paint program that
it supports. Req Vga or EGa, mouse optional
LEROY_01.ZIP Yes 101656 03-22-93 Weather forcasts from NOAA 9/92-2/93 3/22/93.
LLLII.ZIP Yes 41728 03-17-93 Least Common Multiple finder
MATHSTAT.ZIP Yes 83449 01-25-93
Two statistic programs to solve your
statistics problems. Version 7 is in beta
MATH_PAD.ZIP Yes 37443 03-08-93 Math - Does 46+ Functions and keeps log file.
MECHAN93.ZIP Yes 284191 02-01-93
MECHAN - Kinematic or Dynamic Analysis of
Multi-loop Planar Linkages and Gears.
Mechanical Engineering/Dynamics of Machinery.
MGVGA443.ZIP Yes 127444 03-19-93
Master-Graph 4.43, 2D graph plotter, need
MIETAB20.ZIP Yes 120155 05-08-93
Mietab Calculates & Tabulates Mie Efficiency
Factors And Phase Functions For Homogeneous
Spheres Whose Mie Size Parameters Lie Between
0.01 And 400.0. Reqs Index of Refraction.
MP13.ZIP Yes 73247 04-14-93
MathPad v1.3 - Versatile math and geometric
and algebraic calculator. Can be run both
from DOS and from Windows 3.x.
MRM05B11.ZIP Yes 123213 04-19-93
Mr. Machinist is an easy-to-use menu driven
math program designed to solve the every day
geometry and trigonometry problems that
machinist and industrial engineers encounter.
POLY100.ZIP Yes 31982 04-17-93
Poly v1.00 - 4th order polynomial root
PROP_OPT.ZIP Yes 120761 03-06-93
ProPOpt designs propellers. Design propellers
for experimental, commercial and model
aircraft. Online help, explanatory screens,
determine static thrust, gearing.
PT202A.ZIP Yes 310445 04-05-93
Periodic Table 2.02 - Disk 1 of 2 The
*ultimate* periodic table. It shows all 110
chemical elements. Includes data on over 800
isotopes, shows radioactive decay trees, and
MUCH MUCH more. MDI interface. Prints.
PT202B.ZIP Yes 181424 04-05-94
Periodic Table 2.02 - Disk 2 of 2
Includes Quiz mode, too. 30 data items each.
SIMST1.ZIP Yes 294906 05-04-93
SIMSTAT v2.1 Bug fix. Simulation and
statistics. data-analysis of ASCII, SPSS/PC+
dBase III/III+/IV, Lotus files. many
features including Bootstrap simulation [1/2]
SIMST2.ZIP Yes 118280 05-04-93 SIMSTAT v2.1 bug fix [2/2]
SLVCHN10.ZIP Yes 87455 04-18-93
SolveCHN is designed to automate the tedious
process of a freebase / salt / solvate
combination.For CHEMISTS. Eliminates drudgery
SN1993J.ZIP Yes 81462 04-11-93
Text, A Finder Chart And Several GIFs of
Supernova 1993j in The Galaxy M81.
SOAV2.ZIP Yes 231362 03-25-93
Skill-Oriented Algebra (SOA) v2.0: complete
menu-driven computer-based course in
elementary algebra; produces exercises/tests
formatted for direct/immediate in-class use;
SOP9320A.ZIP Yes 314730 05-10-93 latest STS Orbit Plus part 1 of 2
SOP9320B.ZIP Yes 185527 05-10-93
part 2 of 2 STS Orbit plus --great program to
track Hubble Telescope, Sats, etc
TELEMENG.ZIP Yes 39886 04-11-93
Telemetry Program to be Used When The New
French Satellite Arsene Goes up April 30th.
USWTHR12.ZIP Yes 117058 03-11-93 U.S. Weather Atlas 1.2 Averages 80 Cities.
WTHR35E.ZIP Yes 75965 01-28-93
weather forecaster predicts the next 24 hrs'
weather based on your input of baro.pressure,
temp., rel. humidity, wind direction and
cloud conditions.
WXGPX31.ZIP Yes 219919 05-03-93
Weather Graphix v3.1 Full-color EGA/VGA
graphics program plots high-resolution
weather graphic charts. Gets information from
the National Weather Service data that you
capture on any database you prefer.For pilots
weather persons, storm chasers, etc. Can use
the WXM*.* weather maps series with this pgm.
WXM92_12.ZIP Yes 337827 04-02-93 Weather maps for Scanwx.
WXM93_04.ZIP Yes 331427 05-16-93 Weather Maps For Scanwx�