------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUPLST - Copyright (C) 1992 ACS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Program and source code are protected in whole or part under Canadian and Int'l copyright laws as an original work. Portions Copyright(C) Novell, Inc. Provo UT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is *NOT* free software. It is being distributed under the shareware "try before you buy" concept. To register this software and to obtain the latest version, send cheque or money-order for $30.00/copy to: AccuSys Computer Services P.O. Box 1215 Fonthill, ON CANADA L0S 1E0 Please remember to include your full return mailing address. If you require additional information, call: 416-734-1992. Specify disk size (3.5" or 5.25" media) and the name of the program to be registered. *** Support the ShareWare concept - Send your registration today! *** *** NEW! CIS members, "GO SWREG" to register this program ONLINE! *** --- Rev 2.60 changes --- - Number of columns reduced to accomodate larger user ID's - Group member list is now sorted alphabetically rather than in order of creation date --- Sample output from GROUPLST.EXE --- GROUPLST Version 2.60 (Unregistered) Copyright (C) 1992 - ACS ============================================================================= Member list for Group (ID:22000001) TEST Page#: 01 Username Username Username Username Username ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATEST BTEST CTEST DTEST FTEST GTEST JTEST KTEST LTEST MTEST NTEST OTEST PTEST QTEST RTEST STEST TTEST WTEST XTEST YTEST ZTEST Number of Group Members: 21 Press to continue, or Q to quit