WARNING DANGER ============== Two program's in this package (CHECKINI.EXE and WPSBKP.EXE) extract information from the workplace shell. Since there is no known method of doing this on a documented way, they interpret the ini-files themselves. Although undocumented, it works properly for the following versions of OS/2 2.0 (or OS/2 2.1) o The original version (GA) as was released in spring 1992 o The OS/2 2.00.1 (2.01) BETA version that was released in autumn 1992 o The original version in combination with the service pack released october, 1992 (GA + SP). o The OS/2 2.1 BETA's with the following revisions: 6.479, 6.498, 6.514. IBM could at any point in time decide to change the way the workplace shells data is stored in the ini-files. Therefore a new release of OS/2 or even a small update in one of the workplace shell's programfiles or dll's could cause the two programs mentioned above to fail or even to corrupt your workplace shell. The best way to test this is run CHECKINI WITHOUT the /C option! (Optionally use the /W option to write out all checkini's findings and inspect the logfile) If Checkini reports un unusual amount of errors, the internal structure of the workplace shells data inside the ini-files might have changed. Look in CHECKINI's logfile at the "PM_Abstract:Objects & PM_Abstract:FldrContents" section with special care. If this section contains a lot of errors while your workplace shell seems to function properly there might have been a change, so: DO NOT USE CHECKINI.EXE or WPSBKP.EXE then! =========================================== Note: The warning above does not apply to WPSREST.EXE, COPYINI.EXE and REPLINI.EXE since these programs only use FULLY DOCUMENTED CALLS! Henk Kelder, 2:280/801.339@fidonet.org ^^^^^^^^^^^^^<-(new address)