32 files found in Library "Pascal /TP"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
3DLIB17F.ZIP No 326889 05-13-93
3DLIB v1.7 TurboPascal 3D graphic objects
lib/animation pkg.
BAGGREP.ZIP Yes 8076 03-19-93
Brief Editor grep macro -- search for pattern
across all user buffers; jump to file or to
specific line containing pattern.
BI4.ZIP Yes 2538 02-23-93
Turbo Pascal Source to Detect All Drives
Installed in A System.
BINFILE.ZIP Yes 14120 03-16-93
This is a Turbo Pascal object that was
designed for accessing binary files based on
the users desires.
BPL70N11.ZIP Yes 269144 03-12-93
BP 7 Runtime Unit Replacements : Replace
TURBO.TPL, TPW.TPL, TPP.TPL with improved
routines - especially for the Maths
CTL3DPAS.ZIP Yes 17833 04-04-93
Turbo pascal for windows source & executable
in how to use the 3D dialog boxes
ECO30603.ZIP Yes 750542 04-14-93
Eco Library II Release 3.0 V 6.03 Pascal Port
#3 Complete Edition All Pascal source
included. Without .ASM but .OBJ included for
EXECWS.ZIP Yes 18240 02-11-93
TP unit that provides a DOS EXEC facility
that keeps the child program's writes to
standard output or BIOS int $10 in a specifi-
ed region of the screen; includes TP/ASM
source; 02/11/93; Kim Kokkonen/TurboPower
PASWIZ14.ZIP Yes 71444 05-26-93
Pascal Wizard's Library 1.4 for Turbo Pascal
and Quick Pascal. One of the best!
PAS_0493.ZIP Yes 117161 04-29-93
Collection of PASCAL source tied in with and
including messages on FIDO Pascal conf 4.93
PCL4P35.ZIP Yes 60791 05-14-93
The famous Turbo Pascal Asynchornous Library
Includes X, YModem. v3.5
RANDPASS.ZIP Yes 6076 05-25-93
Random Password Generator 1.0 By Colin Bowern
w/ Pascal Source.
REGISTTP.ZIP Yes 105154 05-18-93
Pascal library for hooking registration keys
into.exe files.
RKPLS301.ZIP Yes 251067 03-04-93
RkPlus v3.01 - Turbo Pascal Unit to allow
programmers to easily handle secure
registration keys in their software.
SERNUM.ZIP Yes 1399 05-07-93
Read Write floppy serial numbers in Turbo
SHOWBMP2.ZIP Yes 43675 03-28-93
Turbo Pascal Unit to display 64k, 256c
bitmaps. New enhanced version with fading and
ultra fast display routines. Gifs can be used
SWAG.ZIP Yes 62513 05-29-93
SWAG READER v1.0 and Informtion files. You
will need this reader to read SWAG packets
which are in separte archives.
SourceWare Archival Group-PASCAL source files
SWAGABC.ZIP Yes 113892 05-29-93 SWAG Packet from 'A' to 'C'.
SWAGDEF.ZIP Yes 206197 05-29-93 SWAG packets from 'D' to 'F'.
SWAGG_M.ZIP Yes 156408 05-29-93 SWAG Packets from 'G' to 'M'.
SWAGN_R.ZIP Yes 101748 05-29-93 SWAG Packets from 'N' to 'R'.
SWAGS_Z.ZIP Yes 154729 05-29-93 SWAG Packets from 'S' to 'Z'.
TP6SB.ZIP Yes 22224 01-15-93 turbo pascal 6 source beautifier
TPBOOK.ZIP Yes 317216 04-04-93
A great reference on Turbo Pascal including
much information on Turbo Vision.
TSPA3260.ZIP Yes 108369 02-24-93
Prof. Timo Salmi's Tpu Collection of Nearly
200 Useful Turbo Pascal 6.0 Routines For
Text-Mode Programs.
TURKIT01.ZIP Yes 123095 05-07-93 Naplps Graphics Api For Programmers� Decodes�
TVBUGSP1.ZIP Yes 11878 05-20-93 Unofficial Bugs list of Turbo Vision
UNIT6DIS.ZIP Yes 41284 04-28-93 Disassemble TPascal 6�0 Units!
VDL020D.ZIP Yes 240434 04-16-93
Visionix Developer Libraries 0.20 BETA.
Turbo/Borland Pascal libs for SCSI, CDROM,
DPMI, EMS, XMS, Advanced Power Manager,
Interrupt Alarms, Math, Date & Time, DOS,
Multitasking, Console I/O, Serial Port, MIDI,
Mouse, VGA Font redefination, File Management
and more! Documentation.
VGAEX.ZIP Yes 553 05-04-93
Examples on how to access your video card
directly in 320x200x256 mode in Turbo
Pascal.... for Mark Morgan.... some in ASM,
some in Pascal.