Excalibur Software Design ======================================== TASK TICKLER Version 1.0 May, 1993 ______________________________________________________________________________ The Basics ToDo.EXE tracks things-to-do for today and the days to come. It is designed for a multi-user environment, but will run just fine on a single-user system, or under windows, where multiple copies may be opened. The first thing that must be done is establishing a user file. USEREDIT.EXE creates users & their associated passwords and security levels. USEREDIT will prompt for a log-on name and password. Initially, none exist, so you must use the 'backdoor' for the program. Type 'Excalibur' at the user name prompt and you will be logged on without a password request. At this point select 'Update Users' and add yourself and any others who may be using the system. The system supervisor should be established at a level 10 access in order to gain future access to USEREDIT.EXE to add users or change passwords or security levels, etc. USEREDIT (and TODO) should be run from their home directories (where their data files reside), but the programs themselves may be in another directory in your path if you choose. You will be asked to log-on each time you run ToDo.EXE. Use the name and password that you have assigned yourself. ToDo.EXE uses your user number to keep track of separate to-do lists for different people in a multi-user environment. Don't forget the password you have assigned yourself. ToDo.EXE is pretty self explanatory. The default date on starting the program is today's date, and a list of things you have entered to do today will be displayed. If you have no tasks entered for today, you will be asked if you wish to add a task. Responding 'Yes' will pop-up the update form for you to fill out. If you select 'No', you will be asked if you wish to select another date. Responding 'No' to this question will assume that you wish to quit the program and you will be asked this. You assign priorities to the jobs that you add to your list. Items will then appear on your to-do list in order of the priority that you assigned them. When you finish a task, highlight it and check it off the list by holding down the 'CTRL' key and tapping the 'c' key at the same time. A check mark will appear next to the item to indicate that it has been completed. Any task not flagged as completed today (checked off) will be carried forward tomorrow as an unfinished task(s). If you have tasks that you wish to be reminded of everyday, just refrain from flagging them as completed. They will then appear on each day's to-do list when you start the program. You will see '^' on the screen (e.g. " ^Quit "). '^' means the 'CTRL' key (in the example, Ctrl-Q). These keys perform the specified functions. Ctrl-P, for example will print the To-Do list for the day on the table. You may change dates by hitting Ctrl-D. A calendar will pop-up. Just select the day you want to use (using the arrow keys) and the list for that day will be displayed on the table. Notes for Network Users As previously mentioned, the program uses your user number (accessed when you log-on) to determine which to-do list to display. If you are not concerned with security and would rather that all users have access to each other's calendars, use a simple password for each user (such as their initials). This way people, (a secretary, maybe) can access others' calendars to add appointments, notes, etc. If you set up in this fashion, the program can also be used as a simple Electronic Mail program as well. For example: Say you are leaving for the day, but need to talk to the Boss about something. Call up his calendar and add a 'task' that says something like 'See Mary Doe @ 8:00 AM concerning . . .[whatever]'. The Boss will see the note when he looks at his calendar and (hopefully) will see you concerning whatever you needed. If you are running under Windows 3.x, it's a simple matter to have multiple icons, one for each user's calendar. DISCLAIMER: User assumes all risks in using this software. In no event will EXCALIBUR SOFTWARE DESIGN be liable for any damages, including data loss, lost profits, cost of cover or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this program, however caused, and on any theory of liability. In using this program, you acknowledge this allocation of risk. The TASK TICKLER program is released as 'BannerWare' and you are free to copy and distribute it to others, as long as all files remain unchanged and are included. The program itself and it's associated source code, however, remains the sole property of Excalibur Software Design, an independent software development firm. I would, however, appreciate a postcard with any comments concerning the program. The program is distributed on an 'as-is' basis without support or obligation on the part of ESD, but I will answer any initial questions you might have if you call after normal business hours. Happy computing. Excalibur Software Design Custom Application Development 2425 South Third Street Niles, MI 49120 (616) 684-6229