Information on David Koresh I am concerned about the constitutional issues in the Koresh matter; including the First Amendment guarantee of freedom religion, the Fourth Amendment guarantee of reasonable search and seizures and the Fifth Amendment guarantee that property will not be taken without just compensation. Later I became acquainted with the Second Amendment right to bear arms. As I followed the story I became especially alarmed by the media "brown-out" which constitutes a blatant infringement of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of the press. I am worried because the FBI has kept Koresh completely sealed off from the public, the press and even his attorneys. We have not one word of information about the massacre except the FBI's version of the "incommunicado" interrogation of Koresh. In deference to the government, the press is characterizing Koresh as a monster, much as they did to Sadam Hussain, so that the public will accept a second massacre as easily as they accepted the Gulf War. The purpose of the second massacre will be to cover up the details of the first one. If the FBI goes in and kills everyone in the compound, there will be no witnesses of the first massacre excepting children and four very frightened adults whose testimony can be easily overcome by the testimony of 150 ATF agents. My purpose in broadcasting this information is to prevent a second massacre. The information I have collected is found in KORESH.ZIP.