Date: 10-01-92 (09:52) Number: 3302 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XI, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) From: (John DiNardo) Subject: Part XI, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1992 17:01:26 GMT I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10018 (continuation) MICHIO KAKU: I think it's very important when we look at the ballistics tests that show, for example, frame 313 of the Zapruder film which clearly shows the President's head going to the rear, which indicates that a bullet came from the front. Now in the Warren Commission Report, the FBI, of course, had access to the Zapruder film and also to the ballistics -- and what they did was they REVERSED two frames of the Zapruder film to make it look like the Now, there was one bullet -- the famous "magic bullet" -- that zig-zagged and essentially reversed direction about seven times, going through two bodies and winding up on a stretcher with only two percent of its mass disturbed. However, if you take a look at the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and simply perform ballistics analysis on this, shooting bullets through, for example, animal carcasses, you can show very clearly that when it goes through cartilage and goes through tissue, you get much more than two percent deformation of the bullet. So, in two very egregious examples, we have major deficiencies within the Warren Commission Report. GARY NULL: Alright. Approximately what percentage of that bullet should have been missing? MICHIO KAKU: Tests show that you could easily get twenty to thirty percent deformation of that bullet. Now I should also mention that NOVA, the science program on PBS, did a reenactment wherein they got a watermelon, and they shot bullets through the watermelon, and the watermelon actually recoiled in the direction of the bullet, which violates common sense. The conclusion would be, therefore, that it is possible to violate common sense and have the head lurch in the wrong direction. However, the tests done on this watermelon were of a disembodied head, in the sense that there was no neck and there was no body. You could even blow on a watermelon with your breath and have the watermelon move. In other words, this is an extremely minor effect. It only takes place when you have a watermelon suspended without being attached to another body. However, tests done on animals by, for example, deer hunters and bear hunters have not shown this recoil effect where the head lurches in the direction of the bullet. So I think that NOVA was grasping for straws, trying to get a relatively minor effect to explain a major discrepancy within the ballistics [data] of the Warren Commission Report. And the very fact that the FBI was forced to deliberately tamper with the Zapruder film indicates that the FBI itself was aware of the fact that the body was going in the wrong direction. GARY NULL: That would therefore give us the impression that the FBI participated in the cover-up of the assassination of President Kennedy. MICHIO KAKU: That's right. In 1975, the Freedom of Information Act revealed some of the minutes of the Warren Commission Report, which stated that they were aware of the fact that Oswald was, in fact, Agent S179 of the FBI, and that he was an informant of the FBI who got something like two or three hundred dollars a month for his work, and that this information would be EXTREMELY important. But, basically, they failed to follow it up because they couldn't put FBI agents under oath and have them lie under oath. And so, this report was essentially unverifiable. But three different sources, including the Attorney-General of the State of Texas, stated to the Warren Commission that their understanding was that Oswald was, indeed, Agent S179 of the FBI. And the conclusion of the Warren Commission Report was that this evidence was so HOT -- it was SO damaging that it would have to be kept classified for fifty years. Fortunately, the Freedom of Information Act revealed this document in 1975. Also, by the way, in 1978 the House Select Committee [on Assassinations] interviewed the CIA paymaster -- a Mr. Wilcott, James Wilcott -- and he testified under oath that he was, in fact, the paymaster of the CIA in charge of covert operations against the Soviet Union, and that one of his contract employees was, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald. So, in other words, Oswald was a bit player and he apparently had a role to play with the FBI and also the CIA. And both agencies, of course, had a vested interest in keeping this information out of the Warren Commission Report. GARY NULL: I think it's interesting at this point that CIA Director Gates is now suggesting that the file on Oswald, which he is turning over, will show that Oswald had nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. Of course, anyone who would accept for a moment that the CIA is going to give any information about anything that has not been altered is extraordinarily naive. MICHIO KAKU: Right. In fact, in 1973 the CIA destroyed most of the Oswald file. We know that it was in two large file cabinets -- in fact, two large file cabinets with four drawers apiece. He had a 201 file, which means that he had a very long history with the CIA, and in 1973 the CIA destroyed that entire file. So, in other words, what is going to come out now is basically a fraction of what was, once upon a time, in the files of the CIA. Now the CIA has been questioned about this and they said that this was "routine cleaning" [housekeeping]. So in the "routine cleaning" of the files, they destroyed potentially damaging information. We will never know what was in these files. So whatever Gates might reveal, at some point, will only be a shadow of what was actually in there. GARY NULL: And CERTAINLY nothing that would implicate the CIA. Also, is it not the case that the primary person pushing this "single bullet", this "magic bullet" theory is Pennsylvania's Republican Senator Arlen Specter, who also was the Anita Hill basher? [JD: Sorry, but my tape ran out at this point, and the person who was taping the broadcast for me did not immediately flip over the tape. I'm trying to obtain copies of the missing segments of the broadcasts, so that I can incorporate those transcripts into future installments of this series.] (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please assist in disseminating it by posting it to other bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass media's thirty-year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the necessity of citizen reportage becomes Date: 10-01-92 (09:52) Number: 3303 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XI, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) ever more striking. John DiNardo