Date: 10-07-92 (04:52) Number: 3349 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XII, PACIFICA RADIO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) From: (John DiNardo) Subject: Part XII, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 14:58:20 GMT I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (continuation) JOHN DAVIS: Now, first of all, I have to explain myself why I think there was a conspiracy, because the available evidence indicates that Kennedy was struck twice by bullets from the front and twice by bullets coming from the rear, and Governor Connally was struck by a bullet coming from the rear that was not the same bullet that hit the President. Therefore, this adds up to anywhere from two to four shooters. Hence, a conspiracy. But evidence that it was a conspiracy goes far beyond an accounting of bullet holes. Let's consider first the motive for an organized crime conspiracy. We have to realize that, for the first time in United States history, the executive branch of the Federal Government declared war on organized crime. This had never happened before. For the Kennedy brothers, it was all-out war against the Mob. "I'd like to be remembered as the guy who broke the Mafia", Bobby Kennedy told an associate in 1961, shortly after he took office as attorney-general. In his book, THE ENEMY WITHIN, Robert Kennedy had written: "If we do not attack organized criminals with weapons and techniques as effective as their own, they will destroy us." Now, to back up this admonition, one of the first things that Robert Kennedy did, in his assault against organized crime, was the so-called kidnap/deportation of Carlos Marcello on April 4th, 1961. Now this was an unprecedented and arguably illegal act. Kennedy had Marcello snatched off the streets, herded to an awaiting Federal jet, flown to Guatemala, and dumped in a Guatemala City airport. Marcello had complained that he couldn't call his wife, pack any clothes, or cash a check. The action put the Mob on notice that Kennedy was serious. Upon returning to the U.S. illegally, Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedys on at least three reported occasions. We have witnesses for three occasions in which Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedys. [JD: I could not understand a few of Davis's words because his voice was overdriving the input of the phone.] JOHN DAVIS: Immediately after this episode, Robert Kennedy went after (quote) "friends and associates" of Marcello, Santos Trafficante, [name is unintelligible due to aircraft radio interference], and the mob-led Teamsters' [Union] boss, Jimmy Hoffa. Soon, FBI electronic listening devices began picking up complaints from mobsters all over the country about what Kennedy was doing to them. I'll mention just two of them. They were reported by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979. [Name is unintelligible], a mobster working for the Bruno Family in Philadelphia, was recorded by a bug saying this: "See what Kennedy done? With Kennedy, I should take a knife and stab and kill the f*cker. I mean it. This is true. Honest to God. I hope I get a week's notice. I'll kill. I'll kill, right in the White House. Somebody has got to get rid of this guy." Nicolino Carlente[sp], a Genovese Family caporegine[? - probably means something like "royal head"], two months later was recorded by an FBI bug saying this: "I'd like to hit Kennedy. I'd gladly go to the penitentiary for the rest of my life. Believe me." Well, by the fall of 1962, the Mafia had become desperate. In the summer of `62, Jimmy Hoffa, who of course was totally controlled by the Mafia, confided a plan to assassinate both Kennedy brothers to Louisiana Teamsters official, Edwin Parton[sp]. Parton's testimony on this issue was later confirmed by a Louisiana judge. Two months later, a businessman from Las Vegas was present at a farm house in Louisiana when he heard Carlos Marcello threaten to kill President Kennedy; not only threaten, but to outline a plan to kill him in order to neutralize his crusading brother Bobby. Two weeks after this, Marcello's Florida friend and associate, Santos Trafficante -- who was very much involved also in the anti-Castro Cuban movement -- was talking to a Cuban exile leader, Jose` Alaman[sp] about how Robert Kennedy was persecuting Jimmy Hoffa. "Mark my word", Trafficante told Alaman, "This man Kennedy is in trouble and will get what is coming to him." At this, Alaman took issue with Trafficante and Trafficante replied, "No, Jose`, you don't understand me. Kennedy is not going to make it to the election. He is going to be hit." Alaman, incidentally, who doubled as an FBI informant, related this conversation to the FBI and it was eventually related to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. So Hoover, by this time -- by the fall of 1962 -- must have known that some plot was in the wind. Skipping a few months, we come to the spring of 1963, and an allegation by an FBI informant in New Orleans that seemed to indicate that a plot, a Mafia plot to assassinate Kennedy was in the wind. Eugene Della Colle[sp], who was a bar man in a Marcello controlled bar in New Orleans, told the FBI that in April, 1963, Carlos Marcello's brother Tony had come into the bar one morning to service the slot machines, and said (quote): "There is a price on the President's head and other members of the Kennedy Family. Somebody will kill Kennedy when he comes south." So, in conclusion, Mafia boss Carlos Marcello and his allies in the Mob and in the Teamsters Union had powerful motives to kill Kennedy. We have witnesses who have testified to their planning an assassination attack on the President; associates who apparently had foreknowledge of such an attack, such as Santos Trafficante and the one I just mentioned -- Tony Marcello. So the motive was there. Now, if you want to get into a discussion of means, we can do that. If you want to get into a discussion of how a cover-up was put in place, we can go into that. GARY NULL: Sir, we're going to get into all those things, but unfortunately, we have a terrible, almost inaudible connection on your line. We're going to ask you to hang up so that our engineer can call you back. But I want Jones Harris to stay on. I just want John Davis to hang up because we're going to call you back. I'm sorry for the poor technical quality. Let's switch over to Jones Harris. Welcome to our program Mr. Harris. JONES HARRIS: Hi, Gary. Nice to meet you at long last. I've looked forward to this. Now, I'd just like to make a few comments. I'm nowhere near as informed on the Organized Crime level as John Davis, who has written an excellent book, that I do recommend to people to read, called MAFIA KINGFISH. My point is this. I went Date: 10-07-92 (04:52) Number: 3350 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XII, PACIFICA RADIO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) to Dallas at the end of `63 and then spent a lot of `64 there. I interviewed a great many people: police, lawyers who knew police, and so forth. It was made very clear to me that Jack Ruby was a member of Organized Crime, that he had been so for a long time; that he held a very important position for anybody to hold in any major American city. And that is, he was one of the chief suborners of all Dallas police who would do the bidding of Organized Crime. He was the payoff man, which meant that he had a LOT of important information and a lot of important knowledge. Anybody who knows the case knows the ease with which he circulated throughout those days, including getting in [into the Dallas courthouse] in order to kill Oswald. I don't think there's any doubt that Jack Ruby worked directly under a man named Joe Civella[sp], who was the Organized Crime boss in Dallas, who directly, himself, worked under the far more important figure, Carlos Marcello. I'd like to tell your audience, Gary, that the idea of a conspiracy does not begin with a lot of researchers and people like myself, some of whom wrote books, some of whom didn't. It begins within the Warren Commission itself. I think there are not many people who understood that one of the top members of the Commission, Senator Richard Russell [of Georgia] REFUSED TO SIGN the Warren Commission [Report] at the end when it was finished. He had felt all along that it was a conspiracy. He had called Marina Oswald, from whom eighty percent of the stuff against Lee Oswald came .... he had called her a liar and said that she had lied specifically to the Commission on six different occasions. He then had to sit down with Warren and Johnson, and he finally submitted to signing the thing, though he changed the preamble a little bit. He then told me, and told any number of interviewers and close friends for the rest of his days, that he was UTTERLY convinced that this thing was a conspiracy: the killing of Kennedy. (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please assist in disseminating it by posting it to other bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass media's thirty-year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the need for citizen reportage becomes ever more striking. John DiNardo