Date: 10-17-92 (05:04) Number: 3418 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XIII, PACIFICA RADIO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) From: (John DiNardo) Subject: Part XIII, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: 7 Oct 92 20:08:17 GMT I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (continuation) JONES HARRIS: When I was fortunate enough again to interview John McCloy some years before he died, and sat with him and his wife in his home in Connecticut, and we talked things over, he said to me as I was leaving: "Mr. Harris, we realized afterwards that there were many things that were never told to us." Now this was important, coming from John McCloy because John McCloy had been priveleged to deal in intelligence matters for the United States from 1917 on. I thought that that was an important admission. I believe that Organized Crime played a very important role in the Kennedy assassination, Gary, but I do not think that is the total story. And one of the reasons I think it's not the total story is the very thing that John Davis mentioned. I do not believe that Trafficante would have said to a non-Mob person that "Kennedy was going to be hit" if Organized Crime themselves were sending in the killers. I do not believe that he would then have made that comment to a non-Organized Crime person. I do believe that what Organized crime did was ..... this crime could have taken place in Miami. It could have taken place in Dallas. It was a moveable feat. It could have taken place in Chicago. But wherever it was going to take place, Organized Crime's contacts with those police figures who were corrupt were going to be very important to making the thing come out the right way. And there is no question that in the Dallas area, that man was Jack Ruby. GARY NULL: Alright. We're going to pause and reflect on all of this, put this into perspective, and recapitulate some of the things that John Davis has suggested. John, are you back on the line? JOHN DAVIS: Yes, I am. GARY NULL: I'd also like to introduce Gaeton Fonzi. Welcome to our program, Mr. Fonzi. GAETON FONZI: Thank you. GARY NULL: We're going to come to you in just a moment because you are a highly respected investigator and journalist. You were an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. And we're going to get your perspective. Again, it is not our intention to suggest that one group, one individual alone [is guilty], but rather, we're looking at all of the pieces and saying: What evidence do we have that was not and has not been made the primary focus of either the Warren Commission or the general news media presentation in taking it to a level that, up to this point, simply has not existed. And also, we're going to deal with some of the inconsistencies that have occurred and some of the theories that have gone on. So we're going to come to these issues in just a moment. Now, because this is a non-commercial public access station, WBAI, and as a part of the overall Pacifica Network throughout the United States, several times a year we have to take a couple of weeks and just raise some funds so that the station can continue, so that we can keep ourselves commercial-free. ....... For twenty-seven years, as an award-winnning investigative journalist who has broken more stories -- over two hundred and seventy-three major stories in the areas of medicine, the environment, consumer health issues, I have always had to start off with the problem of not just convincing the American Public that there is something wrong with something that they were believing in and trusting in, but I also had to go up against the very forces who have enormous economic power and who have control over the media. For instance, just two days ago, the New York Times, in an editorial, started to talk about the fact that there was a challenge against the theory that the HIV virus is the single cause of AIDS. Where was the New York Times eight years ago when this information was readily available? And where was Time Magazine twenty-five years ago talking about vitamins? NOW they say that vitamins help to prevent diseases like cancer. Yes, vitamins do. But the evidence has been there all along. And it hasn't been hidden. The evidence has been there that the HIV virus is not the single cause of AIDS. It could not POSSIBLY be the single cause of AIDS. There's no science to prove that, by itself, it causes anything. And yet, why is it that no one has written about it? Today's Amsterdam News writes about it. The problem is that you have three things to contend with. First, is convincing someone that something they thought was true is not. Secondly, trying to deal with the idea that if you're going to challenge the Status Quo -- as we're challenging the Status Quo on the Kennedy Assassination -- that means you're challenging something that people believe in almost as much as they believe in themselves, or their parents, or their whole life. And that is: orthodoxy; that is: authority. So it takes a great deal of effort for the person to even be open to an idea that challenges the prevailing view. And then, thirdly, is to see whether or not they believe you enough to even look at the evidence you have, and then try it. Why do you think, for instance, just now we changed the Basic Four Food Group, which was a SCAM. It was a fraud. It was unscientific. It was an economic ploy. And it killed people by the hundreds of thousands and millions because they were saturating their bodies and their arteries with cholesterol and fats. And it causes heart disease and cancer. Well now we know that. Alright? That's known. BUT, we knew that all along. Certain people knew it. Just like my guests today .... they have information that they've had for a long time. Mr. Harris has had information for a long time. He had information in 1978 that nobody wanted to pay attention to. "Nobody", meaning mainstream media, and mainstream belief systems. But it didn't matter. He has continued. We have a forum. It's a small forum, but we have a forum for it. ...... AMY GOODMAN: For a contribution of fifty dollars, you support Gary Null here every weekday, and you support WBAI, a commercial-free radio station that would dare to put Gary Null on the air as much as we do. We don't have corporate sponsors. We don't have drug companies who say: "We don't want our dogma, our ideology challenged." Of course, they wouldn't say that on the air, but they would say it to management. But we are corporate-free. We are commercial-free. And that's what makes us important. That's what enables us to bring you Gary Null. If that is a philosophy that is important to Date: 10-17-92 (05:04) Number: 3419 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part XIII, PACIFICA RADIO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) you, (212) 279-3400 is the number to call and support WBAI. GARY NULL: Right now, we're in the midst of a special twenty-five-part investigation on conspiracies, cover-ups and hidden agendas. We're looking at life in a way that we've never been told existed. On the conference phone we now have Jones Harris, we have Gaeton Fonzi, and we also have John Davis. I'd like to come back to you at this time, Mr. Harris. If you would please continue talking about what we now know about the Warren Commission and the information that it chose to accept and review, and that which it chose to EXCLUDE, including individuals whose testimony or evidence it chose not to use, and that information that it chose to use, which now in retrospect, anyone can see should not have been included. JONES HARRIS: Gary, if I may, let me answer your question in a slightly broader way than you're suggesting because the limits of your question would better go to Mr. Fonzi or to John Davis. But let me say this to the public that is interested in this. Not only did the Warren Commission go well out of its way not to explore the Organized Crime end of this thing. Sad to say, he's a man whom I knew well -- and I know that he's dying at this moment -- but I have to say that Jim Garrison is also a man who did everything he could (and I worked for him down there) to shield the Organized Crime community. I'll give you one example of that, if this might be of interest to you. The first day I went down to work for him (and I like him very much. A very personable fellow), he said: "Jones, what's the first thing you'd like to do?" And I raised the name of Carlos Marcello. And this great big six-foot-seven giant looked down at me and he said: "Well Jones, of course, Carlos used to be in Organized Crime, but he's just a businessman now." And there was a pause, and then Garrison said to me: "Jones, you and I can have lunch with Carlos whenever you want." Now this was one of the first things that I found worrying when I started to work down there. (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please assist in disseminating it by posting it to other bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass media's thirty-year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the need for citizen reportage becomes ever more striking. John DiNardo