Date: 11-12-92 (23:10) Number: 3644 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 20, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) From: jad@Turing.ORG (John DiNardo) Subject: Part 20, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1992 22:13:16 GMT I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (continuation) JIM MARRS: And in the case of the FBI, if you can control the distribution of the information and what information is released, then you control the whole investigation. In other words, there were honest FBI people who were going out, after the assassination, and doing honest investigative work, and filing honest reports. But these reports were thrown in with other reports of dubious authenticity; reports which can be demonstrated to be phony -- false. And then, from the very top, J. Edgar Hoover and his top echelon was able to reach into this smorgasbord of evidence and pull out, selectively, whatever case they wanted to present to the public. GARY NULL: There is one other character whom you didn't mention, though I'm sure you're aware of, and that is: JFK had replaced Allen Dulles as the head of the CIA, and Allen Dulles ends up being one of the key people on the Warren Commission. JIM MARRS: Exactly. Isn't that like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse? GARY NULL: And there was no man in the history of the intelligence community, before or since, who's ever been as connected to everything within the intelligence apparatus -- and very much a hands-on person -- as Allen Dulles. JIM MARRS: That's true. And let me point out that during the Warren Commission hearings, the allegation came up, just as it's still alive today, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a U.S. intelligence agent. His wife and his mother have both publicly stated that this was so. So they asked Allen Dulles while they were meeting with the Warren Commission -- they said: If he had been an agent with the CIA, and you were still the head of the CIA, would you admit it? And he said, "No." They said: You would lie about it? He said: Yes, I would. And so, that's kind of where we are. I would point out that this current committee in Congress that's debating whether or not to open up the files on the Kennedy Assassination ..... the very first item that they have listed that they would shield -- that they would keep files hidden on -- is to protect the identity of a U.S. agent. Well, that's kind of a catch-22. If Oswald was indeed a U.S. agent, then by the parameters set by the new Congressional committee, they can't release any information about it. Isn't that something? GARY NULL: Okay. Well, in any case, we all know that anything the CIA is going to release is going to be COMPLETELY on their side. Any damaging files, they will have destroyed or not turned over. JIM MARRS: You know, let's not forget, by the way, that [President] Gerald Ford, when he was on the committee, was virtually an informant for J. Edgar Hoover. GARY NULL: I was not aware of that. Let's quickly go through the other inconsistencies and disinformation from Dealey Plaza. JIM MARRS: Well, of course, there's just a plethora of information there. Beginning with the fact that the majority of people said that the shots came, not from the School Book Depository, but from down near the triple underpass, from behind the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. There are even eyewitnesses such as Malcolm Summers and Jean Hill and Sam Holland and the railroad people who actually said they saw the flash of light, saw the figure under the trees, and saw smoke drift out from under the trees. And there's a point there too. For years, apologists for the Government have claimed: Well, there couldn't have been smoke because even if there had been somebody there with a high-power rifle, modern rifles do not smoke. Well, being the owner of several bolt-action rifles myself, I can assure you that if you have one that's freshly oiled, you'll get a nice white puff of smoke. And sure enough, in a film made by a newsman named Dave Wegman, we have a frame showing Kennedy's car, with the stricken President, just beginning to enter the triple underpass. And hanging in the air, coming right off the Grassy Knoll, is an obvious white puff of smoke. So these people were all telling the truth, and it's the Government that's lied all these years. We've got Beverly Oliver who was taking film from the south side of Elm Street, and she had her film taken by men who identified themselves as FBI agents. And there's a point there. In the hours following the assassination, and for several weeks, and in fact, all the way up into the summer of 1964 when the Warren Commission was already writing their report saying that Oswald was the lone assassin, the FBI was in Dallas, actively, in the newspaper and on the radio, asking people to turn in their films, their photographs, any pictures they had taken in Dealey Plaza; and, of course, ostensibly to investigate, to help solve the crime. The fact is that very few of those people ever got their pictures or their films back. And so, all these years I've had people saying: Well look, if there's a big conspiracy, where's the evidence? Well heck! They TOOK the evidence up. They just took it away. So there was an ongoing, concerted effort to take up evidence and to hide anything that would point to the reality of what went on. And the witnesses, the majority of whom said that shots came from the Grassy Knoll, were discredited, were laughed at, and were ignored. GARY NULL: Alright. Let's go through a few of the particulars here: the lack of Secret Service agents protecting the roofs, and the speed of the motorcade. Those are two primary issues that have not been properly addressed. JIM MARRS: Okay. Number one: the security for the motorcade. A lot of people don't understand, Gary, that that motorcade that Kennedy was in in Dallas, where he met his death, that was the SECOND motorcade of that day. Earlier in the morning, Kennedy rode in a motorcade from downtown Fort Worth out to Carswell Air Force Base where he boarded Air Force One for the short hop over to Dallas. Now, having been a police reporter there in Fort Worth starting way back in the mid-60s, I came into contact with a lot of police and sheriff's people and everybody else who participated in that motorcade. And they said that security was especially tight, and that they had orders to keep people off of the overpasses and off of bridges that would overlook the motorcade route -- that they had armed men stationed on rooftops, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Most importantly, they had orders that there were to be no open windows facing the mototcade route. And, in fact, they had orders Date: 11-12-92 (23:10) Number: 3645 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 20, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) to go into buildings and close windows if they saw a window go up along the motorcade route. NONE of this was done in Dallas. NONE OF IT ! (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please assist in disseminating it by posting it to other bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass-media's thirty-year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the need for citizen reportage becomes ever more striking. John DiNardo The episodes of this series can be retrieved via anonymous ftp from the sites: and Log in with name "anonymous" or "ftp" and supply your email address as the password. The files are kept in the directory /poli/essays.d/conspiracy.d (Instructions for ftp retrieval are dependent upon what sort of system the user is on. On a UNIX machine, one would do, at the command prompt: ftp This may be different on IBMs and Vax systems.)