Date: 12-13-92 (05:54) Number: 3895 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 27, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) From: jad@Turing.ORG (John DiNardo) Subject: Part 27, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: 8 Dec 92 21:25:08 GMT I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (continuation) JIM MARRS: .... intelligence organizations certainly did participate, and, as a result, the organization was forced to protect itself by helping to cover-up the crime. But, of course, it goes a little deeper than that because most of the people within those organizations felt that what happened, tragic though it was, was probably necessary for the good of the country because Kennedy was going in the face of much of their own beliefs and their own philosophies. JIM MARRS: Now, in the case of the FBI, there is no evidence to point to the [possible] fact that the FBI orchestrated or initiated the assassination. But there is all kinds of evidence to point to the fact that the FBI knew what was happening. Particularly, I refer to the FBI memo or alert -- the teletype alert that went out on the night before the assassination, warning that a radical group was going to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas. Those messages were subsequently picked up, and if it hadn't been for one clerk who had made a copy of them, we wouldn't have even a copy today, and they could effectively deny that it ever happened. But it did go out. So, the FBI, and particularly [FBI Director J. Edgar] Hoover, I believe, was in knowledge of what was going to happen. And they simply sat back, allowed nature to take its course, and then definitely participated in activities after-the-fact which tended, not just to protect their own reputation, but to actually incriminate Oswald as the lone assassin, and create this whole story that we have today that is the official Government explanation. And the way they did that was in several ways. First off, there was an ongoing, demonstrable series of events which include destruction of evidence, suppression of evidence, alteration of evidence, fabrication of evidence and intimidation of witnesses. Throughout your series you've heard more and more about how documents were cooked, that people were intimidated into silence, and that people's testimony was changed. I'll cite you one good example: Edna and Wayne Hartman. This is a Dallas couple. They still live in Dallas today. They heard shots. They were nearby Dealey Plaza. When they heard the shots, they ran into Dealey Plaza. They saw a policeman and some plainclothesmen gathered on the south side of Elm Street. They ran down there and said: "What's going on?" They said: "Here is where some bullets hit in the grass." They looked, and they said that there was a long bullet furrow in the grass where a bullet had turned up the sod. In the FBI report, made that day, it states all of this, and it goes on to say that they told the FBI that the bullet furrow lined up with the Texas School Book Depository. Okay? Oswald, in the Depository, missed a shot. Furrow in the ground. That all makes sense. The problem is that that is NOT what they [the Hartmans] told them. When I was preparing my book, CROSSFIRE, instead of just taking the Government's documents at face value, which seems to be the way to do it today (at least that's what the major news organizations are doing), I called the Hartmans. And they were absolutely SHOCKED and amazed when I read them this FBI report which, keep in mind, was part of the fundamental, raw investigative material that the Warren Commission used to reach their conclusions. Because THEY [the Hartmans] said: "That's not what we told them at all. We told them that the bullet furrow lined up with the GRASSY KNOLL on the north side of Elm Street." So here we have a clear example of FBI documents that were being cooked, back in 1963 and `64, to slant away from the truth of the assassination. And lastly, Gary, I'll just make this one point. When you interfere with a lawful investigation of felony crimes, such as murder, that makes you an accessory-after-the-fact. And under the law, an accessory-after-the-fact is just as guilty of the crime as the person[s] who pulled the trigger[s]. So, in this case, the evidence is very clear. And I can say, with great impunity, that the FBI was GUILTY of being an accessory-after-the-fact and, therefore, is guilty of the crime of participating in the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. GARY NULL: Okay, let's go on to include in this ..... [tape interruption] ..... [FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover] used the FBI to break the law, in the case of Martin Luther King, with illegal wiretaps to learn about his sex life so they could use it against him. This was a man who was in Dallas. Let's be very clear on this. The American Public is not aware of this. He was in Dallas on the day of the assassination. Let's also ask the following ... and give me very clear information on this, if you can: "Division Five of the FBI: Nomenclature of the Assassination Cable" JIM MARRS: Well that's "the Torbit Document." Right? GARY NULL: Yes. "Division Five of the FBI." JIM MARRS: It talks about Division Five. There was a Division Five. It was counter-intelligence. But I think what you're getting at is the allegations. And I'll have to stress, Gary, that at this point -- I have dug into this at considerable length -- and while I have found tantalizing evidence that perhaps this is so, I cannot categorically state, at this point, that this has been proven. But the allegations are that within Division Five of the FBI was the capability of assassination -- that they had hit-men on their payroll, operating out of their Mexico City office, which, by the way, has always intrigued me because the FBI is supposed to be a domestic law enforcement and intelligence organization. It is not supposed to be operating outside of the United States. And yet, ever since before World War Two, the largest FBI office in the world is in Mexico City. So we definitely have some things going on there. And the allegation is that they had these hit-men who operated out of Mexico City. This has come forth in several cases, particularly here in Texas, such as the Buddy Floyd murder case, where the allegation was that these hit-men out of the FBI's Mexico City office were being brought into this country to perform assassinations for wealthy and powerful people who were very close to J. Edgar Hoover. GARY NULL: Okay. Those are allegations, not proven facts. We want to make that clear for the sake of objectivity. But we do want to state that it is a fact that Division Five did exist. Date: 12-13-92 (05:54) Number: 3896 of 4255 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 27, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) JIM MARRS: That's true. And it was headed by William Sullivan who -- in 1977, when he was about to be called before the House Select Committee on Assassinations -- walked out in his back yark and was shot in the head by the son of a New Hampshire State patrolman. (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please help to disseminate it by posting it to other bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass-media's thirty-year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the need for citizen reportage becomes ever more striking. John DiNardo