Date: 02-18-93 (06:42) Number: 303 of 325 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 35, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.conspiracy,alt.activism,alt.society.civil-liberty,alt.individualism,alt.censorship,talk.politics.misc,misc.headlines,soc.culture.usa From: jad@hopper.ACS.Virginia.EDU (John DiNardo) Subject: Part 35, PACIFICA RADIO Investigates the Murder of President Kennedy Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 21:02:52 GMT The following transcript is of a tape-recorded broadcast by NO-commercials, NO-corporate-influences, listener-funded, beacon-of-truth Pacifica Radio Network station of the People: WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (continuation) GARY NULL: I've spent a great deal of time down in Dallas. In the last year alone, I've made eight trips, doing measurements -- DETAILED measurements -- going over analyses. There is an individual (I don't know if you know him, Jones Harris), Robert Morningstar, who has done a great deal of analyzing of the Zapruder Film. We found additional distortions -- editing in that film. We have also found more tracers. We have found the actual tracers. We put it through an infra-red scanner, and we can actually SHOW ..... No one has ever done this before. It was Robert Morningstar who came up with this, and we have independently corroborated it. We've done blow-ups of the Zapruder Film showing the actual tracer[s] [of the] bullets. And you cannot see it with the naked eye. But every bullet that is fired has a different marking, a marking of the heat that is created when the bullet spins out of the barrel of the gun, a marking of the heat when the sun reflects off of the bullet, a marking of the heat when the bullet goes through the atmosphere. And in this case, it was very humid on that day in Dallas. (I have gone back to subsequently check all the weather reports.) You have four separate markings of a tracer. Well, we know that these markings, though not shown to the naked eye, are on the film and would still be a permanent imprint. And based upon the idea that there were multiple gunmen -- not one -- the only way to determine this is if there were multiple shots that could be proved to have been fired. Up to this point, there were none [proven to be fired]. Using an infra-red technology, we have isolated and actually identified the exact trajectory of all of the bullets: eight -- EIGHT bullets. Now, what is interesting is that we actually have this, blown up. It is irrefutable. Any physicist will show you that these are exact. Also, when you time-base them for the sounds [compare the points in time of the appearances of the tracers with the points in time of the sounds of the shots] .... We can't pinpoint the exact [origin of a] sound because the sound is deceptive. Where you think the direction that a sound is coming from frequently is not, depending upon the acoustics. Well, we've been able to match the acoustics with the sound, and then match the trajectory. We even found .... I shouldn't say "I found". It was actually Robert who found .... We actually found and were able to demonstrate that the Zapruder Film was cut in two places to make the car seem as if it lurched forward, when, in fact, it came TO A STOP! And we can prove that because, in the film, the flags [mounted on the car] go flaccid and yet, the car jerks forward. And the building right across from the car -- which should have been in perfect alignment -- in the very next FRAME (You're talking about less than one thirty-second of a second) the building JUMPED FORTY FEET AHEAD! So, suddenly, if you look, the building that is across from the President's limousine -- in one frame is in front of it [the limousine]; in the next frame there's a forty foot difference. Now, no one has ever done this work before. This is important new work to prove that the Zapruder Film WAS definitely, unequivocally, ABSOLUTELY [altered]. And NO ONE has caught it! NO ONE, except Robert Morningstar. So then we went into great detail. We then took this -- Robert and I working together -- we blew up these ..... I went down there and got very sophisticated measurements. And we found that there HAD to have been someone on the opposite side of the green, because two bullets came right across and you can see the TRACER come right across that sign. Now isn't it interesting: They've added a whole segment to that sign! Then, we can show that two bullets missed the car entirely. We do not believe that missing the car by such a wide margin was an accident. We believe that those were marker shots, because guess what we see in one of the tree branches. We see a "shooter's bag". In one shot [frame] you see it there. It looks like a tiny dot. You won't notice it! The naked eye will not notice it. But blow it up, as we did, freeze-frame it, and then you will see that it's hanging in a limb in one shot [frame], and then the tracer shot comes across and [the "shooter's bag"] it's blown away. That's what a marksman uses to line up the target, so that when the target comes right to that spot, you shoot and you're able to hit your target. We also were able to blow up and enhance a photo showing, absolutely, a rifle with a telescopic sight that did NOT fire -- that was in the bushes down near the underpass. And we feel that that was either the kill shot, through the throat, because when it passed ..... It was funny because you watch it twenty times; you don't see a thing. You have experts watch it; they don't see a thing. You slow it down; they don't see a thing. And THEN, we put it in freeze-frame, and we say: "Have you ever seen a branch of a tree move?" And suddenly they all say: "There it is!" And they all point and say: "Yes, you're right!" But then, it's not a branch, but it's a telescopic sight. And it's a man with a hat. And we can actually match the scope to the type of scope used in that time. The scope follows President Kennedy clear around until he's out of sight, meaning that he was going to put another shot into him if he saw that the shot they fired the first time wasn't a kill shot. (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you agree that this story deserves broad public attention, please help to disseminate it by posting it to computer bulletin boards, and by posting hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. As evidence accrues concerning the corporate mass media's thirty year cover-up of the corporate CIA's coup d'etat against the People of the United States, the need for citizen reportage becomes ever more striking. John DiNardo The episodes of this and other series can be retrieved via anonymous ftp from the site: Log in with name "anonymous" or "ftp" and supply your e-mail address as the password. The files are kept in the directory /poli/Essays/Conspiracy Date: 02-18-93 (06:42) Number: 304 of 325 To: ALL Refer#: NONE From: JOHN DINARDO Read: (N/A) Subj: Part 35, PACIFICA RADIO I Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: US_JFKCONSPIR (193) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Instructions for ftp retrieval are dependent upon what sort of system the user is on. On a UNIX machine, at the command prompt, type the following: ftp This may be different on IBMs and Vax systems. Archivist: Paul Southworth,