In the News Michigan Mother Arrested for Home Schooling Hale, Mich. (EP) - A Michigan mother was arrested March 9 for home schooling her three children. According to Dave Melton, Mid-America regional coordinator for the Rutherford Institute, Peggy Williams, of Hale, Michigan, was contacted by Leonard Burdek, attendance officer for the Iosco Intermediate School District, who informed her that he was filling out a warrant for her arrest on truancy charges. Williams was arrested a few hours later and sent to the Iosco County Jail in Tawas City, Michigan, where she was fingerprinted, placed in a cell, and released on $200 bail. Melton said that school officials demand that in order to home school in Michigan, one of the parents involved must have a college degree. Peggy Williams' husband is expected to get his bachelor's degree in accounting next month. "The very idea of the appearance of a police officer in the dark of night to arrest a mom for the 'crime' of educating her own children is repugnant and reminiscent of Nazi intimidation tactics. It is a knock on the door every home schooler dreads," said Melton. "Dragging a parent from the safety of her home in a dead of night is coercion and intimidation, plain and simple. Mom was arrested. Dad wasn't." Truancy is punishable in Michigan by a maximum penalty of two days or a $50 fine or both. The Rutherford Institute is an international, nonprofit, civil liberties organization specializing in the defense of religious liberty. Is Mendel Schneerson the Messiah? New York, NY (EP) - Thousands of Lubavitch Jews gathered in New York recently with the hope that their leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, would announce that he is the messiah. But before Schneerson, 90, made an appearance on a balcony, Rabbi Schmuel Butman told the faithful that Schneerson's appearance was "not to be interpreted as a coronation" of the messiah. The Jan. 31 meeting marked the 43rd anniversary of Schneerson's leadership of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect. Schneerson hasn't spoken since suffering a stroke last year.