Watchman Fellowship Returns to Romania As many Watchman Expositor readers are perusing these pages in the comfort of their living rooms, learning more about David Koresh and his teachings, Watchman Fellowship missionaries will be traveling throughout the country of Romania. In December of 1992 while in Bucharest, Craig Branch, was able to secure arrangements for a large WF team to come back in the spring of 1993. The Evangelical Alliance of Romania has invited Watchman to conduct a nation-wide intensive training seminar on cult apologetics. These meetings are now taking place. Due to the changes in format of the Watchman Expositor, WF was unable to let the Christian community know about these plans ahead of time as was hoped. Because of this problem, this Romanian mission trip has been funded from WF's very limited general budget. Any financial help that readers can provide in alleviating this difficulty would be most appreciated! Why should WF missionaries go to Romania? In the News Watch section of the Christian Research Institute's magazine, under the headline "Cults Gaining Ground in Eastern Europe, Former USSR," it was reported that Jehovah's Witnesses in Romania have "registered (a) 21 percent membership growth in 1992 alone" (Journal, Winter 1993, p. 5). Other groups, working in the region mentioned by the Journal are the Moonies, Hare Krishna, Mormons and the Baha'i. When the WF teams were in Romania in May and December of 1992, numerous questions on all of these groups were asked. Just yesterday a New Age news letter containing the teachings of Benjamin Creme's Maitreya arrived at the WF office. It announced, "On Sunday 7 February He (Maitreya) appeared before a large group in Bucharest, Romania, once more taking advantage of the opportunity presented by a religious convention there" (The Emergence, April 1993, p. 1). The people of Romania are intelligent people. Many of the people in Romania are well versed in biblical doctrine. However the people of Romania suffer from a common problem þ they are people. And people can be deceived! Remember Jesus words, "Beware of false prophets..." (Matthew 7:15). Before the Romanian people can beware they must first be aware. The American cults will not tell the Romanian people that they spread a false gospel and believe in a different Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4). It is WF's purpose and hope that through this mission trip, the Romanian people will be better prepared to spot the wolves in sheep's clothing.