Estimated 89 Die in Flames: Branch Davidian Compound Burns 19 April, 9:30am, the phone rang - it was the Dallas/Forth Worth NBC affiliate requesting a WF representative for their live news broadcast. Five minutes later the ABC affiliate called with the same request. On the day that WF was preparing to send the Watchman Expositor to press, the FBI agents began "punching holes in the walls" of the Branch Davidian compound. This caused the media to begin scrambling for insights into the current events. As Phillip Arnn was on his way to NBC and James Walker was on his way to ABC, the Branch Davidian compound was set ablaze. The rest of the staff placed the Expositor on hold and watched the scenes unfold. At this time, WF has heard estimates of survivors that range from eight to twenty-five people. Regardless of the exact number, it is certain that most perished. To make the situation even more tragic, no doubt many of those who perished were children who had no ability to escape the hold of David Koresh. These innocent children were victims of cultic mind-control þ a type of religious abuse that is found in more subtle forms in far to many extremist religions.