55 files found in Library "Religion"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
93CLTLST.ZIP No 46147 03-23-93
Watchman Fellowship's 1993 Cult Catalog -
over 200 new entries!
AMERICA_.ZIP Yes 18167 03-18-93 "what's wrong with america" by john macarthu.
BCOMP431.ZIP Yes 159893 05-01-93
Bible Companion - Bible study aid with maps,
dictionary, reading plan v4.31
BLODBHND.ZIP Yes 14837 05-30-93
Although the book of Hebrews has been
greatly ignored by Christian scholars
and laymen alike, it contains some of
the most important, basic doctrines in
the Bible. Spiritual subjects which ar
e scarcely mentioned by other writers
have been fully explained by the author
of Hebrews.
BROOKDRY.ZIP Yes 12823 05-30-93
Some of the most dramatic and adventurous
stories in the Bible revolve around the
meteoric rise of Elijah the prophet. Like a
shooting star he flashed out of obscurity
and changed the character of a whole nation
in a very short time.
BTL218.ZIP Yes 141657 06-06-93
BIBLE-TIMELINE - V2�18 - How old was Abraham
when Jacob was born?What Biblical leaders
were alive when the first Olympic games were
held? BIBLE-TIMELINE lets you sort and
selects individual people and events, or
groups and factions, to develop new insights
and trace patterns across different eras and
cultures� You can modify or expand any of the
datasets� BIBLETIMELINE anyone interested in
exploring historical relations or cultural
CFACT322.ZIP Yes 3853 03-23-93
Christian Fact Sheet March 22, 1993 This
Issue Deals With The Freedom Of Choice Act.
COMSOON.ZIP Yes 10888 03-23-93
at some verses in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
related to the second coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
CONTRFIT.ZIP Yes 13827 05-30-93
Suppose you had to summarize the entire Bible
in just two words. What words would you
choose? I have thought about this, and I
believe sin and salvation might be the most
accurate answer. After all, Satan entered
the picture very early to cause man to
sin and to steal away his salvation.
DEATH_IN.ZIP Yes 15288 05-30-93
What a paradoxical age is this one in which
we live! A time when we have more doctors,
hospitals, medicines; more medical knowledge
of the care, treatment, and cure of disease;
more pills, capsules, vitamins, etc.; yet
seldom has there been a time when more sick-
ness and general ill health has plagued the
human family.
DOESGODS.ZIP Yes 12674 05-30-93
We live in an age of rebellion against all
restraint and law. Our nation stands aghast
at the big-city, gang-defiance of social
order and property rights, including the
right to live. Murder, robbery, and personal
assaults have become the trademark of both
urban and suburban 20th-century life.
EARTHCHG.ZIP Yes 65405 02-11-93
A 50 Page Book About The Coming Earth Changes
Supposedly Channeled From The Sun God, To
Tom H. Smith. This Material Is Very Similar
To Channeled Material From The Pleadians,
And Michael Scalleon, But Contains More
Specific Earth Change Information. For
Those Who Do Not Know About The Coming
Earth Changes, This Is The Time Mentioned
In Revelation, And Referred To As The Great
Tribulation, Coavering The Next 10 Years.
EXEOUT12.ZIP Yes 35741 04-23-93
THE PROBLEM OF SUFFERING - Another program in
guides and sermon outlines as menu-driven
executables with search, print and save
GOSPEL93.ZIP Yes 248906 04-14-93
Newest Version of Godspeed's Gospel Demo Has
Direct Print Features And A Dod File That
Tells "whatsnew" Worlds Fastests Bible Search
HELLFIRE.ZIP Yes 13280 05-30-93
One of the most theologically confused sub-
jects in the Bible is that of hell. It has
been fumbled by the clergy and distorted by
the laity until the word has become best
known as a common vulgarism and expletive.
Everywhere people are asking the same
questions: What and where is hell?
HEV4REAL.ZIP Yes 15766 05-30-93
Millions of people are anticipating, although
for different reasons, a time when they can
leave this planet and migrate to another hap-
pier, less cluttered world in space. Many
believe that time is running out for this
overcrowded, polluted planet which has been
so misused for 6,000 years.
HIDNEYES.ZIP Yes 13950 05-30-93
The fact that so few will be saved is not
nearly as shocking as the reason given in the
Bible for their loss. It seems obvious that
great multitudes will be excluded from heaven
even though they professed Christ, worshiped
Him regularly, and spend much of their time
doing wonderful works in His name.
HIGHCOST.ZIP Yes 14355 05-30-93
The Bible writers struggled to explain, in
human language, the mysterious incarnation
and atoning death of the Son of God. Often
we weep under the power of their inspired
testimony. We get glimpses that boggle our
minds, but still, we are only scratching the
surface of a subject which will continue
unfolding for all eternity.
ISSUNDAY.ZIP Yes 14949 05-30-93
One of the greatest favors God can bestow
upon us is to give a knowledge of His Word.
And the most presumptuous thing anybody can
do is to pray for an understanding of God's
will and then refuse to obey, for any reason
whatsoever, when the answer comes.
JUDAI03.ZIP Yes 29299 03-09-93
Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.)
about Judaism, 3/93 version
Files: 1 Oldest: 3/9/93 Newest: 3/9/93
KJV104.ZIP Yes 182484 05-01-93
KJVocabulary - King James Bible quiz Is the
King James Version full of hard archaic
words? Through a quiz interface learn the
meaning of all those tough Bible words, like
"concupiscence". Also features a handy
dictionary, and printouts. Fun & interesting
LHAIM260.ZIP Yes 11588 03-18-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #260, 03-19-93
LHAIM261.ZIP Yes 12215 03-20-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #261, 03-26-93
LHAIM262.ZIP Yes 25821 04-15-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #262, 04-02-93
LHAIM263.ZIP Yes 11849 04-22-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #263, 04-16-93
LHAIM264.ZIP Yes 12760 04-23-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #264, 04-23-93
LHAIM265.ZIP Yes 11849 04-25-93 Weekly Jewish Newsletter #265, 04-30-93
LIVWOSIN.ZIP Yes 15273 05-30-93
No growing Christian in the world can be
unconcerned about the traumatic problem of
temptation. There is no age level when moral
choices and struggles of the spirit do not
confront us. Temptation may attack at
different points on different issues, but it
will always be with us as long as we are in
the flesh.
MYTHV1M3.ZIP Yes 150430 04-24-93
This program lists common myths associated
with the Bible. Freeware.
NAILED.ZIP Yes 6208 06-05-93 Who nailed what to the cross of Calvary�
OLB5ASV1.ZIP Yes 362831 05-03-93
Online Bible American Standard Version
File 1 of 5. Requirements: (OLB61INS.ZIP or
later); DOS 2.11 or later, and approx 15meg
of hard disk space.
OLB61DOC.ZIP Yes 3299 04-29-93
** Information on Online Bible V6.1 **
A complete list of modules/files and
where to find them!
OLBPNT1.ZIP Yes 361126 04-22-93 People's NT Commentary for OLB V6 1 of 4
OLBPNT2.ZIP Yes 361584 04-22-93 People's NT Commentary for OLB V6 2 of 4
OLBPNT3.ZIP Yes 361584 04-22-93 People's NT Commentary for OLB V6 3 of 4
OLBPNT4.ZIP Yes 131639 04-22-93 People's NT Commentary for OLB V6 4 of 4
OLDCVNT.ZIP Yes 12968 05-30-93
Christians today who sincerely believe that
the Ten Commandments constituted the Old
Covenant, which disappeared at the cross and,
therefore, has no present application to
grace-saved Christians. Is it a true premise?
PESACH.ZIP Yes 162015 03-02-93
The Pesach Adventure: A Simple Children'S
Game For Passover. This Is A Small And Easy
Text Adventure In Which Children Search The
House For Leaven Just Before Passover Begins.
PN072284.ZIP Yes 268804 03-30-93
Piper's Notes. Needs VGA. Dr. John Piper
teaches RUTH: The Best Is Yet To Come. This
is a great way to study this beautiful book
of the Bible. From InSights HyperMedia! 46
PN090984.ZIP Yes 309838 05-06-93
Piper's Notes! "Camaraderie in the Fight of
Faith" by Dr. John Piper. Requires VGA. Mouse
optional. Another note with hundreds more to
come. From InSights HyperMedia. File under
Bible if possible.
PTONORET.ZIP Yes 12331 05-30-93
What is this sin which Heaven regards with
such abhorrence and loathing? Why will God
deal so severely with those who are guilty
of this sin? To the human mind a great
number of depraved and cruel acts might fall
into such a category but which one of them
would God count so heinous and horrible that
it could never be forgiven?
REMEMBER.ZIP Yes 12922 05-30-93
Numerous surveys and questionnaires have
confirmed that the most popular form of
modern skepticism is to deny the creation
story. Seventy-two percent of ministers
interviewed expressed varying degrees of
doubt that God actually spoke the world into
existence according to the biblical account.
RENDVOUS.ZIP Yes 13843 05-30-93
After explaining that he had been in the
church for fifteen years before hearing his
first sermon on the subject of Christ's
return, he stated, "Now I know why the devil
does not want this subject to be preached.
Nothing would wake up the church so much as
the doctrine that Jesus is coming soon."
REVELATN.ZIP Yes 104090 03-12-93
Verse-by-verse study of the book of
Revelation, hypertext, requires graphics but
best with CGA+.
RICHMAN.ZIP Yes 12470 05-30-93
Much argument has taken place over whether
the words of Jesus in Luke 16:19-31 were
intended to be understood literally or as a
parable. Some Christians feel that in this
story, Jesus was offering His hearers a
glimpse of what existence in the afterlife
is like.
ROLE.ZIP Yes 21103 03-27-93 Family leadership: the role of the father
SNCHAINS.ZIP Yes 14500 05-30-93
People have harbored the dream that society
will correct itself and will develop into a
golden age of millennial peace.In this grand
Utopia everyone is supposed to be converted
and will cooperate in building a new world of
brotherhood and peace.I wish this could be a
true picture of the future, but it is exactly
the opposite of what the Bible portrays.
SPRTLWAR.ZIP Yes 1950 03-27-93 Bible Study On Spiritual Warfare.
SQ500.ZIP Yes 164140 05-01-93
SCRIPTURE QUEST In-depth Bible Q&A game Tests
Bible knowledge with over 1600 questions. 1-9
players. Play against the clock. Top ten
score chart. Great way to learn about the
Bible. Very attractively done, challenging
SUFFERIN.ZIP Yes 8838 02-20-93
This Is A Small File Of Scriptures I
Collected While Doing A Study On Suffering In
The King James Version. Saved In Generic Text
From Wp5 ).
THIEVES.ZIP Yes 14078 05-30-93
Do you know about the sin nobody admits?
It's a sin we're afraid to mention. We must
be afraid to mention it, because nobody ever
mentions it about himself, anyway.
WEXP4_93.ZIP Yes 43213 04-20-93
Watchman Fellowship Expositor for April, 1993
Articles on the Word Faith Movement and New
Age in Schools
WFEXP5_9.ZIP Yes 51068 05-08-93
Watchman Fellowship Expositor - May, 1993:
The Branch Davidians