******************************* IconUpdater History file ******************************* 1.0 added many features to a basic door I had on my bbs so that other could use it. 1.10 Fixed the No graphics calls bug. Added the ability of individual user disabiling LogIn. Added 3 more user definable text lines in MainInfo.txt file. So noe at 5. DNInfo.txt still at 7 lines. 1.20 Fixed CTS detect, it NOW works! Also fixed the user defined key, it made the main menu jump to the download menu if the user defined key was NOT defined, (ie. the sysop left the last 4 lines of the config file blank). If you leave it blank, fine, if you define a key then that's fine too, because it works either way now. Also fix some other little things. Look for new & better updates in the future. Fixed the DSZ so that it will work on both Comm 1 & 2. 1.30 Fix a few more bugs & added RIP graphics support. (*note) that this program only supports com1 & 2 and no than a 14.4 modem. 1.3C SysOps were calling me and telling me that I forgot to include the ICSETUP.EXE file in my zip file. I here now. Sorry! 1.40 YES! No the Scan last time on Date function works. No you can have IconUpDater Default to scan and compare the last time on date (for the user) and the date you last updated you icons. See Sysop text for more info! You can now hit Return and/or "C" to continue to the BBS.