PostSearch Series --- Database Search Post Processors Pastel Programming Co. HC56 Box 6038 Sidney MT 59270 USA CompuServe 71477,352 Pastel Programming Co. produces the PostSearch Series of database search post processors. The Series includes the following editions: Single-System Editions: PostSearch DI DIALOG PostSearch KI Knowledge Index PostSearch DS Data-Star PostSearch DT DataTimes PostSearch DJ//Text Dow Jones News/Retrieval (//TEXT portion) PostSearch NN NewsNet PostSearch STN STN PostSearch BRS BRS PostSearch NLM National Library of Medicine PostSearch ST Syntex Multiple-System Editions: PostSearch OS DIALOG, Data-Star, DataTimes, Dow Jones News/Retrieval (//TEXT portion), NewsNet, STN, BRS, National Library of Medicine and Syntex. Includes added features: a union sifter, capable of sifting filtered record files from any of the systems; select filtered records by key words; reformat Dialog TAGed records to remove hard carriage returns within fields; and automated logical page breaking.