Welcome to a Description of the WRITER"S EDITOR! The Writer's Editor offers an outstanding alternative to conventional text editing on a personal computer. Using this editor I am onfident you will be able to organize your writing projects in a new and more effective manner. The secret to this effectiveness is that we allow you to build your own logical structure for your material as you write it. Any page you write is easily turned into a menu to link to your expanded material. One of the major benefits of this approach is the ability to rapidly access, using your own menus, any subsection of your work. You always have a condensed summary view and a working index that is up to date. Or, to put it another way, it allows you to go from the general to the particular quickly. As you become familiar with the software, you will be able to reorganize and cross reference your material using the tools provided. The structured documents you create can be printed, exported to formatting type editors, and distributed to end users with our license-free browse version. The Browse version lets you pass on to your won customers or users the rapid access benefits of your clearly structured document. Some additional features of the Writer's Editor are: 1) spell checker; 2) spell corrector; 3) find/replace function; 4) export/import ascii files; 5) there is also a feature which allows you to create links which execute programs you want run; 6) a map overview function; 7) cut/past functions, referred to as 'block commands.' (note 1 & 2 are not available in demo). Essentially using this editor is as easy as using any top of the line editor in that you may freely type in text, delete it, and copy it. The difference is that you can add structure to your writing by adding new records. This helps keep you organized. I highly recommend you try this product. Good Typing, John Alway, 12/15/92