GreenNet (tm) Is Now Testing Relay Hub Operations Through The Earth Art BBS! PostLink (RIME) & PCRelay Node ID: EARTHART (#1646) - GreenNet Hub: HubEARTH FidoNet Address: 1:372/50 - QWK-Mail ID: EarthArt - NetMail 5.0 ID: GreenNet We've now connected our Sky-Link data demodulator to accept QWK on our DISH! Please note there have been numerous recent changes to this conference list. Thank you for your participation! We are still in the process of organizing an exciting International Environmental BBS Network, & appreciate your help to make it the best it can be! Here is a lineup of conferences available to you: 1. GreenNet: This is Conference #1 on Earth Art BBS! It might confuse you at first, but GreenNet is both THIS conference, AND the rest of the network. We are now relaying this conference as a cross-echo to FidoNet GREEN.029 Echo! This will allow non-Fido boards to have worldwide access without actually having to set up a "front end" type mailer. For non-Fido BBS's, if you'll only want to get ONE Eco-Conference from us, we strongly suggest you select this one! We'd like you to name it GreenNet, but doing so is not required. Since we've linked, traffic in here has been increased steadily! This one now getting a good percentage of replies from overseas. 10. HubEARTH: This is the GreenNet conference just for our SysOps & Co-SysOps! It's THE place to ask about relays and news concerning GreenNet. (Please add at SysOp Level ONLY!) This conference not required, but highly recommended! It is your best place for us to discuss relays, private numbers (Stuff we do NOT want our users to see). With access limited, please ask questions PUBLIC! Since a sysop at another node may have the same question as you, let's try for group discussions whenever possible, OK? Many know more than I! 22. Green_4S: GreenNet's Newest Conference, Green For Sale! This should be an exclusive area for "Earth Friendly" items that you want to sell! It's also a FREE public place to advertise a conservation print! (Example: This is NOT the place to advertise your old chainsaw!) Earth Art will be using this area soon & help get it cranked up. 23. Ecology: Formerly an echo to EarthNet & RaceNet/WildNet/SportsNet/PetNet, we've now COMBINED the GreenNet and FidoNet Ecology Conferences! In this new gateway, *I* must be responsible for ANY mistake(s). In other words, if a serious problem (mucho-dupes as an example) develops where YOU caused it, WE (Earth Art and all other nodes) could get OUR Fido feed CUT, until YOU get the problem resolved. Needless to say, please be careful with this conference, OK? It'll help if you simply name it ECOLOGY to avoid any confusion. For BBS's without a front end mailer, this is a good one to get! 24. Recycle: Now relayed with the United Net, through new local Fido gateway! We hope to keep this one going, possibly as recycling highlights area. It may be combined with the Sierra Club Waste Conference. GreenNet still has great hope for the future of this conference! 25. EchoTest: Shared with The Sierra Club's National Hub, Relay Test Messages. For the PRIMARY GreenNet Sysop Only! (Add at SysOp level ONLY!) We ask everyone to ALWAYS send those test message(s) here FIRST! This will alert others in the net (who carry it) that there is a new board joining us. After we make sure everything is working, (& you pass the "test" here!) then you'll be ready to go public. 26. EchoAdmi: Shared with The Sierra Club's National Hub, Echo Administration. For the PRIMARY GreenNet Sysop Only! (Add at SysOp Level ONLY!) Again, this is for relay discussions we DON'T want users to see! 27. Eco-Echo: Hosted by The Sierra Club, this has been a big GreenNet success! We've now successfully crosslinked it to FidoNet's SIERRAN Echo, (Already on the backbone!) to form an exciting "Super Eco-Echo"! Access to Atlanta & Denver through PC-Pursuit remains in effect. Sierra Club Chapters across the country are now setting this up, so please help with this one, as we really want it going strong! 28. ALERTS!: Shared with The Sierra Club's National Hub, it is available NOW! We recently got the "Green Light" for relays in this conference. This is for Environmental Alerts about pending legislation, etc. These alerts are often time-critical, so please try to add this! 29. Waste: Shared with The Sierra Club's National Hub, it is available NOW! Again, it may be combined with the Recycle conference in future. We use this as the hazardous waste discussions area in GreenNet. Please add this so we can start building up the message traffic! 30. WrkGreen: Shared with The Sierra Club's National Hub, it is available NOW! This is an area for discussion of new Green high technologies, & also where to discuss Green issues in the workplace environment. NOTE: Recently renamed as "Green Tech" to attract more activity. 31. GreenCom: GreenNet's COMMON Conference! This one has also now been linked to the UnitedNet Environment & Charleston Net Green Conferences! We'd like ALL relaying boards to also carry this one! Access it for all GreenNet sysops, co-sysops and users. NOT required now. This also links to the GREEN Conference on satellite, & as such, it could be the "Launching Pad" for uplinking anyone's messages! We'll also downlink the "highlight" posts on our satellite dish. Please let us know if you think this should be mandatory or not! If so, it would be mighty convenient to find ANYONE in GreenNet. We'd also like to try hooking up another board with a dish here! (Latter also requires a General Instruments 1500R Data Receiver) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's about it for now, but we continue to grow! Thanks to ALL you SysOps in helping us to get GreenNet off the ground! We have an AWESOME potential, & if you do YOUR part, the network can truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE for the environment! You can also contact Earth Art BBS through our FidoNet address (1:372/50), so a long distance call may not be needed! We'll be fully Fido-compatible in the very near future, and appreciate the generous offers for assistance we've had. I am also proud to report we've now successfully tested our new Sky-Link setup & could be accepting Sky-Mail QWK-Mail messages in the not too distant future! I'm happy to report we got the Fidonet ENVIRON echo carried by satellite feed, & we hope to try it again with GreenNet's new cross-link to Fidonet GREEN.029. We now have 2 different ways to receive data 9600 baud via our satellite dish! Before too long, a new service named Planet Connect will be available to us by satellite at an amazing 19,200 baud right out of the sky. This will require a whole new set of expensive hardware (3rd demodulator!) and cost $100 per month to relay. But, if we can get GreenNet to go anywhere near its full potential, this may be a distinct possibility. Obviously, a fair cost-sharing plan might be required later, but we now pride ourselves as a totally FREE relay network! Thanks for your encouragement! Together, we can make it become very powerful! Greenest regards, Bob "Top Duck" Chapman: GreenNet Network Director, SysOp of The Earth Art BBS, Moderator of the International GREEN Conference, via satellite and cable TV on X*Press Information Services (Now reaching to 9,000+ Schools in North America) & Conference Host of RIME OUTDOORS! (RelayNet International Message Exchange!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File List: CONFLST.RLY - GreenNet conferences available! (For PCRelay SysOps!) FILE_ID.DIZ - Description file to automatic file listings on BBS's. EARTHART.ASC - Ascii conference list as found on The Earth Art BBS! FILELIST.TXT - List of all files included in the GREENBBS.ZIP file. GNSCINFO.FRM - A form we ask you to fill out and return back to us. GREENNET.TXT - This file to describe the conferences available now! NET.ID - GreenNet Network ID file for relaying SysOps with PcRelay! PLEASE: Report any strange events in our hub operations! We ask for your help to improve our hub services. Please give us YOUR input, as it's YOUR Network! Thank you again, BC/TD