CHATTSR for FALCON 3.0 version 3.01.1 By: Ken "Stinger" Richardson UID: [70761,301] CHATTSR is a terminate and stay resident program that allows "canned" messages to be sent to another player connected via modem or other comms modes. It will load 6 messages from the file F3CHAT.TXT and assign these messages to one of 6 keys. The keys used are the Insert/Delete/Page up/down group just above the cursor keys. Each line of the F3CHAT.TXT file is assigned to one of these keys. Do not make messages greater than one line of text. Any text after the first 6 lines is considered a comment and is ignored. You do not have to press the "chat" key to send these messages, simply press the key you want to send and chat will automatically start and end. Line in F3CHAT.TXT The Key ------------------------------ First line Insert Second line Home Third line Page Up Fourth line Delete Fifth line End Sixth line Page Down No modification is required to the Falcon program. Simply run the CHATTSR program, or use LOADHIGH to load it into high memory. After CHATTSR is loaded it will automatically check to see if Falcon is running. If Falcon is running it will automatically "attach" itself. If Falcon is not running, it will simply lay dormant in memory until it senses Falcon. The CHATTSR program uses slightly more than 1200 bytes of memory and can be loaded HIGH with the LOADHIGH command, therefore saving precious conventional memory. You should include all CHATTSR files in your FALCON3 directory. This utility is not supported by Spectrum Holobyte in any way so if you experience any problems contact me via Compuserve EMail or the MODEMGAMES forum on Compuserve (GO MODEMGAMES). -Enjoy! Stinger File list: CHATTSR.COM - Chat TSR itself. This file must be loaded before running Falcon. F3CHAT.TXT - The messages CHATTSR will use. Edit these at will. This file must be in the same directory at CHATTSR. CHATTSR.TXT - This file.