Subj: GEOS 2.0 Icon Codes Date: June 9, 1993 From: J4Dice File: ICONCODE.ZIP (6789 bytes) DL time (2400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 16 AUTHOR: J4Dice EQUIPMENT: You're using it NEEDS: Ensemble 2.0 KEYWORDS: GeoWrite, 2.0, hex editor, icon, GEOS A complete listing of the four-character codes (including HEX codes) assigned to GEOS 2.0 application, data and system icons. This can be used to assign the icons of your choice to 2.0 applications, their data files and the 2.0 system files using the procedure described in APPICON.ZIP & DATAICON.ZIP (available in this library). Also includes the correct code for the Scrapbook icon (the code listed in APPICON.ZIP contained a typo.) This will also come in handy for icon designers once we have an iconmaker for 2.0. _____ NOTE: Alterations such as this are not supported by GeoWorks and users do so fully at their own risk without any protection or warranty from the company.