ÿI have enclosed a copy of protect.com, a Hard Disk write protect simulator, please run it or any other you prefer before executing either of the short test programs included. The author claims they are passive. Caution is always prudent with a Hard Disk. Also beware that performance test on hard drives generally push cheaper drives and controllers to the edge. If you notice a drastic reduction in transfer rate after executing a performance test park your heads (ignore if yours are autoparking), get back to the DOS prompt, and turn off your computer (not just reset), wait a couple of minutes to let everything stop spinning, and power up again. Your performance will be restored. Quirks develop in bios stored in RAM and occasionally the controller may loose its place when making long reads (over 400k away) exceeding DMA limits, while testing your disk. Remember to write protect and nothing will penetrate your data. One final thing that is not directly related to these test.... Interleave testers that reformat and test the interleave on Hard Disks by using the BIOS test track (generally the last track) can cause great performance problems if your controller stores its setup and operating info here (i.e. number of cylinders, heads, write current, landing zone pre-comp, and so on). Some programs do not restore the data properly to the BIOS cylinder. So if the controller ever needs to retrieve the data it may not be there or worse it may be very wrong!. Remember to protect yourself and your Hard Disk. signed---a UTILITY freak....