SYMPTOMS OF INNER-EAR DISORDERS Many of the symptoms experienced by people affected by dizziness and balance disorders are obscure and frightening. This symptom list is incomplete. It does not apply to everyone with an inner-ear disorder. But it may aid many who have been unable to make sense out of their seemingly abnormal sensations and symptoms. We hope it is relieving to discover that these symptoms are caused by a physical problem, that they are real and not imagined. Vision * Objects jump (silverware jumps off table, stairs swing). * Reading is difficult (print moves, vision blurs or doubles, words or letters switch). * Writing may be difficult. * Lights glow or emit rays; glare is intensified. * Tendency to look down. Discomfort increases when you focus at distance. * Night blindness increases. * Poor depth perception. * Moving or flickering lights may be disturbing. Hearing * Hearing can fluctuate, be lost completely, or be unaffected. * Distortions such as popping, clicking, ringing, or buzzing can occur. * Loud environments may be uncomfortable or sickening. * The ears may feel full. Nausea * Continual or intermittent nausea (or only in morning or as fatigue increases). * A "hangover" feeling or seasick sensation in the head and/or stomach. * Motion sickness. Memory * Poor memory. * You may forget what you are talking about, grope for words. * Confusion, disorientation, inability to comprehend directions, instructions. Coordination * Clumsiness (dropping things, difficulty threading needles) * Sensation of heavy weights on the head. * The center of balance is off. * Muscle and joint pain. * Balance may be normal (via compensation with vision or touch). * Rocking sensation (as if you're in a rowboat). * Difficulty walking straight. * Slurred speech. Emotions * Loss of self-reliance, self-confidence, self-esteem. * Distraction, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks. * Depression. Other * Headaches. * Discomfort caused by temperature changes, pressure changes and wind currents. * Symptoms worsened by high altitude. * Fatigue; everyday tasks are exhausting. * Violent whirling sensations (vertigo), nausea, vomiting. The human balance system depends on information that the brain receives from the eyes, the muscles and joints of the body, and the inner ear. If the inner ear is damaged, the brain may receive incorrect information. The result may be dizziness or imbalance problems. There are as many different symptoms of inner-ear vestibular disorders as there are individuals, and with all degrees of severity. Also, an inner-ear disorder may be present even in the absence of imbalance, a hearing problem, or vertigo. People affected by some of these symptoms may be perceived as inattentive or lazy, or may be thought to be hypochondriacs. Well-educated people may have difficulty reading or doing simple math. Keeping a job, going to school, performing routine tasks, or just getting out of bed in the morning may be difficult for some people. Getting a diagnosis, adhering to your treatment, and learning as much as you can about your problem will assist you in your recovery. (This document is not intended as a substitute for professional health care.)