Archive-name: ForthFaq/Overview Last-modified: 26.May.93 Version: 1.5 [To news.answers moderator: please add to both the mailing lists. Thanks, -Doug] Hello! Welcome to the series of Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) Answers messages for comp.lang.forth. This is the general overview for the rest of the FAQ messages. Disclaimer(s): This organization of the FAQ messages is by no means final. If you have any additions, comments, complaints, corrections, suggestions, or ..., please send them to one of the addresses at the end of this message. These messages were created by editting the previous version of the FAQ messages, with additional material culled from the ForthNet. Please let me know if I have failed to attribute, or have incorrectly used or attributted, any material. These messages are designed to provide the answers to commonly asked questions about Forth. For answers to general questions about the Internet or Usenet, consult the messages that are periodicly posted to the newsgroups: news.announce.newusers news.newusers.questions news.announce.important Below is a list of the currently posted messages, showing the subject line and questions list for each one. Please note that the part numbers are not sequential. These messages, including this one, are posted regularly on or near the 7th and the 22nd of each month, to comp.lang.forth, comp.answers and news.answers. FAQ Message Subject Lines and Question Lists: --------------------------------------------- Forth FAQ: What is Forth?. What is Forth? Forth FAQ: Organizations and Publications. What organizations are dedicated to Forth? (and how to contact them) What other publications carry information, etc. about Forth? What other Internet/UseNet Forth mailing lists are there? Forth FAQ: ANS Forth Standard Info. What is this dpANS and what happened to BASIS? Where can I get a copy of the dpANS, and comment upon it? Forth FAQ: General Internet info. How can I find an anonymous FTP or email server that has "foo"? (Or, just Where can I find programs for Unix that can read .ARC, .ZOO and .ZIP files? Forth FAQ: ForthNet: What and how?. What is ForthNet? What are the restrictions and guidelines for ForthNet messages? How do I send email to some one who has posted a message on ForthNet? How do I access ForthNet? Forth FAQ: Libraries: Where and how?. What Forth libraries are available, and how can I access them? Getting Forth files directly from The Forth Interest Group: Getting Forth files via FTP: How do I use FTP? Getting Forth files via EMail: Getting Forth files via an EMail interface to FTP: Getting Forth files via EMail to FNEAS: Forth FAQ: Forth for the 8051/8031. Where can I find a Forth for the 8051/8031? Forth FAQ: Forth for the SUN. Where can I find a Forth for the SUN? Forth FAQ: Forth for the MAC. Where can I find a Forth for the MAC? Forth FAQ: Forth for a DSP. Where can I find a Forth for a DSP? Forth FAQ: Forth for a Transputer. Where can I find a Forth for a Transputer? Forth FAQ: Forth for a Tandy TRS-80. Where can I find a Forth for a Tandy TRS-80? Forth FAQ: Forths written in C. Where can I find a Forth written in C? Forth FAQ: Forth for Music. Where can I find a Forth for playing with Music? Forth FAQ: Forth for ???. What if I want to find a PD/ShareWare Forth for the BrouHaHa-7245? Forth FAQ: Programmable BBS Information. Forth FAQ: CASE,OF,ENDOF,ENDCASE. Forth FAQ: Forth In Print. Where can I find "Threaded Interpreted Languages"? Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++ Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing Forth FAQ: Applications done with Forth. If Forth has been around for 20+ years, what has it been used for? --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3