Archive-name: ForthFaq/LibrariesInfo Last-modified: 31.Mar.93 Version: 1.2 What Forth libraries are available, and how can I access them? There are several repositories of Forth programs, sources, executables, and so on. These various repositories are NOT indentical copies of the same things. Material is available on an AS-IS basis due to the charity of the people involved in maintaining the libraries. In addition to the sources listed below, many of the ForthNet branches also have libraries available. See FAQ Part 10 for information on accessing ForthNet. Getting Forth files directly from The Forth Interest Group: The Forth Interest Group maintains a library of Forth files available on disk. You can write them for an order form, their address is in FAQ Part 02. They also have a very extensive library on line on GEnie. For GEnie access information, see FAQ Part 10. Getting Forth files via FTP: There is an FTP site in Portugal devoted to Forth, which contains a mirror of the FIG library on GEnie, plus whatever anyone has donated. The archive is run by Paulo A. D. Ferreira who has donated the resources for it. The archive machine name/address is: and the files are in the directory: pub/forth Please note: There are several other FTP sites on the network that have Forth directories. However, this is the only FTP site that has a respository specificly for Forth files of any and all kinds. SIMTEL20 has some MSDOS only files, but those are very old. A few other sites are the primary distribution points for particular Forth systems. If you are the maintainer of such a site, please email me some text that I can add to the FAQ messages. Here is a copy of the pub/forth/README file. *Especially note the time restriction for accessing the archive.* Thanks to Mr. Ferreira for providing this information and this service. --- Start of README --- This archive contains a copy of the FIG archives on GENIE. To get the list of files avaliable get ls-lR.Z To get the list of files from Genie, with descriptions get the file pub/forth/filedocs/files.arc To get unarchivers see the pub/PC/archivers/directory As this archive is physically in Portugal ( GMT timezone ) please use this archive by night if you are in Europe, or in the afternoon if you are in America. For complaints, suggestions, flames send email to: Thanks to the Forth Interest Group's library on GEnie, these files exist to be distributed. Thanks to the Forth Interest Group for allowing these files to be distributed from other than their GEnie library. The files in this archive that originated in FIG's library on GEnie were sent to this archive via Doug Philips' FNEAS server. If you find that any of the files are damaged, please send mail to the above address so that the damaged files can be replaced. --- End of README --- How do I use FTP? That depends on the type of computer you are using. There are too many answers to list here. See your system administrator for help in using FTP. You can also read where you can find a regulary posted article with the subject: Beginner's Guide to FTP Getting Forth files via EMail: There are two options for getting Forth files via EMail. First, you can use an EMail interface to an FTP server. Second, you can use FNEAS. Details on how to use each of those follow. Please NOTE: Email is the most resource intensive way to get files. If you have access to other methods, please use those instead. Getting Forth files via an EMail interface to FTP: Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 09:13:41 CST From: pitt!sifvs9.SINet.SLB.COM!fisher Message-Id: <9104021513.AA10971@SLCS.SLB.COM> Subject: Re: F.O.R/T.H. Letter [...] all FTP sites are accessable from Internet using a program at Princeton Uni. called BITFTP. This allows you to send whatis basically an FTP batch job to BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET, which will execute the job and mail any files back to you in UUENCODED format. Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to :- bitftp@pucc.bitnet Craig Fisher |**** **** Schlumberger Technologies | Instruments Division | Disclamer: These views are mine, Farnborough, Hants. UK | my boss thinks I'm working. ;-) Getting Forth files via EMail to FNEAS: FNEAS -- ForthNet Email Archive Server. FNEAS is a service that allows people without FTP or other methods to accesss Forth libraries via email. (Note that you may also be able to use the EMail interface to FTP.) To access FNEAS, send email to: and in the body of your message, put the lines: help path X where X is your Internet relative EMail address. Despite appearances, neither: user@host.uucp NOR user@host.bitnet are Internet relative addresses. If you need help determining how to construct an Internet relative EMail address, please consult your system administrator. --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3