Archive-name: ForthFaq/InPrint Last-modified: 02.Mar.93 Version: 1.3 [Note: there are many other entries that could be added here. I don't have the time to type in a bibliography. Please send me materials that you consider worthy of mention. I would also like to be able to include your comments about why a particular selection is worthy. Remember: Some of the readers of this message do not know the "big names", either as regards book titles or authors. -dwp] Where can I find "Threaded Interpreted Languages"? General consensus seems to be that this book is out of print, but sometimes available from booksellers or used book places. G.LEFAVE [Gene] (on GEnie) provides this bibliographic info: Threaded Interpretive Languages R.G. Loeliger BYTE BOOKS, 1981, ISBN:0-07-038360-X Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++ Norman E. Smith, CDP -- provides this info: "Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++", by Norman Smith, ISBN 1-55622-264-5, published by Wordware Publishing, Plano, Texas, 1-800-229-4949, $15. This book presents a minimal Forth implementation called Until, for UNconventional Threaded Interpretive Language. Until is designed to be used as a macro language embedded in other applications. It can both call and be called by other C functions. Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing Julian V. Noble -- jvn@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU provides this info: The book "Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing" by Julian V. Noble (ISBN 0-9632775-0-2) is available from FIG in the USA, as well as directly from the publisher, Mechum Banks Publishing P.O. Box 335 Ivy, Virginia 22945 USA for $49.95 + $3.00 s/h (continental USA). In Europe it may be purchased from MicroProcessor Engineering, Ltd 133 Hill Lane Shirley, Southampton SO1 5AF United Kingdom fax 44 703 339691 While not intended for the Forth novice, Scientific FORTH contains a good many serious examples of Forth programming style, useful programs, as well as innovations intended to simplify number crunching in Forth. It can now be found in the libraries of several major universities (Yale, U. of Chi- cago, Rockefeller U., e.g.) and government and industrial laboratories ( Fermilab, Motorola, e.g.). It comes with a disk containing all the pro- grams discussed in the book. An update file has recently been posted to GEnie/FIG. --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3