SNAKE OIL SALESMEN By Werner Meyer [Extract from POLICY REVIEW, Summer 1986] "Even with decontrol of oil prices, we can see a 30 percent to 40 percent decline in domestic oil production." Daniel Yergin Sierra July/August 1979 "All available evidence points to a serious risk of a serious energy crisis in the middle or late 1980s ... Putting it simply, there is the very great likelihood of a major world depression." Ulf Lantzke Executive Director, International Energy Agency The New Republic Februrary 25, 1978 "We're heading into a world of considerably higher prices. There will be a major impact on housing by 1983, and I'd be surprised if gasoline is less than $2 per gallon plus whatever inflation adds." Kenneth Arrow Professor of Economics, Stanford University Forbes February 4, 1980 "It's obvious that gasoline could reach at least $2 a gallon after decontrol." Representative John Dingell (D-MI) Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power Forbes December 10, 1979 "Irreversible physical shortfalls in supplies may take place as early as 1988. [The result] is likely to push market prices to levels three or four times the current one." Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani Saudi Arabian Oil Minister New York Times June 21, 1979 "World oil prices have only one way to go in the next decade -up, and probably sharply so." John Mattill Editor, Technology Review December/January 1980 "It would be prudent for any American contemplating the purchase of a new car to assume that gas will cost $2 per gallon with a few years and $3 per gallon during the vehicle's lifetime." Lester Brown Worldwatch Institute Bulletin of Atomic Scientists March 1980 "During 1980 and 1981, for each barrel of oil newly produced as a result of decontrol, the cost to the U.S. economy could range from at least $56 per barrel under the most optimistic assumptions, to about $870 per barrel under assumptions which many experts believe are realistic ... Thus even if decontrol does in fact stimulate a few extra barrels of oil, the total cost to the economy of those few barrels is so high as to make decontrol the most nonsensical, irresponsible, and expensive energy supply strategy imaginable." Energy Action March 24, 1979 "Ronald Reagan brushed aside energy issues during the campaign, insisting the shortages could be overcome by unleashing private enterprise. But not even his most fervent supporters in the energy business share that optimism. Virtually all private forecasts predict declining domestic oil production and liquid fuel shortages in the next decade." New York Times November 14, 1980 "There is a dwindling supply of energy sources. The prices are going to rise in the future no matter who is President, no matter which party occupies the administration in Washington, no matter what we do."'' President Jimmy Carter March 31, 1979 "A government role is crucial if the United States is to reduce its energy vulnerability ... At present rates of exploitation, the United States will exhaust its own petroleum reserves in about 10 years ... The only long-term solution to the liquid fuel problem is the production of substitutes." Alan Madian Foreign Policy Summer 1979 "[Because of decontrol,] the administration has placed the American economy, competition in the oil industry, and the public at the mercy of a handful of international oil companies and OPEC." Ed Rothschild Director, Energy Action January 5, 1980 "Decontrol would cause a political storm because prices would immediately rise. Some experts warn that gasoline prices would soar to $2 a gallon." Marshall Loeb Time July 9, 1979 "Any surplus production capacity that individual OPEC countries may have developed in recent years will almost certainly vanish by the mid-1980s, perhaps sooner ... In 1990 prices, adjusted for future inflation, oil could be selling for $42 to $55 a barrel." U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Plan II May 1979 "The day when a tankful of gasoline costs $50 is probably not far off." Lester Brown Worldwatch Institute Bulletin of Atomic Scientists March 1980 "The present oil shortage looks like the start of a long siege. While the demand for oil keeps growing as world population and economies expand, supply slows and it is difficult to see where large amounts of additional oil will come from in the next several years." Leonard Silk New York Times June 29, 1979 "It is obvious to anyone that looks at it [the oil crisis] that we've got a problem that's serious now. It's going to get more serious in the future. We're going to have less oil; we're going to have to pay more for it. Those are the facts. They are unpleasant facts. And so far, the American people ... have refused to accept that simple fact." President Jimmy Carter May 25, 1979 "An already serious energy problem has now become an energy emergency, an emergency that will persist throughout the entire 1980s." Robert Strobaugh and Daniel Yergin Foreign Affairs Vol. 58, no. 3 1979 "Mr. President, I believe we will see $1.50 gas this spring, and maybe before. And it is just a matter of time until the oil companies and their associates, the OPEC nations, will be driving the gasoline pump prices up to $2 a gallon." Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) January 29, 1981 "Estimating $1.50 [per gallon of gas] is totally, totally optimistic." Dan Lundberg Gasoline price specialist New York Times February 27, 1980 "One thing is for certain: prices will continue to rise. We're dealing with a scarce, finite commodity, one that will be running out in a couple of decades. Traditional criteria of supply and demand don't apply." Charles W. Duncan Secretary of Energy U.S. News and World Report February 25, 1980 "We're going to be on the ragged edge for years." Clifton C. Garvin, Jr. Chairman, Exxon Corp. Business Week December 24, 1979 "With oil, surprises or changes can only go one way: against us." Paul Frankel Petroleum Economics, Ltd. Dun's Review April 1980 "The price of oil now seems firmly locked into a steep upward spiral for the foreseeable future." Business Week December 31, 1979 "At present rates of consumption, America's oil and gas will be gone within a decade." Newsweek July 16, 1979 "Without rationing, gasoline will soon go to $3 a gallon." Senator Dale Bumpers (D-AR) U.S. News and World Report July 9, 1979 "In moving towards 1990, the industrialized countries will be walking an `oil tightrope.'" International Energy Agency Energy Conservation 1981 "Because of this estimated decline in future oil production, estimated oil imports in 1985 have risen from 6 [million] to 11 million barrels per day." Daniel White Professor of Finance, Georgia State University Business May/June 1979 "A conservative assessment would project the non-Communist world's oil consumption as likely to advance from 51 million barrels daily in 1977 to 62 million per day in 1985." Walter J. Levy Oil consultant New York Times January 4, 1979 "Most industry observers, however, believe that this time OPEC will be successful in keeping oil prices from falling." Business Week December 31, 1979 "America's oil system must be nationalized as are those of Libya, Nigeria, Mexico, and Venezuela. Since there is no free market in oil, it is idle to pretend otherwise. There is no way a nationalized industry can damage or endanger us more than the present monopolistic structure." Glyn Jones New York Times October 2, 1979 "Almost inevitably, therefore, OPEC's management of the world's oil supply will keep the world economy teetering on the brink of recession." Business Week October 29, 1979 "Responses that might have been sufficient between 1974 and 1979 no longer suffice; today the United States and all the world's importers are caught in an accute and lasting energy emergency." Robert Stobaugh and Daniel Yergin Foreign Affairs Vol. 58, no. 3 1979 "The tragic failure of U.S. energy planning is that it has doggedly promulgated futile market-oriented solutions to energy problems." Carter Henderson Bulletin of Atomic Scientists December 1978 "Rationing is the fairest and most certain way to deal immediately with this country's oil shortage." Senator Dale Bumpers (D-AR) U.S. News and World Report July 9, 1979 "We must adopt a system of gasoline rationing without delay ... in a way that demands a fair sacrifice from all Americans." Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) New York Times January 28, 1980 "I believe that decontrol as a cure will prove to be worse than the disease of oil addiction." Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) New York Times January 9, 1981 "The price mechanism must be supplemented ... by governmental action and guidelines encouraging or requiring conservation of oil ... It is not sufficient to rely exclusively on the price mechanism." Richard N. Cooper Undersecretary for Economic Affairs Department of State Bulletin December 1980 "A Democratic energy policy must oppose the decontrol of gas and oil prices." Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) New York Times June 26, 1980 "Last week President Reagan issued an Executive Order lifting price controls on domestic oil and gasoline ... Energy prices in Massachusetts alone will escalate by 33 percent -- the average household paying as much to heat itself as it does in Government taxes." Representative Nick Mavroules (D-MA) February 5, 1981 "I think it [OPEC] has now become such an institutionalized structure that it would be very doubtful that anyone could break it down." President Jimmy Carter New York Times February 11, 1979