9/1/93 Video Drivers ... Many of the problems people have been reporting, are being linked to old video drivers. our recommendation to people on the Tech Support line has been to check with the manufacturer, and have them send you the latest and greatest version of your particular driver. If you don't already know how to check the date on your driver, here is how you do it ... 1. Go into your SYSTEM.INI file. Under the heading of [boot] is a display.drv statement. What is after the equal sign is the file name of your driver. 2. Go to File Manager (or a DOS prompt) and do a search in the Windows \SYSTEM directory for your driver. 3. What displays is the date and time of the driver. Take this information down, and contact the manufacturer. A vast number of people have reported to us that after receiving the new driver, their problems have gone away (at least with PackRat). Plus, inconsistencies with other applications have been resolved too. ----------------------------------------------------------- 9/2/93 Things To Do List search catalog definitions: 1) SEARCHALL - shows you ALL items residing in the Tasks category. 2) Overdue to complete - shows you the items residing in the Tasks category that have an END date prior to the current date or current time. (for example ... the current date is 9/2/93 .... items with an end date of 9/1/93 or before will appear on the list.) 3) Tasks due to begin by Today - shows you the items residing in the Tasks category that have a START date equal, or prior to the current date. 4) Document tasks due to begin Today - shows you the items residing in the Tasks category, with a task type equal to Document, and that have a START date equal, or prior to the current date. ------------------------------------------------------------ 9/3/93 Creating Multiple Phone Books ... Both of the examples to follow will assume that you have the need for a PERSONAL and a BUSINESS phone book. Example #1: 1. Go to [Tools - Lists], and create a list that contains two entries, Personal and Business. 2. Go to the Forms Editor [Tools - Forms] 3. Add a new List field [rt. click on blank area of form - Add Controls]. From here click on Fields, then New. You can give any Name to the field you like, but MAKE SURE that you select LIST as your Field Type. Also, ensure that the List is set to the one you created in step #1. 4. Edit (or create a new Phone Book form) and place a Combo Box on that form that uses the field created in step #2. When you add a Phone Book item to your database, you will now be able to select either PERSONAL or BUSINESS for that particular item. 5. Go to [Tools - Action Bars], and add a list box to your Phone Book Action Bar. Make sure that the list is pointing to the same field as in your form. Now you will have a List Box on your Phone Book Action Bar that will allow you to view either BUSINESS or PERSONAL items. Example #2: With this method, you will be able to have two separate list viewers, and two separate forms. Bear in mind though, that you will also have to have two separate Action Bar's that point to their respective forms. For example, the (+) button on one will have to add to the Phone Book: Personal form, and on the other, point to Phone Book: Business. Things you need to do: 1. Create two separate Phone Book forms (Personal and Business). 2. Create two separate Action Bars 3. Create two List Viewers (both pointing to the Phone Book category, and one pointing to the Personal form, the other, to the Business form). The benefits for using this method are that one set of data is separate from the other, and you can use different sort and display options for different sets of data. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9/9/93 Application Icons ... Here is a quick and easy way to create Application Icons. 1. Start PackRat. 2. Start the Windows File Manager. 3. Size the File Manager so you can see about 2/3 of the PackRat screen behind it. At this point, you should have PackRat sitting behind a File Manager. You should be able to see about 2/3 of the PackRat screen, and the rest should be a 'reduced version' of the File Manager. 4. Click on a file name in the File Manager, and drag and drop it onto a blank spot on a PackRat folder. This will create an Application Icon for that particular file. This process also works for non-EXE files that have been associated in the File Manager. For example, when you drag and drop the Word file (PIL.DOT), an application icon is created. Double clicking on this icon will load Word for Windows then open PIL.DOT for you.