Message #4284 "ParaNet Abduction Echo" Date: 20-Apr-93 19:48 From: Keith Basterfield To: Sheldon Wernikoff Subj: IMPLANT2 (continuing Western Australian implant) Later on that day his son described having a nightmare related to the event reported by his father. At breakfast the son had a coughing fit, and coughed up a piece of metal about a centimeter long. This was analysed recently by Curtin University, and found to be a very unusual combination of nickel, silver, zinc, copper, cobalt and ytterbium. The initial analysis indicated an artifact from an unknown source, possibly alien. However, re-assessment has gauged it to be terrestrial, perhaps part of an electronic probe. The family, consisting of husband, wife, ex-defacto wife, a thirteen year old daughter and son and a third younger son, plus a lodger, have all had UFO sightings and seen apparitions within the house on a regular basis. Investigations are continuing." Like you, I have a zillion questions and have asked Brian for more details, and urged him to ensure the case is reported widely. More when I have it.