Message #1925 "ParaNet UFO Echo" Date: 07-Mar-93 12:17 From: Vince Johnson To: All Subj: Houston Mass Abduction Next Reply is Message #1929 The following file is courtesy of HUFON Report, the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network. For more information call (713) 850-1352. The Mass Abduction Event of December 8, 1992 by Dale Musser Note: In the following report, the term "alien(s)" is used generically to denote the abducting entities, and does not presuppose an extraterrestrial origin. In late summer of 1992, Derrel Sims, chief abductions investigator for HUFON (Houston UFO Network) implemented a plan to establish communications with alien abductors. This was to be accomplished by means of hypnotic suggestions implanted in the subconscious minds of several subjects with multiple abduction histories. The intent being, if any of these subjects were abducted again, the hypnotic suggestions would allow the individuals to gather data and/or establish more positive contact with the aliens. In November of 1992, subject DS92007PH was abducted. The subject maintained conscious memory for a fair amount of time into the abduction before the aliens were able to "zap" the subject (place the subject in a mental state where they no longer have conscious memories of the event). At the beginning of the abduction, the subject was able to communicate with the aliens, although they did not appear to be terribly inclined to communicate or reveal much information. As the aliens were completing their preparations for their examination, the subject felt herself losing mental control. The aliens began to reinforce their efforts to "zap" her. In one last effort to maintain consciousness and communication as long as possible she blurted out "We know what your doing... we know about..." (subject still under investigation). This statement seemed to evoke a reaction on the part of the aliens and appears to have predicated the events that follow. Starting December 8, 1992, just prior to the HUFON meeting "Alien Abductions: Working with Abductees," several of the subjects on the panel were reabducted. These abductions were not realized at the time, but over the next few days, many of the abductees began suffering PAS (Post Abduction Syndrome). At this time the abductees were not in communication with each other. Subject DS92002DM reported that he had experienced a dream or possible flashback of an earlier abduction When he began having PAS and other physical manifestations that accompanied his earlier abductions, it became obvious to him that an abduction had taken place. Subjects DM92003JA, DS92034LC & DS92017RP also reported dreams with possible abduction signs. In addition a number of the abductees reported having nose bleeds and/or sinus pains. On Thursday, December 10th, at the monthly HUFON meeting, a number of the abductees were questioned by the audience about their experiences. Although most of the abductees were very uncomfortable and felt that they "...shouldn't be talking about (their) abductions," the meeting went quite well. On Friday morning, December 11, many of the abductees (most of whom were on the panel the night before), awoke to find they had nose bleeds during the night. Almost all had sinus pains and within a day or two almost all had head colds and flu like symptoms. Subject DS92009LT awoke on the 11th with an irritation in one eye. While rubbing her eye, a small object (about the size of a mustard seed) came out of her eye. The subject called Derrel Sims and turned the object over to him. This object has been photographed and is currently undergoing analysis. The object appears to be made out of a flesh-colored plastic. It is somewhat egg-shaped (with the narrow end open) and is hollow inside. On the same day, subject DS92002DM awoke to discover he had a nose bleed (the first in over 20 years). He also called Derrel Sims to make immediate arrangements for a hypnosis session. On Sunday, December 20, 1992, DS92002DM was regressed hypnotically to his latest encounter with aliens. The event occurred the night of December 10, the night of the HUFON meeting. Some time after the subject went to sleep for the night, he was awakened by aliens in his bedroom who, in a very quick procedure, removed a nasal implant from the subject and immediately left (later under hypnosis a number of other abductees reported similar events). Mr. Sims then regressed the subject to the next earliest abduction (December 8). On December 8, subject DS92002DM awoke and observed a bright flash of light (there was no sound of thunder following). The subject rolled over and noticed a small gray alien "wearing a harness/utility belt." The subject was instructed to follow the alien outside, where a blue/white light was shining on a spot on the ground. The subject was instructed to stand in the light, and an instant later, found himself in a large circular room (about the size of a high school gymnasium). The subject was instructed to disrobe and led out of the room and through a series of corridors and passageways. Part of the time they walked but mostly they were transported by a means unknown by the subject (floated or on a conveyor). Eventually, they arrived at a small room where several other aliens were present. A quick physical examination was given and then a human- appearing individual entered the room (the subject in prior abductions had never encountered a human). The human asked several questions as to how/why the abductee knew he had been abducted before. The subject was also asked how abductees knew/found out about other abductees and why were they meeting together. A model of the human brain was shown to the subject and he was asked to indicate where the "subconscious mind was located." When the subject was unable to indicate a location, he received a mental image of another abductee (DS92007PH) in a state of suspended animation and had the impression she was being asked the same questions. The human then left the room and the subject was moved to another room. This room appeared to be some type of meeting or conference room. It also was round, but the lighting and the furnishings were quite different. A number of different alien life forms entered the room, the last being the one with human appearance. The small grey aliens left the room but two of the taller brown aliens stayed. (The description of the other life forms is being withheld pending further investigation).