SortAddr - An address book sort utility for OzCIS V2 Richard Linter [70624,414] July 1993 What and Why: I wrote this utility because I wanted a simpler way of sorting OzCIS V2 address book files into alpha order than the"import into an editor/search and replace character #179 with commas/etc/etc." method. It doesnt do anything fancy: it just sorts the address book entries into alpha order on the first field (the addressee's name). It seems useful to me, so I offer it free to other "Ozzers" (??!) who find it of use too. Parameters: If you stick to OzCIS default address book (ADDRBOOK.ADR) and keep it in the OzCis root directory you don't need any. But, if the ADDRBOOK.ADDR is in another directory (because maybe you have a different address books in each host's directories) a parameter giving the name AND PATH of the address book file MUST be passed. And, if the address book is called something else then obviously a parameter giving that name (and, if necessary, path) is required. How: You probably know this, but here goes... Easiest way is from the OzCIS externals menu, install it with "2nd Cmd processor?", and "Pause after execution?" checked. If you need parameters and its the same one everytime it can be put on the command line with the program name eg. "SORTADDR c:\ozcis2\host1" otherwise, for multiple address books, and therfore different parameters the "Prompt for params?" should also be checked. Paranoia Department: I have tested the program fully and it works OK on my system, but obviously I can't foresee every configuration on which it may be used so I cannot cannot guarantee its infallibility (well, would you?). Therefore, JIC, the old, unsorted, address book is backed-up by the utility to a file with the same filename (but with the extension .BAK) so that, if something unexpected happens during sorting or file-saving all your lovingly entered address data will be retrievable. Hope it proves useful, Richard Linter [70624,414], July 1993 With thanks to Steve Sneed for the excellent OzCIS and to TeamOz for their patience.