Q: How do I subscribe to the info-pascal (comp.lang.pascal) mailing list? A: This is not an actual Turbo Pascal question, but it is closely related because many of the questions discussed in this FAQ collection originate from the Usenet comp.lang.pascal newsgroup. If you do not have access to the Usenet news you can get the news postings emailed to you. To do this send an email message to info-pascal-request@arl.army.mil Use the following subject line info-pascal Put one of the following in the body of the message subscribe unsubscribe, help The person maintaining this system who kindly provided the information is Fred S. Brundick (fsbrn@arl.army.mil). Please be careful to send all messages regarding list maintenance to info-pascal-request@arl.army.mil. When you wish to make a posting by email to comp.lang.pascal send it to info-pascal@arl.army.mil. A2: The old info-pascal postings are stored at wsmr-simtel20.army.mil by month in the directory PD2: The file names are of the form yymm.1-TXT-Z (Apr 84 -- Aug 90) or yymm.#-TXT (Sep 90 -- last month) where yymm means Year and Month and # is the part number (see below). The archives for the current month are in PASCAL-ARCHIV.TXT Archives from April 1984 through Aug 1990 are stored in compressed form and must be ftp'd in TENEX mode. From Sept 1990 to the present each month is broken into multiple files (not compressed) and each part is numbered. For example, May 1991 is stored in the files 9105.1-TXT 9105.2-TXT 9105.3-TXT